Whereas, the parties are Companioned, having been lawfully
Joined in the eyes of the citizens of (City) Gor and
(Whereas, there were children born of this Companionship, and)
Whereas, the parties are experiencing difficulty and have ended
in separation on, and
Whereas, this instrument will be used to settle his/her
respective rights and obligations to and to effect a distribution of all their
jointly owned properties and interests of every kind and to resolve the matters
of child custody, child and spousal support, equitable distributions and
visitation, litagators fees, and costs.
Now, Therefore, for and in consideration of the mutual promises,
premises, and covenants from the Joining Contract, herein after contained, and
for other good and valuable considerations, (character's SN) requests to be
granted as follows, to-wit;
1. Real Property: (character's SN) requests that both parties
take what real property they came into the Companionship with and from this
time forth shall be the exclusive property and each waives any claim to
ownership of said property.
2. Personal Property: Both parties are to retain their personal
property in their possession as of (Date). It shall be the exclusive property
of that party and each waives any claim to ownership of property in the
possession of the other.
3. Jointly Owned Property: Distribution of property garnered
after the Companionship, will be divided equitably. In the event that mutual
agreement is not reached, said property will be sold or auctioned off, with the
proceeds being equally shared.
4. Child Custody: Legal custody of the children shall go to the
Free Man. The Free Woman (SN) shall have visitation with all children as
approved by the Free Man, only to be restricted if he feels harm could come to
the children by such visits. The children shall be raised in the Caste of their
father unless a change is approved by the High Council of the Free Man's Home
Stone and with the approval of their father. Companionship and companion price
shall be negotiated by the Free Man, though it is hoped the Free Woman will
have some input in that decision.
5. Attorney's Fees and Court Costs: Both the Parties are
responsible to take care of their own respected legal fees and court cost in
the preparation and review of this agreement in ensuing this dissolvement.
6. Freedom From Restraint And Interference: The parties shall
hereafter be free from the authority or control, direct or indirect of the
other, as fully for he or she is no longer known as Companions. The parties
will not molest or interfere with the other, nor shall either of them compel or
attempt to compel the other to cohabitate with him or her by any means
Whereas; on (Date) this decree shall take full effect as a
complete decree of dissolution, at that time all parties shall recognize that
the Joining between them will be voided in the eyes of the citizens of Gor, and
Whereas; at which times all above actions will have taken effect
and shall remain in effect as stated in the above terms.
Signed on this day (Free Man SN)
Signed on this day (Free Woman SN)
(Witness SN) (Date)
I certify that the document is the true copy of a record for the
eyes of Gor as is my right as a neutral party to both parties in said action by
the Laws of Gor.
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