Around the Council Table
--- Terek the Younger - High Initiate
-- Marekai
-- Jamie Al'Azraq - High Magistrate
--- Niall Carver - Head of Caste
-- (open)
-- Lady Nica Ragnivard Sjostrom - Jr. Head Builder (Williams Daughter)
--- Nikias Sjostrom - Head of Caste
Ubar & Administrator
--- (open)
--- William Carver
--- Jarius Bernard - Head of Caste
-- (open)
--- Pyrnir Ala'Bandit - Head of Caste "Commander"
-- Aetius Rufus Vita - Captian
-- Elysia Turia Ambrosius - Ambassador (red)
-- Joslyn Bernard - Physician
-- Malice Minos - Head Merchant
* Naill voted in as Head of Caste for the Scribes.
* Acknowledgment of the hard would the Initiates did prior to the Waiting Hand.
* Lady Dominio gave birth to twins (boy & girl).
* Building the Metal Worker's shop & a new project near the Olive Grave - Maybe more the winery here.
There have been some questions about buildings and land and who owns what and how. I am going to try and give a summary of this to help bring some clarity. Nikki Lordes owns all land and buildings on the Isle of Svago. By agreement all buildings are held in trust by the City of Svago for management and maintenance on her behalf. The City has delegated management of the Merchant Buildings to the Merchant Council. The City has delegated management of the High Caste Buildings to each High Caste. The City has delegated to Nikki Lordes management of the Residential buildings. The City had delegated to the Administrator management of all other buildings and land not mentioned prior. The City has delegated to the Administrator and any council he will take to authorize construction, demolition and remodeling of buildings in the City. “ I paused there and would say " This is how it has been.
Caste Reports
INITIATES - Terek the Younger
The Svago Temple celebrated the three major spring festivals : Waiting Hand, the Festival of En'Kara, and the Planting Feast. I would like to commend the good people of Svago for participating in all these events and demonstrating their devotion to Priest-Kings. We are blessed to have such a faithful City.
I would like to recognize that, as has been mentioned, we have had several births in the City, and also the recent Companioning of our illustrious Captain, Aetius and the noble Lady Ambassador Elysia, The Temple of course was there to ask the blessing of Priest-Kings on their union, and in addition on the opening of the new metal-working shop in the lower city. Please remember that the Initiates are happy to ask the favor of Priest-Kings on all events in the lives of the people of Svago, and to offer sacrifices on behalf of all beginning a new enterprise, or engaging in any significant activity in their lives, or who wish to give thanks for blessings given by the Holy Ones..
[13:40] Terek the Younger (kitten.serpente): The Initiate of Tharna has been absent on a journey for this last month, and has asked me to offer devotions for his own people during this time, which I have been glad to do. Tharna and Svago exchanged gifts to represent the friendship between our two cities: a pair of matching temple ringing bars composed of a mixture of Tharna silver and Svago gold. At the last devotion, our Ambassador, Lady Elysia, went with us to engage in some informal diplomacy with the Tatrix of Tharna, and we were guarded during our journey by both the Warrior Nephtides, and then the Warrior Aetis, who carried out their guarding of myself and the Ambassador perfectly. Thank you, Scarlet of Svago!
Finally, I would like to announce that the Svago Pilgrimage will take place on the next weekend. (( Saturday and Sunday, April 6 and 7 )) There will be a discussion of the Pilgrimage and the Sardar Fairs in the next issue of the _Post_. and a more complete outline of what is planned during the event. Anyone who is interesting in attending, or would like more information, please let me know.
SCRIBES - Niall Carver
"No new growth for the scribes at this time; we have had one attrition. Most importantly, of the apprentices placed in the test run of the new classes we have had our first promotion, Lady Aisha Na'Bandit, daughter of our own Commander and his Lady, Ashellia. Lady Aisha has received her own seal and is now able to aid the city on her own cognizance. Lastly, Lady Sara and I have begun some groundbreaking for the classes for the advocates."
MAGISTRATE - Jamie Al'Azraq
"Thank you,..No major changes with the Magistrates this go around. We have 1 Magistrate, and four Praetors, as well as one Court Clerk. One of our Praetors has been away for family business, but he has been in contact. No new cases have been opened, and no cases have been closed. No pending cases.
Myself and Reese are working on the Magistrate courses for the upcoming school program for the Scribes that we are hoping to present at the next High Council meeting. I am considering the idea of having mock trials as part of the curriculum, which the citizens would be allowed to attend and participate in. This should provide a good learning experience for prospective Magistrates, and a chance for regular citizens to get to see the legal process, as well as a bit of entertainment for everyone as well... That is all for the Magistrates at this time".
BUILDERS - Nikias Sjostrom
"There has been some structural damage on the walls which is adjacent to the butcher shop. Previously, the lower level infirmary. Lady Nica did an investigation as to the reason for its deterioration, for it was not long ago that we had built the lower level after the big quake... as you all are aware. I could find no reason for it. she had wondered if the damage could have been done by the Tharlarions, stomping about our city of late, and did an investigation, However, her investigation revealed it doesn't appear to be the cause. She received assurance from Captain Pokey. but she was not able to interview the Regent about it. Therefore, we have ordered the rebuild of it and it is now sound and back up. It is a wonder how Lady Patrice found herself knocking over a stone wall, but do not be alarmed, she is perfectly fine." nods.
/me continues, "Also, we built the columns for the companionship ceremony of Lady Elysia and Captain Aetius, which was yesterday. Two thralls did perish when a column fell, but no other damages were done, and the event went very well, indeed. " continues, "We have done routine inspections and maintenance, of course, around the city and the tunnels. All seems in good order."
We have a returning member of the builders. My daughter Nicole has returned from her travels. She has been studying interior designs of many gorean cities and has returned to bring her wealth of information back to Svago. In regards to our various projects we are well within budget, I nothing else to be reported at this time. Has anyone any questions for me?" looks around the table at each member.
PHYSICIANS - Jarius Bernard
I stand and I say 'Good afternoon Council and Citizens of Svago.'
There has been some changing tides in our great island. Some of come and other gone. Do not fret for the tides in Svago have always been the same and in the end we thrive as we have always done.
Our city grows even with the changing of the tides. Many of our mothers have given birth already. Today as mention before my companion has given birth to twins. Jace Jaris and Johanna Nikki were welcomed to the world this morning and both an addition to the ever growing physicians caste. Also, my congratulations to the Commander on the birth of his son. Another congratulation on the companionship of my niece Elysia yesterday with the warrior Aetius. And finally the soon to be companioned Lib and Sophia.' I continue.
'The lower infirmary did move quite a few hands ago and the new location has proven to be a success. Again, I thank the Administration and the builders for that. Slaves have been washing up on our shores and the bulk of them being handled by my lower infirmary chief. Thank you, Lib. With that said when sending your slaves if you are not present do remember to send permission slips or they will be not treated. Also, it would be much appreciated to send them at different times if you have more then one slave needing a slave exam,' I continue 'The team of forensic specialist was set up but we had a few of them that have moved on. We do still have two on the team which is more then enough. If the need arises, do see me or Jessilyn to get the investigation going.
Meetings and classes will set forth this hand those of you that might want to dabble in the caste of physicians do see me or Domino. Our city is healthy and there are no major health risk to report. I thank you for listening that is all from the physicians.'
WARRIORS - Pчяиιя Alα'Bαиdιт
stood up as it came time for the warriors to give their report. His eyes went around the council chamber before he let his eyes fall upon the Administrator. "First, the caste is growing stronger hand by hand. We continue to practice for worse case scenarios which in my honest opinion had us ready for the assault that happened upon our city. Intelligence reports came back to confirm that it was Port Kar that attempted to breech our Thassa Wall. The gate wasn't breeched and the raiders were expelled from our shores." he would pause and look down at the stack of parchments he had before him. "I've tasked a officer of our caste to run scouting missions on the city and gain information if this attack was sanctioned by the Council of Captains or was simply a raid." he would look up. "The council of captains didn't sanction this attack, and from our scouting reports if we were to retaliate against Port Kar we have the chance of causing a even greater attack upon our shores. While I am not against attacking our enemies, the facts to stand that they did not breech our gate and the damage is minimal. With our War Drills we have concluded a flaw within our defenses. If the gate should fall, it will be hard to repel invaders once in the lower city. There is three points of entry into the upper city.. The Beast Gate, The High Gate leading straight into the residential district of the High City which will leave the Residential area near the wilds open. The third is the lift, which during a moment of emergency our caste is to secure the Steel gates. I would suggest improving your defenses of the lower city."
"Military Ambassador Sparticus has wrote to me and stated that his travels will be keeping him away for the foreseeable future. He has asked to resign from his position, to allow someone else to fill the gap til his time can allow him to return back to Svago. The Captains of the caste will continue to fill the needs of the position til such time a worthy replacement can be named. With other structure changes happening in the last few hands, I have promoted Aetius Rufus Vita to the rank of Captain. Wick Honranham has stepped down to the rank of Lieutenant. We have accepted a few new recruits and young men seeking to join our caste to start training." he said calmly as he started to come to the conclusion of his notes. "Our caste will be having more frequent war games in the future to prepare for the coming season of summer. I will warn all citizens now, intelligence reports are showing a high threat factor coming this envar. We have threat to the North from Torvaldsland, and growing threats from the East & South from Port Kar, Treve. With Besnit at the throats of several Thassa Homestones, we are expecting war may spill into our trade lanes. Everyone needs to know the tunnels and the paths to take to get to the secure rooms within the depths of our city." he looked over the last bit of parchments and would nod. "This would conclude the report from the Warriors."
"It was one Captain that tested our strength.. if we retaliate at their homestone.. we chance the retaliations of the full strength of the council of Captains against us.. At this time we increase our defenses and continue to stand as shield instead a charging spear. I would like the builders to consider adding a second gate after the Thassa gate to help increase our coastal security once raiders land.. I would feel more confident that our defensive structures be in place before we go looking to show our might on foreign soil."
William Carver: I nodded to Pyrnir " I will review with you the improvements with our builders and see what can be done to see our brave Warriors have all that we can provide them for the defense of Svago. " I then looked to the Council " We will not strike back against Port Kar this time " I then turned my gaze to Pyrnir "Keep us informed Commander, thank you for your excellent report "
AMBASSADORS - Elysia Turia Ambrosius (Warrior)
Gave a nod, as she eased up, "As the blessed one mentioned in regard to Tharna earlier, the visit seemed to be a welcoming one.." She paused. "They are very much interested in now discussing diplomatic discussions with Svago, infact I have a meeting with one of their ambassadors tomarrow. It should be an interesting meeting- but one I personally welcome, and most certainly look forward to." She paused. "Also, before the meeting We ended up having an unannounced visit from the ambassador and head of caste for the merchants of Genesian." She turned slightly to regard malice for a moment, "They are looking for you.." She paused. "Things seem then to run expectantly well, it seems they are rather anxious for our attentions. So, I'm sure my mother and I, right along with Malice will be busy. And busy means good. That is all for me, thank you.." She sat down, short and sweet.
AMBASSADORS - Joslyn Bernard (Physicians): Greetings honored Council members and fellow citizens of Svago,
I am pleased to announce that we have entered into trade and diplomatic negotiations with Genesian Port. Two meetings between myself and their Ambassador have already taken place. The next step is to arrange a meeting between their head merchant and our Merchant head of caste to gain their input on the matter. To my knowledge that has not yet taken place, but I remain very hopeful that Sir Malice will soon arrange a time when he is available to attend to that matter.
Pending that I expect that I will be able to present an official diplomatic and trade agreement at the next council meeting.
It goes without saying that travel to Port Kar is discouraged as we have no diplomatic relationship with them. If a citizen is captured, which seems increasingly likely with recent hostilities, we have no way of retrieving you short of the actions of our brave warriors.
Now I'll take a brief moment to gloat, but I'd like to congratulate my dear daughter and co-ambassador Elysia and the now captain Aetius on their recent companionship. May many children soon follow.
MERCHANTS - Malice Minos
"The Merchant Caste would like to announce the following new additions to the caste:
RJ Rasmussen - Slaver for House of Thorn
Lady Lizzy Grey - The Scent of It - Perfumer
Lady Meilin - Assistant Inn Keeper
As was briefly mentioned... Trentan Hayford, Owner of Hayford Metal Working, completed construction of his new building and opened for business this past week. The Merchant Caste is proud for him and his success in this new business venture here in Svago. Stop by and visit him, he is usually there pounding on something.
Thorn of the Warrior Caste - Has taken ownership of the betting house and it is now called "Loaded Dice" The Merchant Caste hopes his gamble pays off."
"In regards to Genesian Port, It seems my initial letter sent was lost in transit, I have sent another letter to the Head Merchant as well to Garian the Ambassador of Genesian Port, to set up a meeting, if all goes as planned, I will visit Genesian Port in the next few days and finalize any details in the matter of trade and barter."
"Since the Administrator has already clarified the matter of building ownership, I will simply add, that with Svago forming alliances with other cities there is ample opportunity for ambitious merchants to invest and pursue coin. Also there have been some changes made on how Merchant Caste petitions and business registrations will be handled going forward. A notice will be sent to the Merchant Caste on these changes."
"That is all I have at this time." taking my seat.
Terek the Younger (kitten.serpente): "With all this mention of caste classes coming up, I would like to note that I will be beginning a thorough series of classes on my own Caste of Initiates, beginning tomorrow at 5 in the evening SL time at Gorean Campus if anyone would like to attend."
1st Citizen
Ashellia Thorne Ana'Bandit (ashellia) could hardly contain myself as it had been so long since I had been able to speak at meetings at all without getting physically removed or jailed. Rocking to toes and then to my heels, well I was almost like a child receiving a gift! "Administrator, Council Members, thank you so much for allowing me break my silence and speak after such a long respite from doing so. " felt a bit nervous as I looked around and saw the reactions and couldn't fathom why everyone would seem so on edge just because I wanted to speak "I would like to more specifically ask to the Head of Caste of Merchants--can we anticipate having meetings prior to this one like we used to? We are getting news after new has been made, and well I just wondered, you know... if we might start having merchant council meetings again where you might hear our needs, suggestions.. and... you know things like that." looked over to Pyrnir and then began to withdraw "Well that know all I wanted to...." felt for the seat behind me "I'll just sit down now." and did so.
Malice stood and turned his attention to Lady Ash... "All excellent suggestions Lady Ash, I have been working on a schedule to do just that. I will see that a caste meeting is scheduled by the weeks end." inclining his head before taking his seat.
This is my collection of information I have gathered during my time as a Magistrate/High Magistrate in Fina, Rarn, Village of Abydos, Telnus, Whitewater, Thentis, Rorus, and others. This is my collection of information, nothing more. --- For now I find myself in the Island of Svago. --- I am Kael's companion again and we begin a new stage in our lives.
Searching for something ... look at these:
Sunday, March 31, 2019
Saturday, March 16, 2019
Svago Scribe Meeting 2019-02-23
Members present:
Tyran Kamdry
Sara Inkpen
Drusus Carver
Nikki Lordes
William Carver
Shaden Markov
Draco Bloodmoon
Reese Eisenfaust
James Berkeley
Claire Berkeley
Lurius Vancius
Sylvanus Voss
Jillian Daniels
& Jade
[23:59] Jillian Daniels (Jillian Daniels): /me brought out a piece of parchment and a quill and stood poised to take notes
[00:00] Draco'no Bloodmoon (Dragon Cooperstone): /me looks to reese and meep's tilting his head. whatt did she mean by that? he eyed the ladie wearily. wondering just what the woman was up too. he feared she and nikki both with their dang lists.
[00:01] Lurius Vancius (macdesign2011 Resident): directs his gaze to william and to nikki and smiles to them
[00:02] TyranKamdry (TyranKamdry Resident): ~he cleared his throat then and looked around to each as he started to speak~ " Thank you all first for coming tonight before i get into the details of this meeting I would like take a moment and allow each of you to introduce yourself and offer years of experience if you will for the record and for the new faces we it will give them idea of who and where they might go for answers and aid .."
[00:04] TyranKamdry (TyranKamdry Resident): ~he looked to Sara ~ " We will start with Sara and go around to her left at the table first "
[00:05] Sara Inkpen (Sarai Inkpen): /me clears her throat and looks around "I am Sara Inkpen, companioned to Thrice Threefold. I have been scribing more years than a lady likes to tell, since it gives away my age. I can usually be found next door in the Svago Post building"
[00:06] Lurius Vancius (macdesign2011 Resident): plays with his fingers at the table looking at them while hears the conversation
[00:07] Drusus Rencius (leroo Baily): i am Drusus Carver companioned none times and looking for my first :P, i have been scribing for about 5 odd years now i am usually on the roof in the garden enjoying the fresh air
[00:07] TyranKamdry (TyranKamdry Resident): ~he nodded hearing Sara and looked then to Drusus ~
[00:10] TyranKamdry (TyranKamdry Resident): ~ once Drusus was done he looked to Nikki giving her a respectful nod of his head to her ~
[00:11] Nikki Lordes (AlwaysNikki Resident): Tal everyone,
[00:14] TyranKamdry (TyranKamdry Resident): " Thank you Lady Nikki and i do think we all are in agreement your work and aid is often under appreciated i feel honestly and am honored to serve in the same Caste now as you . William Sir you like to add anything here feel free to take as much time as you like or need
[00:15] William Carver (William Carver): Tal Caste Brothers and Sisters, I am William Carver, Nikki Lordes stand in companionship with me. I have been an active Scribe for 108 years. I own several business in the City, a clothing store, seamstress shop and the men's bath house. My door is always open to a Scribe of the City. Thank you Brother for having this meeting. "
[00:16] Lurius Vancius (macdesign2011 Resident): smiles hearing the word "bath house"
[00:19] TyranKamdry (TyranKamdry Resident): ~ he looked from William aafter a few Ihn making sure he did not want to add anything else before looking to Shaden ~ " Praetor Shaden .."
[00:20] Shaden Markov (Shade Rallier): /me looked to his friend and nodded.Shadne then stifled a feigned yawn as he looked aobut those gathered."I am Shaden Markov. the Current standing Praetor to the Lower Caste area of the city.I work, as best i can, hand in hand with the Magistrates for as long as information flows. I have been scribing for 90 years, if one is to count the start of my apprenticeship at 10. If any of you lot want to see the one they use ot refer to as the 'Shade of the Law'. then simply come aobut the praetor stand and speak with me, or speak with William, for he is the reason these old bones are again swinging the billing club of a praetor."
[00:21] Lurius Vancius (macdesign2011 Resident): nods in respect for shaden
[00:22] TyranKamdry (TyranKamdry Resident): " Thank you Shaden ..Draco ..."
[00:22] Draco'no Bloodmoon (Dragon Cooperstone): /me looked around and pulled the cookie he was still nibbling, and smiled. "i am draco'no bloodmoon, Aprentice scribe, as i am only a aprentice and yet to get my seals, i dont think i need say how long i have been a scribe for. I am of 19 winter's, so possibly the youngest here, so i ask your patiance with my niavity in meny matters. I can mostly be found mostly anywhere, as i wander when not studying. that or here in the scribe building."
[00:23] TyranKamdry (TyranKamdry Resident): ~he smiled and nodded to Draco and looked then to Reese ~ " Lady Reese "
[00:24] Reese Eisenfaust-Kismyaz (KeeperOfTheZoo Resident): /me clears her throat and nods, "Greetings to you all. I am Reese Eisenfaust. Currently serving as the court clerk and working on getting the school going. I have had many years of experience, starting my education in the caste as a small child and have performed many functions within castes, up to and including High Magistrate and Head of Caste. I am not yet companioned, though that is coming in the nearish future."
[00:26] Lurius Vancius (macdesign2011 Resident): smiles to reese
[00:27] TyranKamdry (TyranKamdry Resident): ~he smiled hearing Reese then nodded and looked to Jillian then ~ Lady Jillian .."
[00:27] Jillian Daniels (Jillian Daniels): me looks up from her notes as she hears her name and smiles "I am Jillian Daniels, I have been a Scribe in various cities and filled various positions over the years. Currently I am just trying to fill in the gaps where ever I am needed" she smiled, her eyes returning to her notes
[00:29] TyranKamdry (TyranKamdry Resident): ~he noded and smiled to Jilllian then and looked to Lurius ~ " Thank you Lady Jillian Lurius sir"
[00:30] Lurius Vancius (macdesign2011 Resident): " Greetings, again, brothers and sister, my name is Lurius Vancius Danca, from the Dancas of Sulport.... next year i will make 300 years, being 250 dedicated to the law... i was born and raised inside the scarlet, and for that reason their codes are deep inside my bones... i am a passionate studious of the law, ancient languages and history, my curriculum vitae is : ( cont)
[2019/02/23 16:30] Lurius Vancius (macdesign2011 Resident): Sulport - hoc, magistrate, high magistrate, teacher and scholar,
Ti - magistrate,
Cartius - praetor,
Olni -counselour of the hoc,
Lara - magistrate,
Argrhi - advocate,
Rovere - magistrate,
Victoria - hoc, high magistrate, magistrate,
Saleria - high magistrate and hoc,
Hesius - magistrate,
Genieva - advocate,
Tanagra - high magistrate,
Ar - praetor,
Turia - advocate and councelour of the hoc,
Svago, magistrate and semi retired, smiles"
[00:31] Lurius Vancius (macdesign2011 Resident): thank you
[00:31] Jillian Daniels (Jillian Daniels) 's quill flies across the page to get all that down and takes a deep breath when done
[00:32] Draco'no Bloodmoon (Dragon Cooperstone): /me almost chokes on his cookie from the list.
[00:32] Lurius Vancius (macdesign2011 Resident): smiles to jillian knowing her skills
[00:35] TyranKamdry (TyranKamdry Resident): " Thank you Lurius and that is a vast and lengthy accounting ....One i can see being a great asset moving forward .. I am Tyran Kamdry ..Acting Head of Caste currently , I have over 50 years experience myself , Another hand and i will companion the Lady Elisabeth Grey ...who will be taking up my Caste as well to honor traditions ... I am and try to always be approachable with any and all issues any of you may have or feel needs more attention to .."
[00:36] TyranKamdry (TyranKamdry Resident): ~ then looked to James ~ " If you will sir introduce yourself the rest of your borthers and sisters .."
[00:36] James Berkeley (Harry26548 Resident): /me leaned back against the railing and gave his short intro. "James Berkeley, companioned to this one" he said with a slight tilt of his head to Claire. "Was originally a Warrior at birth, decided it wasn't for me, changed caste a few times before landing in the Scribes. In my time in the scribes I've been a Magistrate, Genealogist and Treasurer. I have been a merchant head of caste previously but that's nothing to brag about. I aspire to magistrate in Svago but as with everything, gotta work for it"
[00:38] TyranKamdry (TyranKamdry Resident): ~he smiled then and looked to James's companion Claire ~ " Lady Claire"
[00:38] Claire Berkeley (Diamante Ember): /me clears her throat softly when it was her turn to speak "Greetings all, I am Claire Berkeley, born as Claire Redwood in Ar to the Caste of Scribes. Since I came of age, I have held various roles within the Caste in many different cities throughout the years. I am companioned to James Berkeley and as you know we have just arrived in the city of Svago. We currently reside at the inn while we await housing." she says calmly and quietly.
[00:42] TyranKamdry (TyranKamdry Resident): ~ he smiled then and looked from her to the rest of the Caste and cleared his throat and looked to Reese ..~ " Thank you Lady Claire .. Lady Reese ....I do like your outline and made copies of it to share with the others if you are ready to move forward with it i am sure William and Nikki would be quite interested to see the work so far you have put into getting the school program in a working manner ..?"
[00:42] Lurius Vancius (macdesign2011 Resident): looks to the newcomers and nods, with sympathy
[00:45] Reese Eisenfaust-Kismyaz (KeeperOfTheZoo Resident): /me smiles and nods to Kam, "I believe that both Lady Nikki and William have a copy of it already. I haven't made any changes to it as of late. Though there are some clarifications that need to be noted. With her prior experience of creating a school it has been a top priority to get her input on it."
[00:47] Nikki Lordes (AlwaysNikki Resident): "Reese and I have talked at length on this and look forward to working with her on this project, she did a good amount of work and with my experience in running large training programs I am confident we will have the best training program out there." she looks at Reese "we can dive in a little deeper now when our calendars allow and surely would like the help from any who share the passion of education"
[00:47] TyranKamdry (TyranKamdry Resident): ~he nodded then with a smile to her and looked to Nikki when she spoke ~
[00:48] Lurius Vancius (macdesign2011 Resident): smiles seeing the project is marching
[00:49] Reese Eisenfaust-Kismyaz (KeeperOfTheZoo Resident): Oh Yes! The more help the better! I should have mentioned that as well. My personal feeling on the education is that it is a caste-wide endeavor, not just one person.
[00:49] Lurius Vancius (macdesign2011 Resident): raises his hand
[00:50] TyranKamdry (TyranKamdry Resident): ~He looked to Lurius then ~ Yes sir Lurius ."
[00:51] Lurius Vancius (macdesign2011 Resident): " i saw the scroll with the plan when i talked to lady reese, and i was thinking maybe is a good idea include philosophy on the classes, i have some good material i can help... "
[00:54] Drusus Rencius (leroo Baily): i wouldnt mind being able to mark the basic scribe course or someting similaur i believe that could be fun
[00:54] TyranKamdry (TyranKamdry Resident): ~he nodded with an understanding smile to Lurius ~ " I think we should commit to putting the time and work into holding classes ourselves as it is on our shoulders alone to see the new scribes coming and even experienced scribes can always benefit from more knowledge .. Thank you Drusus your offer is accepted .. ~ then chuckled lightly ~
[00:55] Reese Eisenfaust-Kismyaz (KeeperOfTheZoo Resident): /me starts making notes on her scrolls, the rattle of parchment being heard.
[00:55] Draco'no Bloodmoon (Dragon Cooperstone): /me looks over the scroll befor him thoughtful and frowns. more classes he would need to take. he grumbled a bit making a few personal notes.
[00:56] Reese Eisenfaust-Kismyaz (KeeperOfTheZoo Resident): /me couldn't help but give Draco'no a grin, "I told you I hadn't forgotten about you."
[00:57] TyranKamdry (TyranKamdry Resident): ~he looked to the rest then but more so the Magistate and Praetor ~ " I think that could work well with a class set up to educate the low caste in the law itself as it was clear to me with my short time as Praetor few of them have any real knowledge of what is and what is not legal and acceptable here ..and they live here ../"
[00:57] Lurius Vancius (macdesign2011 Resident): notices reese writing and speaks to her in a soft tone " my office will be always open to you, lady"
[00:58] Drusus Rencius (leroo Baily): rubs his head softly as he frowns looking over the scroll infront of him "no chance of home study?"
[00:58] James Berkeley (Harry26548 Resident): /me read the scroll and was a little surprise that they made specific mention to new arriving AND apprentices. "Surely this would drive away experienced scribes if you made every new comer go through this."
[00:59] Drusus Rencius (leroo Baily): well for new comers perhaps we could do a home study type deal where we ask them some questions and then mark the answers and depending on what they say we will put them thru the school or appiont them a position
[01:00] TyranKamdry (TyranKamdry Resident): ~ he shook his head to James ~ " if it drives them away Sir then did we really ever need them here ?"
[01:00] James Berkeley (Harry26548 Resident): /me shrugged. "It's the assumption that every new person doesn't know what they are doing"
[01:01] Reese Eisenfaust-Kismyaz (KeeperOfTheZoo Resident): I believe that the intent is to get a "baseline" to all scribes understanding. A lot of this is to be tailored to how WE do things in Svago.
[01:01] Lurius Vancius (macdesign2011 Resident): i think the mean is " newcomers to the caste ?"
[01:01] Drusus Rencius (leroo Baily): perhaps we need an entrance test then
[01:01] Nikki Lordes (AlwaysNikki Resident): Shakes her head "the intention is not to put anyone through needless classes and hoops.. I think there is just more of an orientation so that we dont have people just doing thier own thing and causing confusion in doing so"
[01:01] TyranKamdry (TyranKamdry Resident): " With Svago laws and protocols they would not know ..I am sure .. "
[01:01] Drusus Rencius (leroo Baily): test there knowledge so we can see where there at and appoint them to the right place
[01:02] James Berkeley (Harry26548 Resident): /me nodded with to Nikki. "If it is simply, this is where the various things you need to do your job are, like I got from Jamie and Kam, I have no issue."
[01:02] Lurius Vancius (macdesign2011 Resident): stands quiet knowing very well he can be one to help on the tests
[01:02] TyranKamdry (TyranKamdry Resident): ~ he nodded i agreement to Nikki ..~ I can see that wokring better "
[01:03] William Carver (William Carver): " Brothers, Sisters this is a work in progress, I am sure the finial product will be something this Caste can shall and will be proud of, after all it will be authored by Scribes. " I would say
[01:04] Reese Eisenfaust-Kismyaz (KeeperOfTheZoo Resident): /me listens intently as the conversation went on. "As I said there are some clarifications that have not been put into the scroll. One of said clarifications was how the starting class would be handled, whether it would be independent study or a classroom, and who would be required to take said class."
[01:05] TyranKamdry (TyranKamdry Resident): ~ he nodded to James and hearing William smiled adding ~ " That is why i felt this meeting would be the perfect time to get everyones ideas and thoughts on it only it was not to say this is how things are going to be in the future as i am sure all here could pick every little piece of it apart and agree with a major points of it .."
[01:05] Claire Berkeley (Diamante Ember): /me raises an eye as she peruses the scroll.
[01:05] Reese Eisenfaust-Kismyaz (KeeperOfTheZoo Resident): /me grins
[01:08] TyranKamdry (TyranKamdry Resident): " And that is why i am planning to adjust the intake questions i currently ask to better get a feel or where i feel the new scribe would fit into the system here and where best to point them in the direction of getting them needed or required direction which ever the case may be .."
[01:10] TyranKamdry (TyranKamdry Resident): " As it will require all our collective input to hash this out completely and come up with a solid and fair program to handle the needs of the city and school together while not appearing to shun an experienced scribe ."
[01:12] James Berkeley (Harry26548 Resident): /me nodded. "I understand the case of Draco for example, he is new to this, from he said in his intro, and so this would be a good learning tool. But people like Claire who has been around for a long time doesn't necessarily need it. A few simple questions in an interview, not a structured lesson"
[01:12] Lurius Vancius (macdesign2011 Resident): " my person collection is on the library i made in my mothers born place, Meqara, anyone is my guest to go there and study, we are not far in tarn travel" would add
[01:12] Reese Eisenfaust-Kismyaz (KeeperOfTheZoo Resident): I hope it is clear, that in no way was I looking to shun the experienced scribes. But we all come from different backgrounds and different.... *cringes as she says it* qualties of education. I say that hesitantly as I don't want to seem like an elitist, but I am sure we have all seen those that have been scribes that... one wonders where they bought their certificates.
[01:15] Draco'no Bloodmoon (Dragon Cooperstone): /me fidgets a bit as his name was brought up again and grabs another cookie nibling it. he realy didnt have anything useful to add to the conversation as of yet.
[01:15] Nikki Lordes (AlwaysNikki Resident): Nikki nods "I think if we focus on how we do things here, be sure the Svago laws are understood and followed and we have some sort of communication standard and way to pass work between each other so our citizens are not faced with horrible delays, all will be good and much of these concerns can be covered without any formal classes. I would much rather see debates and such to discuss differences, like the one we have coming up for carnival and hopefully many of you will show up for that"
[01:15] Claire Berkeley (Diamante Ember): /me looks around and wonders if she is in the right building
[01:17] Lurius Vancius (macdesign2011 Resident): remembering, the law is a alive being and a live science, always in progress and changing, according to the society in given time and place
[01:19] Lurius Vancius (macdesign2011 Resident): "Mutatis mutandis"
[01:20] TyranKamdry (TyranKamdry Resident): ~ he paused then and looked around to each member of the Caste with a proud smile ~ " Which was another reason for calling this meeting. Lady Reese as i look around we have a lot of missing faces from this room, Some i have yet to see even once since my arrival here ... What i see here are the ones that are the true scribes, the ones willing to do their part to educate and learn and share as a single group better serve the people of Svago .."
[01:21] TyranKamdry (TyranKamdry Resident): " Anyone having anything they would like to voice or share with the rest of us ?"
[01:22] Claire Berkeley (Diamante Ember): /me raises her hand
[01:22] Draco'no Bloodmoon (Dragon Cooperstone): /me nibbles his cookie like a chipmunk. he had nothing to say.
[01:23] TyranKamdry (TyranKamdry Resident): ~he looked to Lady Claire then ~ ' Yes Lady Claure ?"
[01:23] TyranKamdry (TyranKamdry Resident): Claire*
[01:23] Sara Inkpen (Sarai Inkpen): /me looks around the table
[01:23] Reese Eisenfaust-Kismyaz (KeeperOfTheZoo Resident): /me gave a quick gesture to Kam, to let him know she had something to add as well.
[01:23] Lurius Vancius (macdesign2011 Resident): "im seeing few colleagues seeking the chair of the magistrate, but our office is small, i would like to propose a division of the duties, as well one or two more desks"
[01:24] TyranKamdry (TyranKamdry Resident): ~He nodded seeing Reese's look and smiled in acknowledging her request ~
[01:24] Claire Berkeley (Diamante Ember): /me clears her throat again "Not much to say except that after looking through the scroll, as a newcomer, all I can say is that I am not quite sure what I have done exactly to deserve to be punished like this" she says politely in a neutral demeanor
[01:26] Reese Eisenfaust-Kismyaz (KeeperOfTheZoo Resident): /me furrows her brow, "Lady, that scroll is not aimed at you."
[01:26] Nikki Lordes (AlwaysNikki Resident): Offers to Claire in a reassuring voice "Claire, as Reese said, there is much work to be done and I think clearly some clarifications on the scroll. If you would like to join us in refining the thoughts some, we would be glad to accept the help. Nobody plans on putting experienced scribes through any type of demeaning and wasteful hoops"
[01:26] Claire Berkeley (Diamante Ember): /me nods "I don't have to do it? Excellent" she says brightly
[01:27] Draco'no Bloodmoon (Dragon Cooperstone): /me looks to claire and though grumbling he says. "its more a reminder, of for people like me.. the aprentices's."
[01:27] Draco'no Bloodmoon (Dragon Cooperstone): or for*
[01:28] Lurius Vancius (macdesign2011 Resident): holds a grin, but knowing the good operator is in constant evolution, being tested daily, no matter the format of the test
[01:28] TyranKamdry (TyranKamdry Resident): ~he looked to Claire and smiled ~ " No one is being punished here as this was only to get a feel for the program we are working to get in place for City ...I don't recall telling either of you in the interview about any part of this current topic affecting you in anyway as it is still in the developmental stage and we as a group are going to formulate a solid procedure "
[01:31] TyranKamdry (TyranKamdry Resident): ~he looked then to Reese " Lady Reese "
[01:31] William Carver (William Carver): " As I said earlier, this is the rough draft, a starting point. As James is well aware, he and I have worked on many drafts who looked nothing like the final product in the past. I suspect this will be no different, it has gotten the conversation started, the idea's are flowing. Do not be afraid, make suggestions of change, you are among Scribes " I would speak slowly and clearly a practiced speaker
[01:32] James Berkeley (Harry26548 Resident): /me experiences Temos flashbacks
[01:33] TyranKamdry (TyranKamdry Resident): " And it has to have all our inputs to put forward a solid and very respectable program for all to be proud of being a part of seeing it grow "
[01:33] Reese Eisenfaust-Kismyaz (KeeperOfTheZoo Resident): At the time I was writing the majority of that, there was a bit of pressure to provide something for the apprentices to be doing intially. I was focused on that. Obviously, that didn't take into account the full dimension of the project, and yes, that did leave out experienced scribes. There is much work to be done on it, and I invite you to join us on the journey. Perhaps you would like to focus on creating a path for the experienced scribes to be treated fairly through the process? Like I said, this is a caste-wide endeavor, not meant for one person alone, as I will tell you that even just what you see there was quite time consuming.
[01:34] Reese Eisenfaust-Kismyaz (KeeperOfTheZoo Resident): As for what I wanted to add in regards to the meeting... Jamie intended to be here for the meeting, but I believe something came up that he was unavoidably detained. I do hope that it is not taken as a reflection on the dedication to the caste and his work.
[01:36] TyranKamdry (TyranKamdry Resident): ~he smiled hearing Reese and added ~ " Never Lady Reese I spoke with Jamie briefly as i did with Wimple as wel and both had very valid reasons for being excused form this one i know both wanted to be here and believe both are in spirit "
[01:37] Draco'no Bloodmoon (Dragon Cooperstone): /me raises a hand then wanting to ask something.
[01:37] Lurius Vancius (macdesign2011 Resident): looks to the sun always going down and clears his throat " i ask forgiveness, brothers and sisters, but the day is passing and i have some urgent issues to see, looks like some situation in the cells was supposed to be accomplished today and i need to check... brother kam, i look forward for a meeting exclusively to talk about the magistrates office, as we have some vital points to discuss.... anyone that can seek for advice, mostly the young ones, my office is open, to anyone wearing blue" smiles " i am sure you understand" stands and get ready to leave
[01:37] Sylvanus Voss (Sylvanus Voss): /me frowns, "pardon me as well, I need to get over there myself. I would not leave otherwise."
[01:38] TyranKamdry (TyranKamdry Resident): " Now my plan for hashing all this out is to come together as a group frequently in the coming hands and all share thoughts and their own ideas on how we can alter this current rough draft to work toward getting the final program in place ."
[01:39] Lurius Vancius (macdesign2011 Resident): pats kaum shoulder and nods respectfully to william taking hs way out
[01:39] TyranKamdry (TyranKamdry Resident): ~he nodded to Lurius ~ " Of course Lurius i will be coming to see you very soon in fact .."
[01:40] Lurius Vancius (macdesign2011 Resident): wish you well
[01:41] TyranKamdry (TyranKamdry Resident): ~ he looked after bidding Lurius farewell ~ I wish you well Lurius .... Does anyone wish to speak at this time ?"
[01:41] Sara Inkpen (Sarai Inkpen): be well Lurius
[01:42] Claire Berkeley (Diamante Ember): safe paths good sir
[01:43] Drusus Rencius (leroo Baily): gets to his feet and motions in the direction sylvanus went "i should go osberve that "well wishes everyone"
[01:43] Jillian Daniels (Jillian Daniels): /me nods, her eyes not leaving the parchment
[01:43] TyranKamdry (TyranKamdry Resident): ~he waited a few Ihn and not hearing anyone speak up '~ " I do appreciate all your attention and stepping up to come hear out the current plans for the Caste as a whole and look forward to working closely with each of you on this project "
[01:44] Draco'no Bloodmoon (Dragon Cooperstone): "seeing i was here, does that make me a full scribe now?' he asked hioping to skip the lessons and test.
[01:44] TyranKamdry (TyranKamdry Resident): ~he just grinned to Draco ~ " Nice try but no go bro
[01:44] Draco'no Bloodmoon (Dragon Cooperstone): /me mumbles. "danm it.." he grumbles.
[01:44] Reese Eisenfaust-Kismyaz (KeeperOfTheZoo Resident): /me smirks and stands. "Thank you Kam for the meeting."
[01:45] Sara Inkpen (Sarai Inkpen): /me nice meeting, Kam, welcome James and Claire
[01:45] TyranKamdry (TyranKamdry Resident): ~ he smiled and looked to Reese then ~ " Thank you getting us a starting point that we can all work from for the next meeting .."
[01:45] Claire Berkeley (Diamante Ember): Thank you Lady Sara
[01:45] Nikki Lordes (AlwaysNikki Resident): Nikki stands and inclines her head to Kam "thank you for the meeting, it is always good to get the caste together" she snaps her fingers to jade hoping the girl was not asleep with her eyes open "I wish you all well" and waits for William
[01:45] Jillian Daniels (Jillian Daniels): /me add Meeting Adjourned at 5:45 and signed her name with a flourish
Jillian Daniels
Tyran Kamdry
Sara Inkpen
Drusus Carver
Nikki Lordes
William Carver
Shaden Markov
Draco Bloodmoon
Reese Eisenfaust
James Berkeley
Claire Berkeley
Lurius Vancius
Sylvanus Voss
Jillian Daniels
& Jade
[23:59] Jillian Daniels (Jillian Daniels): /me brought out a piece of parchment and a quill and stood poised to take notes
[00:00] Draco'no Bloodmoon (Dragon Cooperstone): /me looks to reese and meep's tilting his head. whatt did she mean by that? he eyed the ladie wearily. wondering just what the woman was up too. he feared she and nikki both with their dang lists.
[00:01] Lurius Vancius (macdesign2011 Resident): directs his gaze to william and to nikki and smiles to them
[00:02] TyranKamdry (TyranKamdry Resident): ~he cleared his throat then and looked around to each as he started to speak~ " Thank you all first for coming tonight before i get into the details of this meeting I would like take a moment and allow each of you to introduce yourself and offer years of experience if you will for the record and for the new faces we it will give them idea of who and where they might go for answers and aid .."
[00:04] TyranKamdry (TyranKamdry Resident): ~he looked to Sara ~ " We will start with Sara and go around to her left at the table first "
[00:05] Sara Inkpen (Sarai Inkpen): /me clears her throat and looks around "I am Sara Inkpen, companioned to Thrice Threefold. I have been scribing more years than a lady likes to tell, since it gives away my age. I can usually be found next door in the Svago Post building"
[00:06] Lurius Vancius (macdesign2011 Resident): plays with his fingers at the table looking at them while hears the conversation
[00:07] Drusus Rencius (leroo Baily): i am Drusus Carver companioned none times and looking for my first :P, i have been scribing for about 5 odd years now i am usually on the roof in the garden enjoying the fresh air
[00:07] TyranKamdry (TyranKamdry Resident): ~he nodded hearing Sara and looked then to Drusus ~
[00:10] TyranKamdry (TyranKamdry Resident): ~ once Drusus was done he looked to Nikki giving her a respectful nod of his head to her ~
[00:11] Nikki Lordes (AlwaysNikki Resident): Tal everyone,
[00:14] TyranKamdry (TyranKamdry Resident): " Thank you Lady Nikki and i do think we all are in agreement your work and aid is often under appreciated i feel honestly and am honored to serve in the same Caste now as you . William Sir you like to add anything here feel free to take as much time as you like or need
[00:15] William Carver (William Carver): Tal Caste Brothers and Sisters, I am William Carver, Nikki Lordes stand in companionship with me. I have been an active Scribe for 108 years. I own several business in the City, a clothing store, seamstress shop and the men's bath house. My door is always open to a Scribe of the City. Thank you Brother for having this meeting. "
[00:16] Lurius Vancius (macdesign2011 Resident): smiles hearing the word "bath house"
[00:19] TyranKamdry (TyranKamdry Resident): ~ he looked from William aafter a few Ihn making sure he did not want to add anything else before looking to Shaden ~ " Praetor Shaden .."
[00:20] Shaden Markov (Shade Rallier): /me looked to his friend and nodded.Shadne then stifled a feigned yawn as he looked aobut those gathered."I am Shaden Markov. the Current standing Praetor to the Lower Caste area of the city.I work, as best i can, hand in hand with the Magistrates for as long as information flows. I have been scribing for 90 years, if one is to count the start of my apprenticeship at 10. If any of you lot want to see the one they use ot refer to as the 'Shade of the Law'. then simply come aobut the praetor stand and speak with me, or speak with William, for he is the reason these old bones are again swinging the billing club of a praetor."
[00:21] Lurius Vancius (macdesign2011 Resident): nods in respect for shaden
[00:22] TyranKamdry (TyranKamdry Resident): " Thank you Shaden ..Draco ..."
[00:22] Draco'no Bloodmoon (Dragon Cooperstone): /me looked around and pulled the cookie he was still nibbling, and smiled. "i am draco'no bloodmoon, Aprentice scribe, as i am only a aprentice and yet to get my seals, i dont think i need say how long i have been a scribe for. I am of 19 winter's, so possibly the youngest here, so i ask your patiance with my niavity in meny matters. I can mostly be found mostly anywhere, as i wander when not studying. that or here in the scribe building."
[00:23] TyranKamdry (TyranKamdry Resident): ~he smiled and nodded to Draco and looked then to Reese ~ " Lady Reese "
[00:24] Reese Eisenfaust-Kismyaz (KeeperOfTheZoo Resident): /me clears her throat and nods, "Greetings to you all. I am Reese Eisenfaust. Currently serving as the court clerk and working on getting the school going. I have had many years of experience, starting my education in the caste as a small child and have performed many functions within castes, up to and including High Magistrate and Head of Caste. I am not yet companioned, though that is coming in the nearish future."
[00:26] Lurius Vancius (macdesign2011 Resident): smiles to reese
[00:27] TyranKamdry (TyranKamdry Resident): ~he smiled hearing Reese then nodded and looked to Jillian then ~ Lady Jillian .."
[00:27] Jillian Daniels (Jillian Daniels): me looks up from her notes as she hears her name and smiles "I am Jillian Daniels, I have been a Scribe in various cities and filled various positions over the years. Currently I am just trying to fill in the gaps where ever I am needed" she smiled, her eyes returning to her notes
[00:29] TyranKamdry (TyranKamdry Resident): ~he noded and smiled to Jilllian then and looked to Lurius ~ " Thank you Lady Jillian Lurius sir"
[00:30] Lurius Vancius (macdesign2011 Resident): " Greetings, again, brothers and sister, my name is Lurius Vancius Danca, from the Dancas of Sulport.... next year i will make 300 years, being 250 dedicated to the law... i was born and raised inside the scarlet, and for that reason their codes are deep inside my bones... i am a passionate studious of the law, ancient languages and history, my curriculum vitae is : ( cont)
[2019/02/23 16:30] Lurius Vancius (macdesign2011 Resident): Sulport - hoc, magistrate, high magistrate, teacher and scholar,
Ti - magistrate,
Cartius - praetor,
Olni -counselour of the hoc,
Lara - magistrate,
Argrhi - advocate,
Rovere - magistrate,
Victoria - hoc, high magistrate, magistrate,
Saleria - high magistrate and hoc,
Hesius - magistrate,
Genieva - advocate,
Tanagra - high magistrate,
Ar - praetor,
Turia - advocate and councelour of the hoc,
Svago, magistrate and semi retired, smiles"
[00:31] Lurius Vancius (macdesign2011 Resident): thank you
[00:31] Jillian Daniels (Jillian Daniels) 's quill flies across the page to get all that down and takes a deep breath when done
[00:32] Draco'no Bloodmoon (Dragon Cooperstone): /me almost chokes on his cookie from the list.
[00:32] Lurius Vancius (macdesign2011 Resident): smiles to jillian knowing her skills
[00:35] TyranKamdry (TyranKamdry Resident): " Thank you Lurius and that is a vast and lengthy accounting ....One i can see being a great asset moving forward .. I am Tyran Kamdry ..Acting Head of Caste currently , I have over 50 years experience myself , Another hand and i will companion the Lady Elisabeth Grey ...who will be taking up my Caste as well to honor traditions ... I am and try to always be approachable with any and all issues any of you may have or feel needs more attention to .."
[00:36] TyranKamdry (TyranKamdry Resident): ~ then looked to James ~ " If you will sir introduce yourself the rest of your borthers and sisters .."
[00:36] James Berkeley (Harry26548 Resident): /me leaned back against the railing and gave his short intro. "James Berkeley, companioned to this one" he said with a slight tilt of his head to Claire. "Was originally a Warrior at birth, decided it wasn't for me, changed caste a few times before landing in the Scribes. In my time in the scribes I've been a Magistrate, Genealogist and Treasurer. I have been a merchant head of caste previously but that's nothing to brag about. I aspire to magistrate in Svago but as with everything, gotta work for it"
[00:38] TyranKamdry (TyranKamdry Resident): ~he smiled then and looked to James's companion Claire ~ " Lady Claire"
[00:38] Claire Berkeley (Diamante Ember): /me clears her throat softly when it was her turn to speak "Greetings all, I am Claire Berkeley, born as Claire Redwood in Ar to the Caste of Scribes. Since I came of age, I have held various roles within the Caste in many different cities throughout the years. I am companioned to James Berkeley and as you know we have just arrived in the city of Svago. We currently reside at the inn while we await housing." she says calmly and quietly.
[00:42] TyranKamdry (TyranKamdry Resident): ~ he smiled then and looked from her to the rest of the Caste and cleared his throat and looked to Reese ..~ " Thank you Lady Claire .. Lady Reese ....I do like your outline and made copies of it to share with the others if you are ready to move forward with it i am sure William and Nikki would be quite interested to see the work so far you have put into getting the school program in a working manner ..?"
[00:42] Lurius Vancius (macdesign2011 Resident): looks to the newcomers and nods, with sympathy
[00:45] Reese Eisenfaust-Kismyaz (KeeperOfTheZoo Resident): /me smiles and nods to Kam, "I believe that both Lady Nikki and William have a copy of it already. I haven't made any changes to it as of late. Though there are some clarifications that need to be noted. With her prior experience of creating a school it has been a top priority to get her input on it."
[00:47] Nikki Lordes (AlwaysNikki Resident): "Reese and I have talked at length on this and look forward to working with her on this project, she did a good amount of work and with my experience in running large training programs I am confident we will have the best training program out there." she looks at Reese "we can dive in a little deeper now when our calendars allow and surely would like the help from any who share the passion of education"
[00:47] TyranKamdry (TyranKamdry Resident): ~he nodded then with a smile to her and looked to Nikki when she spoke ~
[00:48] Lurius Vancius (macdesign2011 Resident): smiles seeing the project is marching
[00:49] Reese Eisenfaust-Kismyaz (KeeperOfTheZoo Resident): Oh Yes! The more help the better! I should have mentioned that as well. My personal feeling on the education is that it is a caste-wide endeavor, not just one person.
[00:49] Lurius Vancius (macdesign2011 Resident): raises his hand
[00:50] TyranKamdry (TyranKamdry Resident): ~He looked to Lurius then ~ Yes sir Lurius ."
[00:51] Lurius Vancius (macdesign2011 Resident): " i saw the scroll with the plan when i talked to lady reese, and i was thinking maybe is a good idea include philosophy on the classes, i have some good material i can help... "
[00:54] Drusus Rencius (leroo Baily): i wouldnt mind being able to mark the basic scribe course or someting similaur i believe that could be fun
[00:54] TyranKamdry (TyranKamdry Resident): ~he nodded with an understanding smile to Lurius ~ " I think we should commit to putting the time and work into holding classes ourselves as it is on our shoulders alone to see the new scribes coming and even experienced scribes can always benefit from more knowledge .. Thank you Drusus your offer is accepted .. ~ then chuckled lightly ~
[00:55] Reese Eisenfaust-Kismyaz (KeeperOfTheZoo Resident): /me starts making notes on her scrolls, the rattle of parchment being heard.
[00:55] Draco'no Bloodmoon (Dragon Cooperstone): /me looks over the scroll befor him thoughtful and frowns. more classes he would need to take. he grumbled a bit making a few personal notes.
[00:56] Reese Eisenfaust-Kismyaz (KeeperOfTheZoo Resident): /me couldn't help but give Draco'no a grin, "I told you I hadn't forgotten about you."
[00:57] TyranKamdry (TyranKamdry Resident): ~he looked to the rest then but more so the Magistate and Praetor ~ " I think that could work well with a class set up to educate the low caste in the law itself as it was clear to me with my short time as Praetor few of them have any real knowledge of what is and what is not legal and acceptable here ..and they live here ../"
[00:57] Lurius Vancius (macdesign2011 Resident): notices reese writing and speaks to her in a soft tone " my office will be always open to you, lady"
[00:58] Drusus Rencius (leroo Baily): rubs his head softly as he frowns looking over the scroll infront of him "no chance of home study?"
[00:58] James Berkeley (Harry26548 Resident): /me read the scroll and was a little surprise that they made specific mention to new arriving AND apprentices. "Surely this would drive away experienced scribes if you made every new comer go through this."
[00:59] Drusus Rencius (leroo Baily): well for new comers perhaps we could do a home study type deal where we ask them some questions and then mark the answers and depending on what they say we will put them thru the school or appiont them a position
[01:00] TyranKamdry (TyranKamdry Resident): ~ he shook his head to James ~ " if it drives them away Sir then did we really ever need them here ?"
[01:00] James Berkeley (Harry26548 Resident): /me shrugged. "It's the assumption that every new person doesn't know what they are doing"
[01:01] Reese Eisenfaust-Kismyaz (KeeperOfTheZoo Resident): I believe that the intent is to get a "baseline" to all scribes understanding. A lot of this is to be tailored to how WE do things in Svago.
[01:01] Lurius Vancius (macdesign2011 Resident): i think the mean is " newcomers to the caste ?"
[01:01] Drusus Rencius (leroo Baily): perhaps we need an entrance test then
[01:01] Nikki Lordes (AlwaysNikki Resident): Shakes her head "the intention is not to put anyone through needless classes and hoops.. I think there is just more of an orientation so that we dont have people just doing thier own thing and causing confusion in doing so"
[01:01] TyranKamdry (TyranKamdry Resident): " With Svago laws and protocols they would not know ..I am sure .. "
[01:01] Drusus Rencius (leroo Baily): test there knowledge so we can see where there at and appoint them to the right place
[01:02] James Berkeley (Harry26548 Resident): /me nodded with to Nikki. "If it is simply, this is where the various things you need to do your job are, like I got from Jamie and Kam, I have no issue."
[01:02] Lurius Vancius (macdesign2011 Resident): stands quiet knowing very well he can be one to help on the tests
[01:02] TyranKamdry (TyranKamdry Resident): ~ he nodded i agreement to Nikki ..~ I can see that wokring better "
[01:03] William Carver (William Carver): " Brothers, Sisters this is a work in progress, I am sure the finial product will be something this Caste can shall and will be proud of, after all it will be authored by Scribes. " I would say
[01:04] Reese Eisenfaust-Kismyaz (KeeperOfTheZoo Resident): /me listens intently as the conversation went on. "As I said there are some clarifications that have not been put into the scroll. One of said clarifications was how the starting class would be handled, whether it would be independent study or a classroom, and who would be required to take said class."
[01:05] TyranKamdry (TyranKamdry Resident): ~ he nodded to James and hearing William smiled adding ~ " That is why i felt this meeting would be the perfect time to get everyones ideas and thoughts on it only it was not to say this is how things are going to be in the future as i am sure all here could pick every little piece of it apart and agree with a major points of it .."
[01:05] Claire Berkeley (Diamante Ember): /me raises an eye as she peruses the scroll.
[01:05] Reese Eisenfaust-Kismyaz (KeeperOfTheZoo Resident): /me grins
[01:08] TyranKamdry (TyranKamdry Resident): " And that is why i am planning to adjust the intake questions i currently ask to better get a feel or where i feel the new scribe would fit into the system here and where best to point them in the direction of getting them needed or required direction which ever the case may be .."
[01:10] TyranKamdry (TyranKamdry Resident): " As it will require all our collective input to hash this out completely and come up with a solid and fair program to handle the needs of the city and school together while not appearing to shun an experienced scribe ."
[01:12] James Berkeley (Harry26548 Resident): /me nodded. "I understand the case of Draco for example, he is new to this, from he said in his intro, and so this would be a good learning tool. But people like Claire who has been around for a long time doesn't necessarily need it. A few simple questions in an interview, not a structured lesson"
[01:12] Lurius Vancius (macdesign2011 Resident): " my person collection is on the library i made in my mothers born place, Meqara, anyone is my guest to go there and study, we are not far in tarn travel" would add
[01:12] Reese Eisenfaust-Kismyaz (KeeperOfTheZoo Resident): I hope it is clear, that in no way was I looking to shun the experienced scribes. But we all come from different backgrounds and different.... *cringes as she says it* qualties of education. I say that hesitantly as I don't want to seem like an elitist, but I am sure we have all seen those that have been scribes that... one wonders where they bought their certificates.
[01:15] Draco'no Bloodmoon (Dragon Cooperstone): /me fidgets a bit as his name was brought up again and grabs another cookie nibling it. he realy didnt have anything useful to add to the conversation as of yet.
[01:15] Nikki Lordes (AlwaysNikki Resident): Nikki nods "I think if we focus on how we do things here, be sure the Svago laws are understood and followed and we have some sort of communication standard and way to pass work between each other so our citizens are not faced with horrible delays, all will be good and much of these concerns can be covered without any formal classes. I would much rather see debates and such to discuss differences, like the one we have coming up for carnival and hopefully many of you will show up for that"
[01:15] Claire Berkeley (Diamante Ember): /me looks around and wonders if she is in the right building
[01:17] Lurius Vancius (macdesign2011 Resident): remembering, the law is a alive being and a live science, always in progress and changing, according to the society in given time and place
[01:19] Lurius Vancius (macdesign2011 Resident): "Mutatis mutandis"
[01:20] TyranKamdry (TyranKamdry Resident): ~ he paused then and looked around to each member of the Caste with a proud smile ~ " Which was another reason for calling this meeting. Lady Reese as i look around we have a lot of missing faces from this room, Some i have yet to see even once since my arrival here ... What i see here are the ones that are the true scribes, the ones willing to do their part to educate and learn and share as a single group better serve the people of Svago .."
[01:21] TyranKamdry (TyranKamdry Resident): " Anyone having anything they would like to voice or share with the rest of us ?"
[01:22] Claire Berkeley (Diamante Ember): /me raises her hand
[01:22] Draco'no Bloodmoon (Dragon Cooperstone): /me nibbles his cookie like a chipmunk. he had nothing to say.
[01:23] TyranKamdry (TyranKamdry Resident): ~he looked to Lady Claire then ~ ' Yes Lady Claure ?"
[01:23] TyranKamdry (TyranKamdry Resident): Claire*
[01:23] Sara Inkpen (Sarai Inkpen): /me looks around the table
[01:23] Reese Eisenfaust-Kismyaz (KeeperOfTheZoo Resident): /me gave a quick gesture to Kam, to let him know she had something to add as well.
[01:23] Lurius Vancius (macdesign2011 Resident): "im seeing few colleagues seeking the chair of the magistrate, but our office is small, i would like to propose a division of the duties, as well one or two more desks"
[01:24] TyranKamdry (TyranKamdry Resident): ~He nodded seeing Reese's look and smiled in acknowledging her request ~
[01:24] Claire Berkeley (Diamante Ember): /me clears her throat again "Not much to say except that after looking through the scroll, as a newcomer, all I can say is that I am not quite sure what I have done exactly to deserve to be punished like this" she says politely in a neutral demeanor
[01:26] Reese Eisenfaust-Kismyaz (KeeperOfTheZoo Resident): /me furrows her brow, "Lady, that scroll is not aimed at you."
[01:26] Nikki Lordes (AlwaysNikki Resident): Offers to Claire in a reassuring voice "Claire, as Reese said, there is much work to be done and I think clearly some clarifications on the scroll. If you would like to join us in refining the thoughts some, we would be glad to accept the help. Nobody plans on putting experienced scribes through any type of demeaning and wasteful hoops"
[01:26] Claire Berkeley (Diamante Ember): /me nods "I don't have to do it? Excellent" she says brightly
[01:27] Draco'no Bloodmoon (Dragon Cooperstone): /me looks to claire and though grumbling he says. "its more a reminder, of for people like me.. the aprentices's."
[01:27] Draco'no Bloodmoon (Dragon Cooperstone): or for*
[01:28] Lurius Vancius (macdesign2011 Resident): holds a grin, but knowing the good operator is in constant evolution, being tested daily, no matter the format of the test
[01:28] TyranKamdry (TyranKamdry Resident): ~he looked to Claire and smiled ~ " No one is being punished here as this was only to get a feel for the program we are working to get in place for City ...I don't recall telling either of you in the interview about any part of this current topic affecting you in anyway as it is still in the developmental stage and we as a group are going to formulate a solid procedure "
[01:31] TyranKamdry (TyranKamdry Resident): ~he looked then to Reese " Lady Reese "
[01:31] William Carver (William Carver): " As I said earlier, this is the rough draft, a starting point. As James is well aware, he and I have worked on many drafts who looked nothing like the final product in the past. I suspect this will be no different, it has gotten the conversation started, the idea's are flowing. Do not be afraid, make suggestions of change, you are among Scribes " I would speak slowly and clearly a practiced speaker
[01:32] James Berkeley (Harry26548 Resident): /me experiences Temos flashbacks
[01:33] TyranKamdry (TyranKamdry Resident): " And it has to have all our inputs to put forward a solid and very respectable program for all to be proud of being a part of seeing it grow "
[01:33] Reese Eisenfaust-Kismyaz (KeeperOfTheZoo Resident): At the time I was writing the majority of that, there was a bit of pressure to provide something for the apprentices to be doing intially. I was focused on that. Obviously, that didn't take into account the full dimension of the project, and yes, that did leave out experienced scribes. There is much work to be done on it, and I invite you to join us on the journey. Perhaps you would like to focus on creating a path for the experienced scribes to be treated fairly through the process? Like I said, this is a caste-wide endeavor, not meant for one person alone, as I will tell you that even just what you see there was quite time consuming.
[01:34] Reese Eisenfaust-Kismyaz (KeeperOfTheZoo Resident): As for what I wanted to add in regards to the meeting... Jamie intended to be here for the meeting, but I believe something came up that he was unavoidably detained. I do hope that it is not taken as a reflection on the dedication to the caste and his work.
[01:36] TyranKamdry (TyranKamdry Resident): ~he smiled hearing Reese and added ~ " Never Lady Reese I spoke with Jamie briefly as i did with Wimple as wel and both had very valid reasons for being excused form this one i know both wanted to be here and believe both are in spirit "
[01:37] Draco'no Bloodmoon (Dragon Cooperstone): /me raises a hand then wanting to ask something.
[01:37] Lurius Vancius (macdesign2011 Resident): looks to the sun always going down and clears his throat " i ask forgiveness, brothers and sisters, but the day is passing and i have some urgent issues to see, looks like some situation in the cells was supposed to be accomplished today and i need to check... brother kam, i look forward for a meeting exclusively to talk about the magistrates office, as we have some vital points to discuss.... anyone that can seek for advice, mostly the young ones, my office is open, to anyone wearing blue" smiles " i am sure you understand" stands and get ready to leave
[01:37] Sylvanus Voss (Sylvanus Voss): /me frowns, "pardon me as well, I need to get over there myself. I would not leave otherwise."
[01:38] TyranKamdry (TyranKamdry Resident): " Now my plan for hashing all this out is to come together as a group frequently in the coming hands and all share thoughts and their own ideas on how we can alter this current rough draft to work toward getting the final program in place ."
[01:39] Lurius Vancius (macdesign2011 Resident): pats kaum shoulder and nods respectfully to william taking hs way out
[01:39] TyranKamdry (TyranKamdry Resident): ~he nodded to Lurius ~ " Of course Lurius i will be coming to see you very soon in fact .."
[01:40] Lurius Vancius (macdesign2011 Resident): wish you well
[01:41] TyranKamdry (TyranKamdry Resident): ~ he looked after bidding Lurius farewell ~ I wish you well Lurius .... Does anyone wish to speak at this time ?"
[01:41] Sara Inkpen (Sarai Inkpen): be well Lurius
[01:42] Claire Berkeley (Diamante Ember): safe paths good sir
[01:43] Drusus Rencius (leroo Baily): gets to his feet and motions in the direction sylvanus went "i should go osberve that "well wishes everyone"
[01:43] Jillian Daniels (Jillian Daniels): /me nods, her eyes not leaving the parchment
[01:43] TyranKamdry (TyranKamdry Resident): ~he waited a few Ihn and not hearing anyone speak up '~ " I do appreciate all your attention and stepping up to come hear out the current plans for the Caste as a whole and look forward to working closely with each of you on this project "
[01:44] Draco'no Bloodmoon (Dragon Cooperstone): "seeing i was here, does that make me a full scribe now?' he asked hioping to skip the lessons and test.
[01:44] TyranKamdry (TyranKamdry Resident): ~he just grinned to Draco ~ " Nice try but no go bro
[01:44] Draco'no Bloodmoon (Dragon Cooperstone): /me mumbles. "danm it.." he grumbles.
[01:44] Reese Eisenfaust-Kismyaz (KeeperOfTheZoo Resident): /me smirks and stands. "Thank you Kam for the meeting."
[01:45] Sara Inkpen (Sarai Inkpen): /me nice meeting, Kam, welcome James and Claire
[01:45] TyranKamdry (TyranKamdry Resident): ~ he smiled and looked to Reese then ~ " Thank you getting us a starting point that we can all work from for the next meeting .."
[01:45] Claire Berkeley (Diamante Ember): Thank you Lady Sara
[01:45] Nikki Lordes (AlwaysNikki Resident): Nikki stands and inclines her head to Kam "thank you for the meeting, it is always good to get the caste together" she snaps her fingers to jade hoping the girl was not asleep with her eyes open "I wish you all well" and waits for William
[01:45] Jillian Daniels (Jillian Daniels): /me add Meeting Adjourned at 5:45 and signed her name with a flourish
Jillian Daniels
Svago Scribes Meeting 2019-01-17
Scribes Meeting
3rd Day 1st Hand 11th Month 10,169 Contasta Ar
Present - Head of Caste - Audwn Guðfrøðr Reðlson
Lady Wimple Ethaniel
Lady Jillian Daniels
Lady Astrid Stenqvist (River)
Salis Reis
Sylvanus Voss
Lurius Vancius
Lady Rage
Lady Sierra Shiras Desmari
Lady Reese Eisenfaust-Kismayaz
Jamie Al'Azraq
Caprus Torm
Lady Dvari
Audwn Guðfrøðr Reðlson (adrian.ghennyn) faces the group and smiles. "Good afternoon everyone, it is nice to be here and be able to see all of you, we are surely not complete here but we have a good amount of members enough to give a fair opening to this meeting. I thank all of you for the presence and punctuality."
xxRAGExx: ~runs to the meeting room, skidding to a stop at the top of the stairs. Smooths my gown and tries to catch my breath. Strides into the room and finds a place to settle Smiling under my veil to those gathered.~ Tal All. ~Pulls out a scroll and pen and waits for the meeting to start~
Audwn Guðfrøðr Reðlson (Adrian Ghennyn) grins, then smiles in a more polite way before breath longer and start to speak. "In the last weeks we have found a good influx of citizens seeking to the opportunity to join us here. some of those are here today. Not every single scribe spoke to me yet, due many reasons, but between me and my assistants, everyone that are sitting here today were accepted to be part of this excellent caste. Again I welcome you all that are here that I had no formal chance to speak with."
Wimple Ethaniel: smiles then as she looked around the table
Lurius Vancius (macdesign2011 Resident): nods and smiles
Audwn Guðfrøðr Reðlson (Adrian Ghennyn) breath longer. "Well, with the new influx of scribes, in many different aspects of our caste, is never too much speak a bit of what is be a member of a caste." He then smiles. "Let's not forget that we are all members of the same caste here. A caste means that we are tight to each other in a social, political and in many cases familiar ways. I want to discuss with you some aspects of it now." his face shadows a bit. "Let's start with the ways to seek justice."
Audwn Guðfrøðr Reðlson (Adrian Ghennyn) 's eyes were upon his fellow members. "There is always ways to seek justice. But to put a fellow scribe in a trial, before seek the internal justice is not the way. we all know that the Magistrates and advocates are scribes, but in such situation they do not hold deference for the caste. The Magistrates holds respect for the council and there is no reason for any of you to jump the internal caste justice to go to a civil one. It only makes the caste look unstable, un united and this is not what we are seeking here." He grins tho he was serious "A fellow scribe caused you burden? well, i am here, so are my assistants, come talk to us." Then breathing easily he add: "Are my assistants the cause of the burden? Come to me." He smiles and faces the group. "It is me who is causing you burden? Well, then you are doomed." He laugh politely. "I am kidding, we here try to be as fair as possible. do not forget. first us, then if it could not be solved, go to seek a full civil justice."
Wimple Ethaniel looks over at her Head knowing she could never be burden...
Jillian Daniels nods as she listens to his words, making careful note of them.
Lurius Vancius (macdesign2011 Resident): takes a parchment and makes some notes
Salis Reis (SalihReis Resident) listens thoughtfully
Sylvanus Voss nods then listening while glancing occasionally around the table
River (Sygnet Despres) studied the head of caste carefully, marking each of his words before turning her gaze from him to the outside world framed by the doorway to the patio, a place beyond the tight confines of the walls and duties.
Audwn Guðfrøðr Reðlson (Adrian Ghennyn) smiles and nods. "Another thing that i want to talk with you all is about respect." He faces his assistant and then the fellow scribes around the table. his face was not showing any trace of emotion. "The caste has a balance, positions that were given to ensured the welfare of the caste. I thought that it was clear and learned but due some recent events I am forced to say it explicitly. The disrespect to the ones who hold authority here is a disrespect to the one who create it, and to the council who gave such power." sighs "The disrespect of the leading body is a disrespect to the caste in itself since the one who holds such power do not act as he or herself but act as the power who were trusted to hold. Disagreements are not disrespect, you can disagree but you cannot disrespect, unless you do not mind find yourself seeking membership in another caste."
Wimple Ethaniel nods then, recalling the horrors she had faced recently, thankfully in the past now...
Lurius Vancius (macdesign2011 Resident): raises his hand
xxRAGExx Resident: ~Raises my hand to show I wished to speak~
Audwn Guðfrøðr Reðlson (Adrian Ghennyn) breath longer. "Some words are never beautiful to be said, nor heard, but it is good that they are said so everyone knows. The ones who want to speak please can raise your hands as well." Facing the man he smiles. "Yes sir?"
Lurius Vancius (macdesign2011 Resident): thank you brother, i have some considerations about that you so clearly spoke, i want to know if i can say now or after you finish
Audwn Guðfrøðr Reðlson (Adrian Ghennyn) smiles. "Very well. Here we are not an army, we are scholars and we all have voice and thoughts. It is good to also know your thoughts and voices. Please, share your considerations."
Lurius Vancius (macdesign2011 Resident): smiles and nods " thank you, i really appreciate you effort in make the caste united and flowing the works in harmony, as you said, the blue caste is like a family... and, as my share of contribution i want to say i am open to help in anything i cant.... you mentioned two aspects, and i would like to make some comments about it...first, regarding of seek of the justice, i strongly believe that the castes in a free city ruled by the law and by the council are like a dance, this is a circle, not a ladder, and for that, the way the juridical power of the city, that is a arm of the blue caste, to help the others in the administration, must be out of any passion, political tendency or bonds, must be totally independent.... and, i have the strong position that once someone look for the justice, no matter who is in the both poles, this person will have it..., about your advice of seeking the caste before the justice, i support that, but with a warning.... if someone come to me, i will take as there is no other way to have that issue solved..... second... about the internal caste balance itself...
.....I had see that some of the caste fellow are upset with the way things are going in the caste, politically speaking, and i had myself had some of this power games pressure... so i will take advantage of this opportunity among the caste fellows to declare that i will not accept advocates that works in caste administraton roles, as well that possess any political power... this will show the citizens that we are a serious caste and the law is the same for everyone.... once more i declare my full support on your efforts to make this caste better, thank you"
Wimple Ethaniel glanced over at Luruis and asks...."perhaps you can clarify, what tod you mean you will not accept advocates that work in Caste administration roles"?
Caprus Torm (PaulBryann Resident): runs into the meeting, as he had forgotten about it, then silently takes a spot listening
Lurius Vancius (macdesign2011 Resident): sure, i will accept only advocates that do not work in the caste administration"
Dvari (AnnarrAndvari Resident): "Oops...I forgot!...apologies...Greetings."
Wimple Ethaniel looks she looked over at the magistrate...."are you referring to the Lady Sara and Myself Lurius"?
Lurius Vancius (macdesign2011 Resident): " the law suit is a battle of ideas, not political power, the winner is the one who can find the best argument, the right interpretation of the law"
Sylvanus Voss lifts a brow with a thought or two in mind listening to the thoughts of the one seated to his left.. Listens to the question Wimple asks and the subsequent answer before looking to see what Audwn might say in response to it.
Jillian Daniels nods at the newcomers and turned her attention back to the meeting.
Lurius Vancius (macdesign2011 Resident): smiles, " no im not referring to anything in specific, as i said is said in general, for the sake of the whole caste the castes balance inside the city administration"
Lurius Vancius (macdesign2011 Resident): about your case, i had my sentence this morning, is in the desk of william, already
Wimple Ethaniel sniffs then...."perhaps we can talk about this after, l am little confused as to what you mean exactly..." turns then to her Head of Scribes, nodding an apology as she realises she interrupted
River (Sygnet Despres) raised a hand.
xxRAGExx Resident: ~still held her hand raised waiting to speak~
Audwn Guðfrøðr Reðlson (Adrian Ghennyn) faces the man and frowns a bit. "I see, this indeed comes to a further talk, tho I will not say anything against it right now." Then facing Rage he smiles. "Yes, Lady?"
Salis Reis (SalihReis Resident) raises my hand and waits my turn
xxRAGExx Resident: ~Rage sat there quietly. Listening to all that was said. Turns my gaze to Audwn, her voice was soft and even~ I don't know what events brought this about, however, if there are are continued issues with one of the Assistants should we not hold a vote for a new one? ~Looks to those gathered~ Should we not have a voice in who represents us?
Wimple Ethaniel looks over at Rage and asks..."why you think there are continuing issues regarding one of the Assistant Head of Caste, what are you basing this assumption on"?
Lurius Vancius (macdesign2011 Resident): continues taking notes
Dvari (AnnarrAndvari Resident): mutters that she hadn't been aware of any issues
Jillian Daniels jumped a bit and looked at Rage questioningly, not knowing where this had come from.
River (Sygnet Despres) listened attentively to Rage, settling gloved hands upon her lap and absently playing with the rings upon her fingers.
Salis Reis (SalihReis Resident) waits to speak
Audwn Guðfrøðr Reðlson (Adrian Ghennyn) smiles. "Well, this is good that you put this up. You named my assistants, well, they are in fact not the representation of the body of the scribes to me. They are my representation to the body of the scribes. Among their function, is the one to help you all in any issues you have inside the case when I am not available. I have two to make easy you all to find a fast help and explanation when the time comes. I am not saying that you cannot go against their idea I mean that, since they represent my help to you all, not only them but all the positions of importance, should be faced with respect. Do you not agree?"
Salis Reis (SalihReis Resident) nods and raises my hand
Jillian Daniels nods agreeably
Caprus Torm (PaulBryann Resident): simply watches as he entered late and has no idea what is being discussed
Salis Reis (SalihReis Resident) smiles
Salis Reis (SalihReis Resident): Looking around that table, I clear my throat "I think we sink Justice with the people who administer the law or code that was broken. If it is a caste code issue, Then the head of Caste, if a city law, then the administrative authority, if a civil matter, or merchant law, then the courts; as needed.
Dvari (AnnarrAndvari Resident): looks across the table at the lady Scribe, her eyes widened and fell upon the display of the lady's prominent breasts. .."Hmm..."
River (Sygnet Despres) rose to her feet and just left the room, without an apology, without another word.
Salis Reis (SalihReis Resident) smiles and realizes things are going on that are not understoodAudwn Guðfrøðr Reðlson (Adrian Ghennyn) faces Salis and nods. "Yes, I agree with you, I just said that, if there is a way to set our issues inside the caste, it is preferable."
Salis Reis (SalihReis Resident) nods at the Head Scribe
xxRAGExx Resident: I quite agree Audwn. I had thought you meant there were issues about one of your assistants. My apologies if this was incorrect. ~Looks to Audwn~
Audwn Guðfrøðr Reðlson (Adrian Ghennyn) smiles and shake his head. "No, there is no specific issue running on right now, but it is better to have things said. I like to think that here we have freedom to say things, and to think about things, have things clear on the table is better than talk between close doors. Unnecessary secrets kills the unity."
Wimple Ethaniel: smiles over, nodding in agreement
xxRAGExx Resident: ~Nods to him~ Thank you for the clarification.
Audwn Guðfrøðr Reðlson (Adrian Ghennyn) then smiles bigger. "Well, if there is no other comment, I would like to go to a more light and happy topic. shaw we?"
Dvari (AnnarrAndvari Resident): shrugs
Wimple Ethaniel: nods over...."we shall"
Jillian Daniels nods enthusiastically. She was all about light and happy topics.
Dvari (AnnarrAndvari Resident): "I hope it's not about the initiates." mumbles
Salis Reis (SalihReis Resident) looks over at the Lady "We should all pay attention to caste business, it is part of our duties"
Dvari (AnnarrAndvari Resident): "Hmm...unity...I have never seen you in my life, sir...or this lady on my left...hmmm." she said quietly
Lurius Vancius (macdesign2011 Resident): looks at the sun outside and stands " excuse me, colleagues, but i have important matters to deal, please Sir Audwn, tell a scribe send a copy of the meeting to my office, i wish you all well, smiles and takes his way to the court"
Audwn Guðfrøðr Reðlson (Adrian Ghennyn) breath slowly. "Though we treat everyone with respect, some positions and gender are always in a delicate situation when we face harsh deeds. Because of it, if you see the need of an action that you may come to think that is risky or may put you in a risk, I strongly suggest that you seek for advise prior to the action. Sometimes a third person may think in a calmer position and clear our mind. Tho this is a suggest to everyone, it is a tool specially thought to our women here.
I am officially naming our High Magistrate William Carver as the advisor of the Caste. This can happen to everyone but it is a tool specially thought to our women here."
Audwn Guðfrøðr Reðlson (Adrian Ghennyn) faces the Magistrate and nods with respect
Caprus Torm (PaulBryann Resident): makes his way to the end of the table and takes the spot that Lurius just left, taking a seat as he listens
Audwn Guðfrøðr Reðlson (Adrian Ghennyn) faces the ones sitting around the table with a more relaxed face. "I already spoke to him about it, his ears will not be closed by anyone that seek his advice for any case, not talking about legal matter, I am talking about general needs."
Wimple Ethaniel nods over..just saying "Yes Audwn"
Salis Reis (SalihReis Resident) looks up and with narrow eyes "I am a Free Man and a Scribe, and will seek my own counsel and face any outcomes of my actions"
Reese Eisenfaust-Kismyaz (KeeperOfTheZoo Resident) was listening, taking mental notes. Intentionally remaining quiet.
Wimple Ethaniel looks over at Salis and responds...."no one will dispute that Salis, but we are talking about matters to do with the Caste here, the Caste will remain united, you are here as a honoured guest sir perhaps you are not familiar with how we do things here, with respect...."
Dvari (AnnarrAndvari Resident): raises her hand to speak
Salis Reis (SalihReis Resident) smiles and nods "I appreciate your words Sir and will listen and watch"
Audwn Guðfrøðr Reðlson (Adrian Ghennyn) grins. "As you desire, sir." Then he smiles and faces lady Wimple. then lady Dvari. "Yes?"
Wimple Ethaniel: smiles...."l am going to change the subject slightly...."
Wimple Ethaniel: We are hoping to set up formalised training programme for new and young Scribes, something that can be done in house, l have a lot of ideas and suggestions, but what l am looking for is someone to take the lead, become the Svago teacher for the Scribes. So if any Scribe has an interest to teach, please could they make themselves known to me, and we can discuss a few ideas..
Dvari (AnnarrAndvari Resident): "I don't understand. is it mandatory to go to William Carver ?" shifts on her cushion "I mean...if i need 'general advice' can't i just go to whoever is closet?"
Audwn Guðfrøðr Reðlson (Adrian Ghennyn) faced Wimple and pointed for her to wait for a moment. "No Lady Dvari. You can seek advise to anyone you want, I am pointing William as official adviser because I trust him. But if you do not want to go to him, it is not mandatory. At all." Then he goes faces Wimple and nods. "Yes, I would like to hear your thoughts about this idea, wimple's idea."
Dvari (AnnarrAndvari Resident): raise hand
Audwn Guðfrøðr Reðlson (Adrian Ghennyn) nods. "Yes?"
Dvari (AnnarrAndvari Resident): "I just wanted to say to the Lady Wimple...erm...i don't want to be a teacher or do any more work than i do already. Thank you very much. Oh...i don't want to do homework either or if that is the case...hmm...
Wimple Ethaniel just looks in Dvari's direction and nods....
Audwn Guðfrøðr Reðlson (Adrian Ghennyn) faces Dvari emotionless. "Any valid comment
Caprus Torm (PaulBryann Resident): raises a hand
Wimple Ethaniel: gestures to Audwn she had something else to say too...
Dvari (AnnarrAndvari Resident): "My comment was valid....with all due respect."
Audwn Guðfrøðr Reðlson (Adrian Ghennyn) smiles facing the man . "Yes sir?"
Wimple Ethaniel: smiles over at Caprus as she waits for him to speak
Caprus Torm (PaulBryann Resident): "I just wanted to say that I agree with everything you have said so far, None of us is an island unto ourselves, and we should not be so stoic to believe that we are above council in all situations, I often find myself in a place where I need to seek council, as Lady Wimple will attest to, as I come to her often, sometimes so much that I feel that I am being a burden" laughs "But this is what we are here for, to support and help each other" thinking a moment "And if I may be so bold as to make a suggestion to Lady Wimples idea, I would nominate Lady Reese in this if she were interested that is, I have only known her a short time, but in that short time, I have found her to be a very knowledgeable woman, and I might add, strong enough to handle some of our more strong speaking Apprentices"
Wimple Ethaniel smiles as she heard the Advocate, looks over at the Lady Reece, but puts no pressure on her...
Salis Reis (SalihReis Resident) notices the shadows deepen as I stand "I enjoyed attending this meeting, I must tend to some matters......a client" ...nods my head in respect and goes
Reese Eisenfaust-Kismyaz (KeeperOfTheZoo Resident) looked up in surprise as she was suggested. She inclined her head, and spoke softly, "I am interested in being involved in such a program." She nodded to Caprus, "thank you for your confidence Sir."
Caprus Torm (PaulBryann Resident): would nod and smile to the lady
Dvari (AnnarrAndvari Resident): "I'm leaving...if i have no valid comments ...then point in me being here. I will read the transcript and your decisions...excuse me."
Caprus Torm (PaulBryann Resident): would watch as the herd thinned out
Jillian Daniels blinks and looks uncomfortable
Audwn Guðfrøðr Reðlson (Adrian Ghennyn) nods to the woman. "This program will be under the direct view of Lady Wimple. I am sure you both can cover more details about it."
Wimple Ethaniel: smiles over, and moves on again....
Wimple Ethaniel: Also we have the Carnival coming up, and it is the custom to put forward a discussion group, as an event, to show off the debating skills of the Scribes, if anyone Scribe is interested in joining in, please can they speak to me would love to hear from you.
Wimple Ethaniel: clears her throat then..."we all know, that Scribes do love to debate..."
Audwn Guðfrøðr Reðlson (Adrian Ghennyn) nods. "The ones who are interested in be part of it, please have a word with Lady Wimple and Lady Sara about it." He was clearly uncomfortable but he preferred to keep his line. "anyone would like to have words before we close this meeting?"
Jillian Daniels looked to Lady Wimple and smiles. She hoped some brave scribe would volunteer, she herself was terrified at public speaking. She shook her head at Audwn's question.
Caprus Torm (PaulBryann Resident): shakes his head "I have nothing more Sir"
Reese Eisenfaust-Kismyaz (KeeperOfTheZoo Resident)'s brow furrowed in thought. Shaking her head, "I haven't anything for the meeting specifically. Though, it would be a pleasure to meet with you."
Wimple Ethaniel looks over and nods....
Audwn Guðfrøðr Reðlson (Adrian Ghennyn) nods. Facing around he smiles. "Well, then I call this meeting over, Thank you everyone for the presence and thanks again for the brave ones who endure this up to end." Then he laugh freely. "I see you all around.
Svago High Council Meeting 03.15.19
[15:03] William Carver: " Tal Lady Domino " I would say to her and then looked around " We will have some matters to be voted on today, I will if need be Caste a vote for the Builders but I do not believe it will be needed as a simple majority will be needed "
[15:03] Dren Bernard looks at the meeting and ays " Tal admin, my apologies " and hands the staff to the warrior. "its an heirloom, please be careful with it " and sits down.
[15:04] Trentan Hayford (trentanhayford) looks in the opposite direction from her, still listening intently to the men as they had a staff discourse. When it was handed over he slowly looked back towards the council area.
[15:04] William Carver: "Welcome to Council Members and Citizens - “Welcome to the meeting of the High Council of Svago. Please find your seats and I will remind the public in attendance to maintain order during the meeting. Only Warriors of Svago are to carry weapons into the Council Chamber, if you are so armed you may take this time to put your weapons in the weapon rack down stairs.” Council Members I call this meeting to order, let us take up the business of Svago. ”
[15:04] Aetius Rufus Vita (igor.rechkalov) nods to the man and takes the staff, holding it to his side, "Thank you, sir." he said simply and thus carried himself to the corner by the stairs..
[15:05] Terek the Younger (kitten.serpente) sits up, planning his Public Service Announcement for when he was called upon.
[15:05] William Carver: I turned my gaze first to Pyrnir " Pyrnir, you are first up, a nomination for Ambassador I believe "
[15:06] Pчяиιя Alα'Bαиdιт (lextonian.snowpaw) would stand "Honored Council, I bring forth a name before you today to be spoken in light of a open chair in the Ambassador's Office. I present you the name ' Elysia Turia Ambrosius' Daughter of Arodace Ambrosius Honorable Warrior of Svago. I believe she will continue to conduct herself in the best interest of Svago and her allies. She has the family and education allowed upon her station to fulfill this role with Honor and Humility that is required of all Ambassadors of Gor." he said simply, looking over at the young woman and nodding to her before taking his seat.
[15:07] Katerina Amaranth looks up in surprise, wondering which of the ambassadors had resigned.
[15:08] William Carver: " Lady Elysia Turia Ambrosius is put before this Council in accordance to the Laws of Svago a simple majority of 3 votes for will grant her the post of Ambassador, what say you Initiates ?" I would ask as I called the vote
[15:08] Terek the Younger (kitten.serpente): I vote aye with a good will.
[15:08] Marekai: Aye!
[15:09] William Carver: " Scribes what say you?" I asked
[15:09] Niall Carver (bastnine) "Aye."
[15:09] William Carver: " Physicians what say you?"
[15:09] Jarius Bernard (jariusorin): I say the physicians vote 'Yes'
[15:09] William Carver: " Warriors what say you?" I asked
[15:10] Pчяиιя Alα'Bαиdιт (lextonian.snowpaw) knew the lass, was much like her father.. just a little more wordy.. gift from her mother most likely. "Aye."
[15:10] William Carver: " The motion is carried Lady Elysia Turia Ambrosisus by will of this Council is names an Ambassador of Svago. "
[15:11] Terek the Younger (kitten.serpente) strikes his shoulder in applause. "Congratulations, Lady."
[15:11] Aisha Thorne Na'Bandit (samira.korpov): Congratulations Lady
[15:12] Pчяиιя Alα'Bαиdιт (lextonian.snowpaw) smiles warmly and would tap his shoulder in applause.
[15:12] Elysia Turia Ambrosius (spiritsandwine): Inclined her head- "Thank you, I will do my absolute best to serve and represent Svago so honorably. "
[15:12] Dσмiησ Bernard (domino.morales) smiles and nods to her .." congratulations Lady Elysia "
[15:12] William Carver: " Congratulations to you Lady Elysia " I glanced the next item and smiled " I want to offer a thank you to all the Citizens of Svago who hosted, or helped with the many events held at Carnival. The Svago post will be providing a listing of these amazing volunteers, thank you again for all you have done for Svago. Art from the Art show will be put on display in the Administration Building for a time so that we may admire the works of art for a time more "
[15:15] Malice tapped his shoulder lightly, akin to what some might call a golf clap at the announcement of the Ambassador, glanced over to the Elysia, "Congratulations."
[15:18] William Carver: I looked for Rosa and seeing her I would then look to her now " Response to the Citizens Voice concerns at last Council Meeting. It shall be the policy of the City of Svago that Citizens of Svago under arrest maybe released to any Svago Physician for treatment upon their demand expect when charged with murder or attempted murder. Residents of Svago maybe released to any Svago Physician for treatment on their demand expect for when charged with a violent crime. Those not of Svago will be allowed treatment in their cell. " I paused there for a moment " Warrants already carry the law that was broken upon it. The concern seemed to be not all Citizens can ready, the Warrior will recite the charge to the person being arrested."
[15:19] Rσʂα Mσɱɱα Dαɯҽʂ (rosalynne.dawes) hears the decree and nods, wasn't going to speak
[15:20] Pчяиιя Alα'Bαиdιт (lextonian.snowpaw) smirks, public embarrassment of charges being spoken allowed during the arrest was going to be interesting. Would wait for the moment a Free Woman was arrested for lewd acts or suspected lewdness... that was going to go over well...
[15:20] Jarius Bernard (jariusorin): I listen and I raise a brow. I nod in acknowledgment.
[15:21] Katerina Amaranth looks toward Jarius and Domino at the pronouncement, nodding herself.
[15:22] Aisha Thorne Na'Bandit (samira.korpov) would listen to the announcement and keeps it to mind, she wondered what sorts of forms and stuff she had to fill out but she would remain quiet
[15:22] Elysia Turia Ambrosius (spiritsandwine): had wondered if it was upon request or just now the new order of things as far as charges and announcing them goes.
[15:23] William Carver: " We have had some changes with Heads of Castes as we are aware of, Scribes by our next High Council meeting you will have one man to put forth as your Leader. The Merchants as I understand it have had change and now Sire Malice Minos has taken over the post as Head of Caste Merchants, congratulations Sir. We will wave the vote on sitting him at the table since he already held the chair. "
[15:24] Terek the Younger (kitten.serpente): Nods
[15:24] Ashellia Thorne Ana'Bandit (ashellia) blinked and did a double and trip take mouthing the words "What merchants?" as nobody had even asked her a thing!
[15:24] Elysia Turia Ambrosius (spiritsandwine): Grinned. "Congratulations to you.." She whispered over in turn. Elysia smiled.
[15:24] Malice "Thank you Administrator"
[15:25] Ashellia Thorne Ana'Bandit (ashellia) sat back quite interested. It wasn't I didn't like the man as I though it was a good move, but don't lump me in 'the" merchants understanding.
[15:25] Niall Carver (bastnine): me nodded
[15:25] Aisha Thorne Na'Bandit (samira.korpov) would lean forward slightly as she heard the familiar voice of her mother and turns right, yes there she was and would straighten and sit properly
[15:25] Trentan Hayford (trentanhayford) had not been asked, but considering himself a Metal Worker he didn't notice other than he saw most of the Merchants exchanging glances that seemed significant
[15:26] Pчяиιя Alα'Bαиdιт (lextonian.snowpaw) looked over at his woman, seemingly her thoughts were going as smoke could be perceived coming out of her ears. Shakes his head and turns his attention back to William.
[15:26] Jarius Bernard (jariusorin): I heard the outburst and looked into the stands with a shake of my head.
[15:27] William Carver: " The Warriors have been with out a Commander for to long, for all intense purposed Captain Pyrnir has been full filling that role. I would ask this Council to now to vote on that appointment of him as Commander "
[15:28] Terek the Younger (kitten.serpente): I vote aye.
[15:28] Marekai: Aye.
[15:28] William Carver: " Scribes "
[15:29] Niall Carver (bastnine) "Aye."
[15:29] Aisha Thorne Na'Bandit (samira.korpov) would gasp suddenly at the sound of William's announcement about her father she would hold her breath as the vote is made, here eyes rivited to the front
[15:29] William Carver: " Physicians "
[15:29] Jarius Bernard (jariusorin): I look to Pyrnir for a few long moments and then I say 'The physicians vote yes.' giving him credit for what he has done so far.
[15:30] Elysia Turia Ambrosius (spiritsandwine): Smiled over to Pyrnir, she knew he'd do it absolute justice.
[15:30] Pчяиιя Alα'Bαиdιт (lextonian.snowpaw) would hear the votes of the representatives of the council. "Those Warriors of our caste have spoken their voice at our caste meeting. The vote 'Aye' he said simply, not speaking for himself but for his caste.
[15:31] Malice sat quietly as the council voted, since the merchants had no vote at the table, yet in this particular matter, he would vote yes, whether it counted our not.
[15:31] Dσмiησ Bernard (domino.morales) turns to her left .. " congratulations Pyr .. "
[15:31] Ashellia Thorne Ana'Bandit (ashellia) was very proud of her Companion as he worked so hard for the good of Svago of his Caste. The men would be the ones to push who to follow and from what she had witnessed they trusted, respected, and followed him. Pride welled in my chest as he accepted and smiled.
[15:31] Aisha Thorne Na'Bandit (samira.korpov) claps and says loudly and proudly, "Congratulations Father!!" she wanted to jump up and down in joy but refrained
[15:31] William Carver: " I will not call for you to vote for yourself Commander " I would say " You have the votes need, ans so it is my pleasure to inform you by the will of the High Council you are named Commander of the Warriors. Congratulations "
[15:32] Terek the Younger (kitten.serpente) bowed slightly to the man across the table. "Congratulations, Commander."
[15:32] Sylvanus Voss looks up and nods, "congratulations," from what little he knew of the man he respected him.
[15:32] Elysia Turia Ambrosius (spiritsandwine): "Congratulations.." She inclined her head respectfully.
[15:33] Pчяиιя Alα'Bαиdιт (lextonian.snowpaw) smiles and would nod to each of those within the Council Chambers and the citizens in the stands. "Honor before all else.. Hail Svago!"
[15:33] Jarius Bernard (jariusorin): 'Congratulation.'
[15:33] Terek the Younger (kitten.serpente): Hail Svago!
[15:33] Niall Carver (bastnine) "Congratulations Commander."
[15:34] Nikki Lordes (alwaysnikki): "congratulations Commander Pyr" she calls out with applause
[15:35] William Carver: "The Waiting Hand will be observed 16th thru 20th, with Enkara on 21. Stuffy man will be burned on the last day of the waiting hand 3/20 6pm slt in a large bonfire near the arena. This will include the stuffy kajira " I looked over at the Warrior that created her and then continued on " Svago Post - this is the newspaper of the city, it is very important that those of Svago take time and read this, or in the case of those who cannot read find a scribe or trusted person to read it to them. The paper will speak of all important matters of the city as well as provide entertainment, spotlights on businesses and people of Svago. Lady Sara, Editor of the Post takes articles, opinions and words for entertainment from anyone, but be aware editorial privilege will be invoked to remain compliant with Svago laws. The next issue will be out no later than this Sunday so the Scribes might observe the Waiting Hand. "
[15:35] Katerina Amaranth smiles, nodding to Ash then turns to incline her head toward the new Commander. "Congratulations, Commander."
[15:37] William Carver: I looked and that was it for me at last " We are to the Caste reports now, Initiates when you are ready "
[15:37] Aetius Rufus Vita (igor.rechkalov) stifled a laugh as he caught the Administrator's gaze, a few more days with his lovely creation was all he needed...
[15:37] Terek the Younger (kitten.serpente) begins his comments
[15:38] Terek the Younger (kitten.serpente): There is nothing in particular to report as far as caste news for the period of Carnival.
[15:38] Terek the Younger (kitten.serpente): However, I would like to remind the people of Svago that the period of Waiting Hand will begin tomorrow. There will be a ceremony at the Temple tomorrow at 2:30 in the afternoon to begin the week of solemn reflection. He takes out a scroll and unrolls it to begin to read. " In the words of the scrolls of Norman:
[15:38] Terek the Younger (kitten.serpente): "The Waiting Hand, the five-day period preceding the vernal equinox, the first day of spring, is a very solemn time for most Goreans. During this time few ventures are embarked upon, and little or no business is conducted. During this time most Goreans remain within their houses. It is in this time that the doors of many homes are sealed with pitch and have nailed to them branches of the brak bush, the leaves of which have a purgative effect. These precautions, and others like them, are intended to discourage the entry of ill luck into the houses. In the houses there is little conversation and no song. It is a time, in general, of mourning, meditation and fasting."
"The Waiting Hand is a time, in general, of misery, silence and fasting. It is also, for many Goreans, particularly those of the lower castes, a time of uneasiness, a time of trepidation and apprehension. Who knows what things, visible or invisible, might be abroad during that terrible time? "
[15:39] Terek the Younger (kitten.serpente): The temple will provide a potted brak bush from which cuttings may be taken by anyone who wishes to attach a branch to the door of his home. You may bring the branch to be burned at a ceremony just before the ritual of En'Kara, the New Year festival of Spring, which will be held six days after the beginning of Waiting Hand. It is customary to paint the door of one's home white during the Waiting Hand, and simple painted doors will also be available at the temple at the Waiting Hand ceremony. These are rather primitive, so if you have more attractive white paint for your own door, I would highly recommend it.
Thank you all for your attention.
[15:40] William Carver: " Thank you Terek, Scribes when you are ready "
[15:40] Terek the Younger (kitten.serpente): turns to Marekai. "Anything from you, Brother?"
[15:40] Marekai: No, not at this time, Brother.
[15:41] Niall Carver (bastnine) waited until the Initiates were done, then stated, "We have had four new members to the ranks, two apprentices and two seasoned scribes. We advanced One apprentice forward to full scribe. Attrition amounted to two total. Asst HoC TyranKam is taking personal time and one praetor has gone traveling.
"The curriculum for apprentices is awaiting final review and acceptance. The advocate program is in the works as well."
[15:41] Dσмiησ Bernard (domino.morales) leans to Jarius .. " do we have enough pitch at home ? "
[15:42] Jarius Bernard (jariusorin): I nod to her as I listen to the scribe report.
[15:43] Reese Al'Azraq (keeperofthezoo) perks a brow at the report and tilts her head, clearly confusion in her eyes, but she too says nothing.
[15:43] Aisha Thorne Na'Bandit (samira.korpov) would peek up and look towards Niall as he made mention of an advocate program and smiles under her veil
[15:44] Ashellia Thorne Ana'Bandit (ashellia): Aisha, swat Thorn
[15:44] Ashellia Thorne Ana'Bandit (ashellia): oops)
[15:46] William Carver: " The Builders are taking a bit of a rest after the most recent building spree but I expect them to return after the waiting hand and be busy at improving the City again. " I then looked to Jarius " Physicians when you are ready "
[15:46] Jarius Bernard (jariusorin): I stand and I say 'Tal Council and Good People of Svago. Today the report will be short and to the point.
[15:46] Dσмiησ Bernard (domino.morales) smiles to her Companion as he stand
[15:47] Jarius Bernard (jariusorin): The festival went well everyone had a great time. I want to take a moment to thank William and Nikki also side kick Jade and too all those that hosted events. All those people that worked in the backgrounds thank you as well. Life is good in Svago and we have many to thank for that mainly William and Nikki. Thank you.
[15:47] Jarius Bernard (jariusorin): There were no major injuries to report during festival except for some drunkenness which was expected.
[15:47] Nikki Lordes (alwaysnikki): Smiles at her sons recognition
[15:47] Jarius Bernard (jariusorin): The team of the forensic specialist is in place as I stated in the last council meeting. Anything that should arise we are ready.
[15:47] Jarius Bernard (jariusorin): The infirmaries are stocked and ready to go after carnival. The Routine exams and so forth can be sent to either infirmary again now that carnival has ended.
[15:48] Jarius Bernard (jariusorin): There are no illness or medical threats to report in Svago. We are green. We are the land of the physician but mostly we are Svago. Hail Svago.
[15:48] Terek the Younger (kitten.serpente): Nods and smiles in agreement to the Physician's words.
[15:48] William Carver: Inclined my head to Jarius " Gratitude Jarius, we enjoyed it and prayed all had much fun " I would then look and called out "Commander when you are ready "
[15:48] Jarius Bernard (jariusorin): 'That is all from the physicians. Thank you'
[15:49] Pчяиιя Alα'Bαиdιт (lextonian.snowpaw) stands as the Warrior's Caste was called upon. Would look about the room and nod to each Representative that sat at the table. "The carnival has come to it's conclusion, security has returned back to normal within our fair city. We didn't have any incidents of note through the progression of the carnival and everyone seemed to be in good spirits throughout. Minor reports of stolen items were simply found to be lost items. All in all the carnival was a success in the eyes of the Warriors Caste of Svago." he said calmly as he would shift one of the parchments over to another. "We have attempted to approach Fina on the transgressions they placed up on our Ambassador at the last diplomatic reach out. Fina claims to know nothing of the incident, and has mentioned that the warrior in question has taken a leave of absence.. for the moment they are denying the incident ever happened.. but I still advise we leave Fina as a hostile state til diplomatic approach can be made once again."
[15:49] SabasϮion ℒionhearϮ (sabestionlionheart) stands against the wall keeping an eye out and listens
[15:50] William Carver: " So noted, Fina will continue to remain under the status as a hostile power, continue Commander "
[15:51] Pчяиιя Alα'Bαиdιт (lextonian.snowpaw) would pause a moment then continue "As spring approaches, we will be increasing out fleet patrols to further North of our trade lanes. We are hoping to show a significant force and inspections to discourage any attacks upon our port by the Torvalander Raiders this time of year. We have also will be starting Mock Raid and war games within the city, to further our knowledge of our own defenses and encourage citizens to take these drills as a opportunity to practice getting into the tunnels and using them for safety when the time comes our shores are breeched." he would take in a deep breath and look through the last remain documents. "Recruitment will be pushed in the coming hands, and would extend an offer to any man of the Port willing to take on the chance of serving in our caste. If such interest does exist, please approach any Officer of the Caste for assessment." he would state simply, leaving it open ended on whom the invitation was too.
[15:52] William Carver: I nod to him to continue
[15:52] Pчяиιя Alα'Bαиdιт (lextonian.snowpaw) Would look up to Aetius Vita a moment before looking over to William. "As First act as Commander, I will be promoting Aetius Rufus Vita to Lieutenant. Knowing the Vita family from Ar, I know his blood line of honorable men. I am appointing him Morning Watch Officer, to offer him time to adjust and reflect in the ways our caste conducts themselves here within Svago. I have high hopes for the young Warrior and look forward to his growth." he would pause and look about the chambers before his final statement. "This concludes the report of the Warriors, if there is no questions to be answered."
[15:53] Nikki Lordes (alwaysnikki): Nikki applauds for the Warriors promotion "congratulations" she calls to Aetius
[15:54] Aisha Thorne Na'Bandit (samira.korpov) would applaude as she would say towards Aetius "congratulations"
[15:54] William Carver: " Excellent report Commander, Congratulations Aetius. " I said and would pause to let others speak
[15:54] Jarius Bernard (jariusorin): 'Congratulation Warrior.'
[15:54] Terek the Younger (kitten.serpente): Congratulations!
[15:54] Elysia Turia Ambrosius (spiritsandwine): smiled over to Aetius and inclined her head. "Congratulations.."
[15:54] Aetius Rufus Vita (igor.rechkalov) would reanimate himself as he heard the Commander speak, slightly taken aback, "You honor me, Commander. Thank you. Hail Svago!" he roared
[15:55] Katerina Amaranth looks over to new Lieutenant, inclining her head. "Congratulations, Sir."
[15:55] Terek the Younger (kitten.serpente): Hail Svago
[15:55] Pчяиιя Alα'Bαиdιт (lextonian.snowpaw): Hail Svago!
[15:55] Elysia Turia Ambrosius (spiritsandwine): prepared for her report..and shifted the agreement over to prepare the npc slave to hand it over to William
[15:55] Niall Carver (bastnine) would look over and recognize the warrior. He'd helped him carry his stuffy kajira... "Congratulations!"
[15:56] Aisha Thorne Na'Bandit (samira.korpov): Hail Svago!
[15:56] Elysia Turia Ambrosius (spiritsandwine): hail Svago!
[15:56] Joslyn Bernard (sophie.lacquey): Hail Svago!
[15:56] William Carver: As things settled down I would nod to Sylvanus "Jamie is out today so Sylvanus will be giving the Magistrates report, Sylvanus, when you are ready " I would say
[15:57] Sylvanus Voss sits forward in his chair having been given the notes from the magistrates offices; taking a breath he begins, "Thank you Administrator," he says before shuffling the papers around. "The weirdest thing happened it seems," he pauses, "Carnival went off without a hitch and there are no new cases to report. There are no open cases at all at this time as things seem to be settling into place with the promotion of the new High Magistrate. The offices of the magistrates comprise of the High Magistrate and three Praetors along with the court clerk after having lost one magistrate, and a praetor."
[15:58] Sylvanus Voss taps the scroll in front of him relaying the last bit of information upon it, "It would seem that the High Magistrate is working on some protocols for the group as a whole while enlisting the aid of the Lady Reese to put together something for the law program to make the magistrates work together better. The details are not put down to paper as noted they are in the initial stages of working these things out but look forward to bringing it to the fore and to the council once there is more to report." With this he sits back scanning the notes once again to make sure he hasn't missed anything nods then speaks finishing, "and I believe that will wrap up what it was that Jamie wished to have conveyed today,"
[15:59] Joslyn Bernard (sophie.lacquey) nodded to Turia as she took a seat quickly.
[15:59] William Carver: " Lady Ambassador, when you are ready " I would say
[16:02] Elysia Turia Ambrosius (spiritsandwine): "Greetings, everyone. Continually representatives Of Meqara Port reached out to Svago in an diplomatic attempt to set up for a trade and safe passage agreement. Max of Impact Enterprises of Meqara Port mentioned they are a huge supplier of fine wines, oils and timbers and wishes to trade and expand businesses between the two cities with the merchants here in Svago.
Today is the day that I would like to ask the council for their vote to accept Port Meqaras offer in having our safe passage and trade agreement sealed and made official. They look forward to hearing from us.." She paused and procured the agreement and sat it at the table infront of her. "Port Meqara had already sealed and read over the agreement.." Elysia smiled and smoothed out the svelte of her waist and sat as she let William take over for the counting of the votes with each head of caste.
[16:04] William Carver: "The Port did send their people here for the Administrators Celebration. " I turned to look at Malice " What do the Merchants have to say on this matter Sir?"
[16:08] Malice glanced up to the Administrator.. "As for my thoughts Sir, establishing the trade and safe passage agreement is fine, it allows citizens of both cities to safely visit and see if there are opportunities, I personally support the choice."
[16:09] William Carver: " Thank you Malice, no doubt your thoughts will have an impact on the vote. " I turned to Terek " Initiates your vote "
[16:10] Terek the Younger (kitten.serpente): I am happy to vote aye. *smiles*
[16:10] Marekai nods "Aye."
[16:10] William Carver: " Scribes "
[16:11] Niall Carver (bastnine): "Aye
[16:11] William Carver: "Physicians "
[16:11] Jarius Bernard (jariusorin): I say 'Physicians vote yes.'
[16:11] William Carver: " Warriors "
[16:11] Pчяиιя Alα'Bαиdιт (lextonian.snowpaw) would think upon the offer, the port had really no threat profile to speak, and open trade meant more wine for his men. Would have to take a contingent of men their to assess their threat or possible benefit as a military ally. "Warriors vote - Aye "
[16:12] William Carver: " The motion carries, Lady please see the document is put before the correct people for signature. Anything else from the Ambassadors?"
[16:13] Elysia Turia Ambrosius (spiritsandwine): Inclined her head to William, "Not from me, Administrator. " Though she'd silent for Joslyn. Just incase she wished to add anything.
[16:13] Joslyn Bernard (sophie.lacquey) shakes her head
[16:15] William Carver: " Then we are to the Merchants, Malice when you are ready Sir "
[16:16] Malice placed both hands on the table as he stood, his steel blue gaze looking to each of the Council members, "Tal Administrator, Heads of Castes, and distinguished Council members."
[16:16] Malice clearing his throat before continuing, "mhmhmm..." the long hours he had been spending going through the files and information was fresh in his thoughts, he had no notes in front of him... "The Merchant case would like to announce that House of Thorn has hired two new slavers, Lady Natasha & Keith Bluebird, as well a new Mariner Merchant has docked in Svago, Edward Teach the owner of Black Rose Trading now makes Svago his home port, and Lady Eliana Bulloch a wine merchant, she has been in the market area handing out samples for any interested.
It has also been brought to my attention that Branwen the Svago butcher has returned, I for one am glad to hear of this, I have not yet been able to meet with her, but it is high on my list of to-do's. Do take the time to welcome them all to Svago, the merchants work hard to provide Svago with the finest of goods and services!"
[16:17] Alaricus Evander Ambrosius (alstott) nods to a few as he walked in late. Taking posting behind William.
[16:18] Malice thought a moment to recall the name correctly... "Lady SolangeCapri, has closed her shop here in Svago and moved to Besnit, we wish her success in her move."
"There still remains the open positions for Tavern Keepers and a Harbor Master."
"That is all from the Merchant Caste." taking my seat.
[16:18] William Carver: Would wait for a moment to if any had questions for the Merchants. as my guard arrived late, I would see his pay was docked.
[16:19] Alaricus Evander Ambrosius (alstott) laughs as he read his mind. Mayhap he was gifted.
[16:25] Katerina Amaranth glances around the table curiously as things go silent for an extended period.
[16:27] William Carver: " Before we continue, some rumors have reached my ears about some concerns that I will address. The first one is the correction in the minutes about the Ludo being closed, I am informed the Ludo is still open, just with out stock I believe at the moment. As we indicated, should ther be any issues. The Warriors will deal with that slave with lethal force. The second was an off shoot of the concern of warrants being overly used, that matter was addressed in a meeting with the leadership of the Scribes and Warriors there standing guard to insure my Caste Brothers understood how serious I took the matter. The matter has been corrected but I along with this Council will continue to monitor this situation. I hope this brings to rest the concerns that our Citizens had on the matter. "
[16:28] Terek the Younger (kitten.serpente): Nods to indicate he understands
[16:28] Jarius Bernard (jariusorin): I nod in agreement.
[16:29] Katerina Amaranth nods.
[16:29] William Carver: "Now I believe we have time for 2 Citizens to address the Council should there be any that desire to do so. " I would look out to the crowd for any raised hands
[16:29] Rσʂα Mσɱɱα Dαɯҽʂ (rosalynne.dawes) looks for more nodding
[16:30] Velleity Dryden (emma.haskell) lifted her hand into the air.
[16:31] William Carver: " Yes Lady, " I would say seeing a dainty hand in the air
[16:35] Velleity Dryden (emma.haskell) lifted from the bench and would attempt to keep her concerns as succinct as possible - both in order to temper her own emotions on the subject and to also not draw out the council meeting any longer than strictly necessary, 'It has come to my attention yesterday that there seems an oddity in the laws of Svago. I had thought originally to speak to my own caste of the matter however it seems an opportune moment with those of the Magistrates Caste and those of the Scribes here present too, to voice it. Yesterday, I gave birth to a son. The labour came on spontaneously and proceeded with a such a degree of rapidity, I was unable to attend the cities medical facility. I birthed the child within my own home. Twelve hours later I attended the clinic, seeking to have myself and the child checked over and the baby registered. I was thusly informed by the attending Physician that because I had not given birth in the clinic, with a Physician in attendance, my child was not legal. I do not know if this was a
[16:35] Velleity Dryden (emma.haskell): misunderstanding, I do not understand the legalities of such but if I must petition for a change of law in this matter, then I will seek to do so today, lest the city ends up with a multitude of bastard children - simply because the poor woman cannot for any given reason attend the clinic to labour. I will not sit back and be informed that my child cannot be legally registered as a citizen of this city simply because I remained within my own home'.
[16:37] Joslyn Bernard (sophie.lacquey) furrowed her brows together, head jerking back in surprise at that tale.
[16:37] Jarius Bernard (jariusorin): I see the lady with her hand up and I listen. I now realize who it is. I shake my head to her form of dressing and her appearance. I think back to our talks but she was not in the infirmary. I thought of changing the rule all together for those that were even companioned. I rub my chin and I ponder that thought. 'If I may Administrator?'
[16:37] Terek the Younger (kitten.serpente): frowns,
[16:37] Katerina Amaranth turns as the other woman is called on, her eyes widening for a moment as she takes in her uncovered hair and face, recognizing the voice immediately as she begins speaking. She listens, but turns to watch Jarius and Domino as the woman finishes, her brows drawing together.
[16:38] William Carver: I would nod " Please do Jarius "
[16:38] Malice quietly stands and ducks out of the room, having to attend to an urgent matter. Hearing the woman voice her concern and making mental note of it, as it seemed if what she said were true, it was a bit discerning.
[16:38] Pчяиιя Alα'Bαиdιт (lextonian.snowpaw) rubbed the bridge of his nose and muttered if he could get away in tossing a physician off the high balcony of the High City....
[16:38] Rσʂα Mσɱɱα Dαɯҽʂ (rosalynne.dawes) just.........yeah, looks to Jarius and waits to see what he says on the matter.
[16:39] Elysia Turia Ambrosius (spiritsandwine): Listened curiously as always...she glanced to Jarius
[16:39] Ashellia Thorne Ana'Bandit (ashellia) took deep breaths feeling a little nauseous
[16:40] Aisha Thorne Na'Bandit (samira.korpov) 's brows would raise in twin shock at the story she would shake her head as she had never encountered such a thing, shedw would look up towards the head of caste of the physicians and waits for a retort she was curious as to the outcome, her scribe's mind ever wondering and curious
[16:40] Rσʂα Mσɱɱα Dαɯҽʂ (rosalynne.dawes) looks to Ash and raises an eyebrow
[16:42] Jarius Bernard (jariusorin): I strum my fingers on the desk. I then stand and I look at the lady. I now say. 'Tal Lady and your question today is very simple. First the issue should have been brought directly to me or my asst head of caste. None of the physicians will sign birth certificate without proof. This you know yourself being a physician I do believe. I thank you for raising this concern but all you need to do is go to the scribes and I am certain it will be handled for you.'
[16:43] Chrysoprase Ibn Yusef (mineralmaster): quietly thinks any child born within the limits of Svago not born of slaves should be a child of Svago if either parent id of Svago
[16:43] Trentan Hayford (trentanhayford)'s jaw hangs open; a slow blink as if he could not be sure of what he is hearing.
[16:45] William Carver: Listened and hearing the woman was a Physician herself " Well there you have it Lady, fill out your paper work yourself since you ae qualified and turn it in, simple as that. Thank you for your question. I will give a few moments for one more to speak before we close the meeting "
[16:45] Jarius Bernard (jariusorin): I see one in the audience mouth open and I think about asking what that was for but I leave it. Hearing William and took a seat.
[16:46] Velleity Dryden (emma.haskell) 's dress and appearance was strictly in accordance with the wishes of her companion, within the parameters of the laws of Svago and not deviating from her Head of Caste's instruction to wear veils and head coverings within the medical clinic, for clearly that is not where they stood conducting their business today and thusly, she did not feel ill at ease to stand there precisely as she was within that moment. She merely waited for the response, waited for Jarius' moment of irritation to pass. 'I would then say to the citizens of this city - beware for your women, beware for your offspring, ensure that without fail they are placed directly before a Physician's face - that a member of my own caste see it directly pushed forth from between the leg's of your woman, for although it seems that I will get my paperwork merely from attending an appointment with a Scribe, another of you may not be so fortuitous in the matter. There you have it;, she repeated, shaking her head after repeating William's conclusion
[16:46] Velleity Dryden (emma.haskell): on the matter.
[16:47] Elysia Turia Ambrosius (spiritsandwine): "Here we go.." She pinched the bridge of her nose.
[16:47] Jarius Bernard (jariusorin): I shake my head.
[16:48] Patrice Bennett (fatbakerpat) could barely pick her jaw up off the ground she was in such shock. She couldn't help but look to the woman then to the man that mentioned needing proof.
[16:48] Trentan Hayford (trentanhayford) can not imagine the Physicians so badly trained, just shifts uncomfortably in his seat, setting his jaw.
[16:48] Nikki Lordes (alwaysnikki): Nikki looks at the women curiously and walks over sitting down next to Kat "I dont understand the issue I suppose, I wont sign a birth certificate when I was a physician for a birth I did not attend to, but she can have all this taken care of officially with the scribes, where is the problem?"
[16:48] Pчяиιя Alα'Bαиdιт (lextonian.snowpaw) Looked to his men and cleared his throat to draw their attention. If William gave the word, the disturbance would be escorted out. Pondering what passes as a Free Woman these days, tho his woman had a outburst every now and then.. he could simply glare at Ash and she would pipe down.
[16:48] Rσʂα Mσɱɱα Dαɯҽʂ (rosalynne.dawes) blinks looking at the woman and the ponytail, scratches my head veil, that's jaw open worthy right there and hearing her continue just blinks even more, just shakes her head, so much drama over filling out a damn form that is known and coughs clearing her throat.
[16:49] Chrysoprase Ibn Yusef (mineralmaster): thinks there is validity to the ladies words she can for her child but if another not physician has child out of Phisicians eyes from need then they will be out of luck it seams thinking all this silently shakes head
[16:50] Terek the Younger (kitten.serpente): wonders if the lady was companioned, and if so, why her companion had not raised the question in council and if not...his mind went deliberately blank at that point, since he knew nothing of the circumstances.
[16:50] Dσмiησ Bernard (domino.morales) leans forward she could see the woman who spoke up .. she narrows her eyes .. thinking of Marcel and Sorcha .. years back .. " if i may add this .. Lady .. why dont you let your Companion handle this .. i am sure he has an outmost interest as well that the child is official registered .. "
[16:50] Marekai loks at his caste brother and smiles softly
[16:50] Aisha Thorne Na'Bandit (samira.korpov) was glad she was a scribe apprentice, she cant imagine one so poorly trained in such a noble caste she would remain quiet, her thoughts would wonder and would watch as green feathers might become ruffled this night
[16:51] Ashellia Thorne Ana'Bandit (ashellia) gazed around at all the daggers in the looks that came to the woman seated next to me. First, I did a double take for I was used to having the look down the nose gaze at myself, but this time it wasn't me! Felt a small victory in that and smiled to the woman in black. She obviously was passionate about the topic on which she spoke and well I, for one, knew how it was when I acted on my own emotions from time to time. I got it. I understood it and felt compassion for her.
[16:54] William Carver: " We all have our Caste Codes that we must adhere. Clearly any child born upon this Isle is born upon this Isle and can be given proper documentation when the proper process is followed. The Lady simply needed to get the matter made clear for her, she thus has. Physicians will only sign a birth certificate when they are the attending Physician. In the case of a home birth with no attending Physician or upon a Ship of Svago, those matters come to the Scribes for proper documentation. I hope this makes the matter clear. "
[16:54] Chrysoprase Ibn Yusef (mineralmaster): continues considering unloess a lady was known as some sort of falsehood teller and shows up with a newly born infent saying is here born from need at home why would not a Physician not believe her word as citizen of Svago
[16:55] Pчяиιя Alα'Bαиdιт (lextonian.snowpaw) finally noted that it was his woman sitting next to the woman, the woman could pass off as his daughter or his companion's younger sister. Looking about the room he made sure Aisha was present and would relax. Good wasn't his blood, tho knowing Ash's father there was a chance... shook his head not wanting that bad juju on him. When the question came up about why the woman's Companion didn't speak this before the council he looked about to the men in the room, particularly those of his caste who had enjoyment in conquering wordy women to realize not all victories were worth having. As William spoke his attention was turned back to the Administrator. 'Well Said Brother...' he thought to himself and would sit back, hoping the matter was addressed.
[16:56] William Carver: " Seeing no other has lifted their hand to address the Council, this session of the High Council stands in Adjournment. Hail Svago "
[15:03] Dren Bernard looks at the meeting and ays " Tal admin, my apologies " and hands the staff to the warrior. "its an heirloom, please be careful with it " and sits down.
[15:04] Trentan Hayford (trentanhayford) looks in the opposite direction from her, still listening intently to the men as they had a staff discourse. When it was handed over he slowly looked back towards the council area.
[15:04] William Carver: "Welcome to Council Members and Citizens - “Welcome to the meeting of the High Council of Svago. Please find your seats and I will remind the public in attendance to maintain order during the meeting. Only Warriors of Svago are to carry weapons into the Council Chamber, if you are so armed you may take this time to put your weapons in the weapon rack down stairs.” Council Members I call this meeting to order, let us take up the business of Svago. ”
[15:04] Aetius Rufus Vita (igor.rechkalov) nods to the man and takes the staff, holding it to his side, "Thank you, sir." he said simply and thus carried himself to the corner by the stairs..
[15:05] Terek the Younger (kitten.serpente) sits up, planning his Public Service Announcement for when he was called upon.
[15:05] William Carver: I turned my gaze first to Pyrnir " Pyrnir, you are first up, a nomination for Ambassador I believe "
[15:06] Pчяиιя Alα'Bαиdιт (lextonian.snowpaw) would stand "Honored Council, I bring forth a name before you today to be spoken in light of a open chair in the Ambassador's Office. I present you the name ' Elysia Turia Ambrosius' Daughter of Arodace Ambrosius Honorable Warrior of Svago. I believe she will continue to conduct herself in the best interest of Svago and her allies. She has the family and education allowed upon her station to fulfill this role with Honor and Humility that is required of all Ambassadors of Gor." he said simply, looking over at the young woman and nodding to her before taking his seat.
[15:07] Katerina Amaranth looks up in surprise, wondering which of the ambassadors had resigned.
[15:08] William Carver: " Lady Elysia Turia Ambrosius is put before this Council in accordance to the Laws of Svago a simple majority of 3 votes for will grant her the post of Ambassador, what say you Initiates ?" I would ask as I called the vote
[15:08] Terek the Younger (kitten.serpente): I vote aye with a good will.
[15:08] Marekai: Aye!
[15:09] William Carver: " Scribes what say you?" I asked
[15:09] Niall Carver (bastnine) "Aye."
[15:09] William Carver: " Physicians what say you?"
[15:09] Jarius Bernard (jariusorin): I say the physicians vote 'Yes'
[15:09] William Carver: " Warriors what say you?" I asked
[15:10] Pчяиιя Alα'Bαиdιт (lextonian.snowpaw) knew the lass, was much like her father.. just a little more wordy.. gift from her mother most likely. "Aye."
[15:10] William Carver: " The motion is carried Lady Elysia Turia Ambrosisus by will of this Council is names an Ambassador of Svago. "
[15:11] Terek the Younger (kitten.serpente) strikes his shoulder in applause. "Congratulations, Lady."
[15:11] Aisha Thorne Na'Bandit (samira.korpov): Congratulations Lady
[15:12] Pчяиιя Alα'Bαиdιт (lextonian.snowpaw) smiles warmly and would tap his shoulder in applause.
[15:12] Elysia Turia Ambrosius (spiritsandwine): Inclined her head- "Thank you, I will do my absolute best to serve and represent Svago so honorably. "
[15:12] Dσмiησ Bernard (domino.morales) smiles and nods to her .." congratulations Lady Elysia "
[15:12] William Carver: " Congratulations to you Lady Elysia " I glanced the next item and smiled " I want to offer a thank you to all the Citizens of Svago who hosted, or helped with the many events held at Carnival. The Svago post will be providing a listing of these amazing volunteers, thank you again for all you have done for Svago. Art from the Art show will be put on display in the Administration Building for a time so that we may admire the works of art for a time more "
[15:15] Malice tapped his shoulder lightly, akin to what some might call a golf clap at the announcement of the Ambassador, glanced over to the Elysia, "Congratulations."
[15:18] William Carver: I looked for Rosa and seeing her I would then look to her now " Response to the Citizens Voice concerns at last Council Meeting. It shall be the policy of the City of Svago that Citizens of Svago under arrest maybe released to any Svago Physician for treatment upon their demand expect when charged with murder or attempted murder. Residents of Svago maybe released to any Svago Physician for treatment on their demand expect for when charged with a violent crime. Those not of Svago will be allowed treatment in their cell. " I paused there for a moment " Warrants already carry the law that was broken upon it. The concern seemed to be not all Citizens can ready, the Warrior will recite the charge to the person being arrested."
[15:19] Rσʂα Mσɱɱα Dαɯҽʂ (rosalynne.dawes) hears the decree and nods, wasn't going to speak
[15:20] Pчяиιя Alα'Bαиdιт (lextonian.snowpaw) smirks, public embarrassment of charges being spoken allowed during the arrest was going to be interesting. Would wait for the moment a Free Woman was arrested for lewd acts or suspected lewdness... that was going to go over well...
[15:20] Jarius Bernard (jariusorin): I listen and I raise a brow. I nod in acknowledgment.
[15:21] Katerina Amaranth looks toward Jarius and Domino at the pronouncement, nodding herself.
[15:22] Aisha Thorne Na'Bandit (samira.korpov) would listen to the announcement and keeps it to mind, she wondered what sorts of forms and stuff she had to fill out but she would remain quiet
[15:22] Elysia Turia Ambrosius (spiritsandwine): had wondered if it was upon request or just now the new order of things as far as charges and announcing them goes.
[15:23] William Carver: " We have had some changes with Heads of Castes as we are aware of, Scribes by our next High Council meeting you will have one man to put forth as your Leader. The Merchants as I understand it have had change and now Sire Malice Minos has taken over the post as Head of Caste Merchants, congratulations Sir. We will wave the vote on sitting him at the table since he already held the chair. "
[15:24] Terek the Younger (kitten.serpente): Nods
[15:24] Ashellia Thorne Ana'Bandit (ashellia) blinked and did a double and trip take mouthing the words "What merchants?" as nobody had even asked her a thing!
[15:24] Elysia Turia Ambrosius (spiritsandwine): Grinned. "Congratulations to you.." She whispered over in turn. Elysia smiled.
[15:24] Malice "Thank you Administrator"
[15:25] Ashellia Thorne Ana'Bandit (ashellia) sat back quite interested. It wasn't I didn't like the man as I though it was a good move, but don't lump me in 'the" merchants understanding.
[15:25] Niall Carver (bastnine): me nodded
[15:25] Aisha Thorne Na'Bandit (samira.korpov) would lean forward slightly as she heard the familiar voice of her mother and turns right, yes there she was and would straighten and sit properly
[15:25] Trentan Hayford (trentanhayford) had not been asked, but considering himself a Metal Worker he didn't notice other than he saw most of the Merchants exchanging glances that seemed significant
[15:26] Pчяиιя Alα'Bαиdιт (lextonian.snowpaw) looked over at his woman, seemingly her thoughts were going as smoke could be perceived coming out of her ears. Shakes his head and turns his attention back to William.
[15:26] Jarius Bernard (jariusorin): I heard the outburst and looked into the stands with a shake of my head.
[15:27] William Carver: " The Warriors have been with out a Commander for to long, for all intense purposed Captain Pyrnir has been full filling that role. I would ask this Council to now to vote on that appointment of him as Commander "
[15:28] Terek the Younger (kitten.serpente): I vote aye.
[15:28] Marekai: Aye.
[15:28] William Carver: " Scribes "
[15:29] Niall Carver (bastnine) "Aye."
[15:29] Aisha Thorne Na'Bandit (samira.korpov) would gasp suddenly at the sound of William's announcement about her father she would hold her breath as the vote is made, here eyes rivited to the front
[15:29] William Carver: " Physicians "
[15:29] Jarius Bernard (jariusorin): I look to Pyrnir for a few long moments and then I say 'The physicians vote yes.' giving him credit for what he has done so far.
[15:30] Elysia Turia Ambrosius (spiritsandwine): Smiled over to Pyrnir, she knew he'd do it absolute justice.
[15:30] Pчяиιя Alα'Bαиdιт (lextonian.snowpaw) would hear the votes of the representatives of the council. "Those Warriors of our caste have spoken their voice at our caste meeting. The vote 'Aye' he said simply, not speaking for himself but for his caste.
[15:31] Malice sat quietly as the council voted, since the merchants had no vote at the table, yet in this particular matter, he would vote yes, whether it counted our not.
[15:31] Dσмiησ Bernard (domino.morales) turns to her left .. " congratulations Pyr .. "
[15:31] Ashellia Thorne Ana'Bandit (ashellia) was very proud of her Companion as he worked so hard for the good of Svago of his Caste. The men would be the ones to push who to follow and from what she had witnessed they trusted, respected, and followed him. Pride welled in my chest as he accepted and smiled.
[15:31] Aisha Thorne Na'Bandit (samira.korpov) claps and says loudly and proudly, "Congratulations Father!!" she wanted to jump up and down in joy but refrained
[15:31] William Carver: " I will not call for you to vote for yourself Commander " I would say " You have the votes need, ans so it is my pleasure to inform you by the will of the High Council you are named Commander of the Warriors. Congratulations "
[15:32] Terek the Younger (kitten.serpente) bowed slightly to the man across the table. "Congratulations, Commander."
[15:32] Sylvanus Voss looks up and nods, "congratulations," from what little he knew of the man he respected him.
[15:32] Elysia Turia Ambrosius (spiritsandwine): "Congratulations.." She inclined her head respectfully.
[15:33] Pчяиιя Alα'Bαиdιт (lextonian.snowpaw) smiles and would nod to each of those within the Council Chambers and the citizens in the stands. "Honor before all else.. Hail Svago!"
[15:33] Jarius Bernard (jariusorin): 'Congratulation.'
[15:33] Terek the Younger (kitten.serpente): Hail Svago!
[15:33] Niall Carver (bastnine) "Congratulations Commander."
[15:34] Nikki Lordes (alwaysnikki): "congratulations Commander Pyr" she calls out with applause
[15:35] William Carver: "The Waiting Hand will be observed 16th thru 20th, with Enkara on 21. Stuffy man will be burned on the last day of the waiting hand 3/20 6pm slt in a large bonfire near the arena. This will include the stuffy kajira " I looked over at the Warrior that created her and then continued on " Svago Post - this is the newspaper of the city, it is very important that those of Svago take time and read this, or in the case of those who cannot read find a scribe or trusted person to read it to them. The paper will speak of all important matters of the city as well as provide entertainment, spotlights on businesses and people of Svago. Lady Sara, Editor of the Post takes articles, opinions and words for entertainment from anyone, but be aware editorial privilege will be invoked to remain compliant with Svago laws. The next issue will be out no later than this Sunday so the Scribes might observe the Waiting Hand. "
[15:35] Katerina Amaranth smiles, nodding to Ash then turns to incline her head toward the new Commander. "Congratulations, Commander."
[15:37] William Carver: I looked and that was it for me at last " We are to the Caste reports now, Initiates when you are ready "
[15:37] Aetius Rufus Vita (igor.rechkalov) stifled a laugh as he caught the Administrator's gaze, a few more days with his lovely creation was all he needed...
[15:37] Terek the Younger (kitten.serpente) begins his comments
[15:38] Terek the Younger (kitten.serpente): There is nothing in particular to report as far as caste news for the period of Carnival.
[15:38] Terek the Younger (kitten.serpente): However, I would like to remind the people of Svago that the period of Waiting Hand will begin tomorrow. There will be a ceremony at the Temple tomorrow at 2:30 in the afternoon to begin the week of solemn reflection. He takes out a scroll and unrolls it to begin to read. " In the words of the scrolls of Norman:
[15:38] Terek the Younger (kitten.serpente): "The Waiting Hand, the five-day period preceding the vernal equinox, the first day of spring, is a very solemn time for most Goreans. During this time few ventures are embarked upon, and little or no business is conducted. During this time most Goreans remain within their houses. It is in this time that the doors of many homes are sealed with pitch and have nailed to them branches of the brak bush, the leaves of which have a purgative effect. These precautions, and others like them, are intended to discourage the entry of ill luck into the houses. In the houses there is little conversation and no song. It is a time, in general, of mourning, meditation and fasting."
"The Waiting Hand is a time, in general, of misery, silence and fasting. It is also, for many Goreans, particularly those of the lower castes, a time of uneasiness, a time of trepidation and apprehension. Who knows what things, visible or invisible, might be abroad during that terrible time? "
[15:39] Terek the Younger (kitten.serpente): The temple will provide a potted brak bush from which cuttings may be taken by anyone who wishes to attach a branch to the door of his home. You may bring the branch to be burned at a ceremony just before the ritual of En'Kara, the New Year festival of Spring, which will be held six days after the beginning of Waiting Hand. It is customary to paint the door of one's home white during the Waiting Hand, and simple painted doors will also be available at the temple at the Waiting Hand ceremony. These are rather primitive, so if you have more attractive white paint for your own door, I would highly recommend it.
Thank you all for your attention.
[15:40] William Carver: " Thank you Terek, Scribes when you are ready "
[15:40] Terek the Younger (kitten.serpente): turns to Marekai. "Anything from you, Brother?"
[15:40] Marekai: No, not at this time, Brother.
[15:41] Niall Carver (bastnine) waited until the Initiates were done, then stated, "We have had four new members to the ranks, two apprentices and two seasoned scribes. We advanced One apprentice forward to full scribe. Attrition amounted to two total. Asst HoC TyranKam is taking personal time and one praetor has gone traveling.
"The curriculum for apprentices is awaiting final review and acceptance. The advocate program is in the works as well."
[15:41] Dσмiησ Bernard (domino.morales) leans to Jarius .. " do we have enough pitch at home ? "
[15:42] Jarius Bernard (jariusorin): I nod to her as I listen to the scribe report.
[15:43] Reese Al'Azraq (keeperofthezoo) perks a brow at the report and tilts her head, clearly confusion in her eyes, but she too says nothing.
[15:43] Aisha Thorne Na'Bandit (samira.korpov) would peek up and look towards Niall as he made mention of an advocate program and smiles under her veil
[15:44] Ashellia Thorne Ana'Bandit (ashellia): Aisha, swat Thorn
[15:44] Ashellia Thorne Ana'Bandit (ashellia): oops)
[15:46] William Carver: " The Builders are taking a bit of a rest after the most recent building spree but I expect them to return after the waiting hand and be busy at improving the City again. " I then looked to Jarius " Physicians when you are ready "
[15:46] Jarius Bernard (jariusorin): I stand and I say 'Tal Council and Good People of Svago. Today the report will be short and to the point.
[15:46] Dσмiησ Bernard (domino.morales) smiles to her Companion as he stand
[15:47] Jarius Bernard (jariusorin): The festival went well everyone had a great time. I want to take a moment to thank William and Nikki also side kick Jade and too all those that hosted events. All those people that worked in the backgrounds thank you as well. Life is good in Svago and we have many to thank for that mainly William and Nikki. Thank you.
[15:47] Jarius Bernard (jariusorin): There were no major injuries to report during festival except for some drunkenness which was expected.
[15:47] Nikki Lordes (alwaysnikki): Smiles at her sons recognition
[15:47] Jarius Bernard (jariusorin): The team of the forensic specialist is in place as I stated in the last council meeting. Anything that should arise we are ready.
[15:47] Jarius Bernard (jariusorin): The infirmaries are stocked and ready to go after carnival. The Routine exams and so forth can be sent to either infirmary again now that carnival has ended.
[15:48] Jarius Bernard (jariusorin): There are no illness or medical threats to report in Svago. We are green. We are the land of the physician but mostly we are Svago. Hail Svago.
[15:48] Terek the Younger (kitten.serpente): Nods and smiles in agreement to the Physician's words.
[15:48] William Carver: Inclined my head to Jarius " Gratitude Jarius, we enjoyed it and prayed all had much fun " I would then look and called out "Commander when you are ready "
[15:48] Jarius Bernard (jariusorin): 'That is all from the physicians. Thank you'
[15:49] Pчяиιя Alα'Bαиdιт (lextonian.snowpaw) stands as the Warrior's Caste was called upon. Would look about the room and nod to each Representative that sat at the table. "The carnival has come to it's conclusion, security has returned back to normal within our fair city. We didn't have any incidents of note through the progression of the carnival and everyone seemed to be in good spirits throughout. Minor reports of stolen items were simply found to be lost items. All in all the carnival was a success in the eyes of the Warriors Caste of Svago." he said calmly as he would shift one of the parchments over to another. "We have attempted to approach Fina on the transgressions they placed up on our Ambassador at the last diplomatic reach out. Fina claims to know nothing of the incident, and has mentioned that the warrior in question has taken a leave of absence.. for the moment they are denying the incident ever happened.. but I still advise we leave Fina as a hostile state til diplomatic approach can be made once again."
[15:49] SabasϮion ℒionhearϮ (sabestionlionheart) stands against the wall keeping an eye out and listens
[15:50] William Carver: " So noted, Fina will continue to remain under the status as a hostile power, continue Commander "
[15:51] Pчяиιя Alα'Bαиdιт (lextonian.snowpaw) would pause a moment then continue "As spring approaches, we will be increasing out fleet patrols to further North of our trade lanes. We are hoping to show a significant force and inspections to discourage any attacks upon our port by the Torvalander Raiders this time of year. We have also will be starting Mock Raid and war games within the city, to further our knowledge of our own defenses and encourage citizens to take these drills as a opportunity to practice getting into the tunnels and using them for safety when the time comes our shores are breeched." he would take in a deep breath and look through the last remain documents. "Recruitment will be pushed in the coming hands, and would extend an offer to any man of the Port willing to take on the chance of serving in our caste. If such interest does exist, please approach any Officer of the Caste for assessment." he would state simply, leaving it open ended on whom the invitation was too.
[15:52] William Carver: I nod to him to continue
[15:52] Pчяиιя Alα'Bαиdιт (lextonian.snowpaw) Would look up to Aetius Vita a moment before looking over to William. "As First act as Commander, I will be promoting Aetius Rufus Vita to Lieutenant. Knowing the Vita family from Ar, I know his blood line of honorable men. I am appointing him Morning Watch Officer, to offer him time to adjust and reflect in the ways our caste conducts themselves here within Svago. I have high hopes for the young Warrior and look forward to his growth." he would pause and look about the chambers before his final statement. "This concludes the report of the Warriors, if there is no questions to be answered."
[15:53] Nikki Lordes (alwaysnikki): Nikki applauds for the Warriors promotion "congratulations" she calls to Aetius
[15:54] Aisha Thorne Na'Bandit (samira.korpov) would applaude as she would say towards Aetius "congratulations"
[15:54] William Carver: " Excellent report Commander, Congratulations Aetius. " I said and would pause to let others speak
[15:54] Jarius Bernard (jariusorin): 'Congratulation Warrior.'
[15:54] Terek the Younger (kitten.serpente): Congratulations!
[15:54] Elysia Turia Ambrosius (spiritsandwine): smiled over to Aetius and inclined her head. "Congratulations.."
[15:54] Aetius Rufus Vita (igor.rechkalov) would reanimate himself as he heard the Commander speak, slightly taken aback, "You honor me, Commander. Thank you. Hail Svago!" he roared
[15:55] Katerina Amaranth looks over to new Lieutenant, inclining her head. "Congratulations, Sir."
[15:55] Terek the Younger (kitten.serpente): Hail Svago
[15:55] Pчяиιя Alα'Bαиdιт (lextonian.snowpaw): Hail Svago!
[15:55] Elysia Turia Ambrosius (spiritsandwine): prepared for her report..and shifted the agreement over to prepare the npc slave to hand it over to William
[15:55] Niall Carver (bastnine) would look over and recognize the warrior. He'd helped him carry his stuffy kajira... "Congratulations!"
[15:56] Aisha Thorne Na'Bandit (samira.korpov): Hail Svago!
[15:56] Elysia Turia Ambrosius (spiritsandwine): hail Svago!
[15:56] Joslyn Bernard (sophie.lacquey): Hail Svago!
[15:56] William Carver: As things settled down I would nod to Sylvanus "Jamie is out today so Sylvanus will be giving the Magistrates report, Sylvanus, when you are ready " I would say
[15:57] Sylvanus Voss sits forward in his chair having been given the notes from the magistrates offices; taking a breath he begins, "Thank you Administrator," he says before shuffling the papers around. "The weirdest thing happened it seems," he pauses, "Carnival went off without a hitch and there are no new cases to report. There are no open cases at all at this time as things seem to be settling into place with the promotion of the new High Magistrate. The offices of the magistrates comprise of the High Magistrate and three Praetors along with the court clerk after having lost one magistrate, and a praetor."
[15:58] Sylvanus Voss taps the scroll in front of him relaying the last bit of information upon it, "It would seem that the High Magistrate is working on some protocols for the group as a whole while enlisting the aid of the Lady Reese to put together something for the law program to make the magistrates work together better. The details are not put down to paper as noted they are in the initial stages of working these things out but look forward to bringing it to the fore and to the council once there is more to report." With this he sits back scanning the notes once again to make sure he hasn't missed anything nods then speaks finishing, "and I believe that will wrap up what it was that Jamie wished to have conveyed today,"
[15:59] Joslyn Bernard (sophie.lacquey) nodded to Turia as she took a seat quickly.
[15:59] William Carver: " Lady Ambassador, when you are ready " I would say
[16:02] Elysia Turia Ambrosius (spiritsandwine): "Greetings, everyone. Continually representatives Of Meqara Port reached out to Svago in an diplomatic attempt to set up for a trade and safe passage agreement. Max of Impact Enterprises of Meqara Port mentioned they are a huge supplier of fine wines, oils and timbers and wishes to trade and expand businesses between the two cities with the merchants here in Svago.
Today is the day that I would like to ask the council for their vote to accept Port Meqaras offer in having our safe passage and trade agreement sealed and made official. They look forward to hearing from us.." She paused and procured the agreement and sat it at the table infront of her. "Port Meqara had already sealed and read over the agreement.." Elysia smiled and smoothed out the svelte of her waist and sat as she let William take over for the counting of the votes with each head of caste.
[16:04] William Carver: "The Port did send their people here for the Administrators Celebration. " I turned to look at Malice " What do the Merchants have to say on this matter Sir?"
[16:08] Malice glanced up to the Administrator.. "As for my thoughts Sir, establishing the trade and safe passage agreement is fine, it allows citizens of both cities to safely visit and see if there are opportunities, I personally support the choice."
[16:09] William Carver: " Thank you Malice, no doubt your thoughts will have an impact on the vote. " I turned to Terek " Initiates your vote "
[16:10] Terek the Younger (kitten.serpente): I am happy to vote aye. *smiles*
[16:10] Marekai nods "Aye."
[16:10] William Carver: " Scribes "
[16:11] Niall Carver (bastnine): "Aye
[16:11] William Carver: "Physicians "
[16:11] Jarius Bernard (jariusorin): I say 'Physicians vote yes.'
[16:11] William Carver: " Warriors "
[16:11] Pчяиιя Alα'Bαиdιт (lextonian.snowpaw) would think upon the offer, the port had really no threat profile to speak, and open trade meant more wine for his men. Would have to take a contingent of men their to assess their threat or possible benefit as a military ally. "Warriors vote - Aye "
[16:12] William Carver: " The motion carries, Lady please see the document is put before the correct people for signature. Anything else from the Ambassadors?"
[16:13] Elysia Turia Ambrosius (spiritsandwine): Inclined her head to William, "Not from me, Administrator. " Though she'd silent for Joslyn. Just incase she wished to add anything.
[16:13] Joslyn Bernard (sophie.lacquey) shakes her head
[16:15] William Carver: " Then we are to the Merchants, Malice when you are ready Sir "
[16:16] Malice placed both hands on the table as he stood, his steel blue gaze looking to each of the Council members, "Tal Administrator, Heads of Castes, and distinguished Council members."
[16:16] Malice clearing his throat before continuing, "mhmhmm..." the long hours he had been spending going through the files and information was fresh in his thoughts, he had no notes in front of him... "The Merchant case would like to announce that House of Thorn has hired two new slavers, Lady Natasha & Keith Bluebird, as well a new Mariner Merchant has docked in Svago, Edward Teach the owner of Black Rose Trading now makes Svago his home port, and Lady Eliana Bulloch a wine merchant, she has been in the market area handing out samples for any interested.
It has also been brought to my attention that Branwen the Svago butcher has returned, I for one am glad to hear of this, I have not yet been able to meet with her, but it is high on my list of to-do's. Do take the time to welcome them all to Svago, the merchants work hard to provide Svago with the finest of goods and services!"
[16:17] Alaricus Evander Ambrosius (alstott) nods to a few as he walked in late. Taking posting behind William.
[16:18] Malice thought a moment to recall the name correctly... "Lady SolangeCapri, has closed her shop here in Svago and moved to Besnit, we wish her success in her move."
"There still remains the open positions for Tavern Keepers and a Harbor Master."
"That is all from the Merchant Caste." taking my seat.
[16:18] William Carver: Would wait for a moment to if any had questions for the Merchants. as my guard arrived late, I would see his pay was docked.
[16:19] Alaricus Evander Ambrosius (alstott) laughs as he read his mind. Mayhap he was gifted.
[16:25] Katerina Amaranth glances around the table curiously as things go silent for an extended period.
[16:27] William Carver: " Before we continue, some rumors have reached my ears about some concerns that I will address. The first one is the correction in the minutes about the Ludo being closed, I am informed the Ludo is still open, just with out stock I believe at the moment. As we indicated, should ther be any issues. The Warriors will deal with that slave with lethal force. The second was an off shoot of the concern of warrants being overly used, that matter was addressed in a meeting with the leadership of the Scribes and Warriors there standing guard to insure my Caste Brothers understood how serious I took the matter. The matter has been corrected but I along with this Council will continue to monitor this situation. I hope this brings to rest the concerns that our Citizens had on the matter. "
[16:28] Terek the Younger (kitten.serpente): Nods to indicate he understands
[16:28] Jarius Bernard (jariusorin): I nod in agreement.
[16:29] Katerina Amaranth nods.
[16:29] William Carver: "Now I believe we have time for 2 Citizens to address the Council should there be any that desire to do so. " I would look out to the crowd for any raised hands
[16:29] Rσʂα Mσɱɱα Dαɯҽʂ (rosalynne.dawes) looks for more nodding
[16:30] Velleity Dryden (emma.haskell) lifted her hand into the air.
[16:31] William Carver: " Yes Lady, " I would say seeing a dainty hand in the air
[16:35] Velleity Dryden (emma.haskell) lifted from the bench and would attempt to keep her concerns as succinct as possible - both in order to temper her own emotions on the subject and to also not draw out the council meeting any longer than strictly necessary, 'It has come to my attention yesterday that there seems an oddity in the laws of Svago. I had thought originally to speak to my own caste of the matter however it seems an opportune moment with those of the Magistrates Caste and those of the Scribes here present too, to voice it. Yesterday, I gave birth to a son. The labour came on spontaneously and proceeded with a such a degree of rapidity, I was unable to attend the cities medical facility. I birthed the child within my own home. Twelve hours later I attended the clinic, seeking to have myself and the child checked over and the baby registered. I was thusly informed by the attending Physician that because I had not given birth in the clinic, with a Physician in attendance, my child was not legal. I do not know if this was a
[16:35] Velleity Dryden (emma.haskell): misunderstanding, I do not understand the legalities of such but if I must petition for a change of law in this matter, then I will seek to do so today, lest the city ends up with a multitude of bastard children - simply because the poor woman cannot for any given reason attend the clinic to labour. I will not sit back and be informed that my child cannot be legally registered as a citizen of this city simply because I remained within my own home'.
[16:37] Joslyn Bernard (sophie.lacquey) furrowed her brows together, head jerking back in surprise at that tale.
[16:37] Jarius Bernard (jariusorin): I see the lady with her hand up and I listen. I now realize who it is. I shake my head to her form of dressing and her appearance. I think back to our talks but she was not in the infirmary. I thought of changing the rule all together for those that were even companioned. I rub my chin and I ponder that thought. 'If I may Administrator?'
[16:37] Terek the Younger (kitten.serpente): frowns,
[16:37] Katerina Amaranth turns as the other woman is called on, her eyes widening for a moment as she takes in her uncovered hair and face, recognizing the voice immediately as she begins speaking. She listens, but turns to watch Jarius and Domino as the woman finishes, her brows drawing together.
[16:38] William Carver: I would nod " Please do Jarius "
[16:38] Malice quietly stands and ducks out of the room, having to attend to an urgent matter. Hearing the woman voice her concern and making mental note of it, as it seemed if what she said were true, it was a bit discerning.
[16:38] Pчяиιя Alα'Bαиdιт (lextonian.snowpaw) rubbed the bridge of his nose and muttered if he could get away in tossing a physician off the high balcony of the High City....
[16:38] Rσʂα Mσɱɱα Dαɯҽʂ (rosalynne.dawes) just.........yeah, looks to Jarius and waits to see what he says on the matter.
[16:39] Elysia Turia Ambrosius (spiritsandwine): Listened curiously as always...she glanced to Jarius
[16:39] Ashellia Thorne Ana'Bandit (ashellia) took deep breaths feeling a little nauseous
[16:40] Aisha Thorne Na'Bandit (samira.korpov) 's brows would raise in twin shock at the story she would shake her head as she had never encountered such a thing, shedw would look up towards the head of caste of the physicians and waits for a retort she was curious as to the outcome, her scribe's mind ever wondering and curious
[16:40] Rσʂα Mσɱɱα Dαɯҽʂ (rosalynne.dawes) looks to Ash and raises an eyebrow
[16:42] Jarius Bernard (jariusorin): I strum my fingers on the desk. I then stand and I look at the lady. I now say. 'Tal Lady and your question today is very simple. First the issue should have been brought directly to me or my asst head of caste. None of the physicians will sign birth certificate without proof. This you know yourself being a physician I do believe. I thank you for raising this concern but all you need to do is go to the scribes and I am certain it will be handled for you.'
[16:43] Chrysoprase Ibn Yusef (mineralmaster): quietly thinks any child born within the limits of Svago not born of slaves should be a child of Svago if either parent id of Svago
[16:43] Trentan Hayford (trentanhayford)'s jaw hangs open; a slow blink as if he could not be sure of what he is hearing.
[16:45] William Carver: Listened and hearing the woman was a Physician herself " Well there you have it Lady, fill out your paper work yourself since you ae qualified and turn it in, simple as that. Thank you for your question. I will give a few moments for one more to speak before we close the meeting "
[16:45] Jarius Bernard (jariusorin): I see one in the audience mouth open and I think about asking what that was for but I leave it. Hearing William and took a seat.
[16:46] Velleity Dryden (emma.haskell) 's dress and appearance was strictly in accordance with the wishes of her companion, within the parameters of the laws of Svago and not deviating from her Head of Caste's instruction to wear veils and head coverings within the medical clinic, for clearly that is not where they stood conducting their business today and thusly, she did not feel ill at ease to stand there precisely as she was within that moment. She merely waited for the response, waited for Jarius' moment of irritation to pass. 'I would then say to the citizens of this city - beware for your women, beware for your offspring, ensure that without fail they are placed directly before a Physician's face - that a member of my own caste see it directly pushed forth from between the leg's of your woman, for although it seems that I will get my paperwork merely from attending an appointment with a Scribe, another of you may not be so fortuitous in the matter. There you have it;, she repeated, shaking her head after repeating William's conclusion
[16:46] Velleity Dryden (emma.haskell): on the matter.
[16:47] Elysia Turia Ambrosius (spiritsandwine): "Here we go.." She pinched the bridge of her nose.
[16:47] Jarius Bernard (jariusorin): I shake my head.
[16:48] Patrice Bennett (fatbakerpat) could barely pick her jaw up off the ground she was in such shock. She couldn't help but look to the woman then to the man that mentioned needing proof.
[16:48] Trentan Hayford (trentanhayford) can not imagine the Physicians so badly trained, just shifts uncomfortably in his seat, setting his jaw.
[16:48] Nikki Lordes (alwaysnikki): Nikki looks at the women curiously and walks over sitting down next to Kat "I dont understand the issue I suppose, I wont sign a birth certificate when I was a physician for a birth I did not attend to, but she can have all this taken care of officially with the scribes, where is the problem?"
[16:48] Pчяиιя Alα'Bαиdιт (lextonian.snowpaw) Looked to his men and cleared his throat to draw their attention. If William gave the word, the disturbance would be escorted out. Pondering what passes as a Free Woman these days, tho his woman had a outburst every now and then.. he could simply glare at Ash and she would pipe down.
[16:48] Rσʂα Mσɱɱα Dαɯҽʂ (rosalynne.dawes) blinks looking at the woman and the ponytail, scratches my head veil, that's jaw open worthy right there and hearing her continue just blinks even more, just shakes her head, so much drama over filling out a damn form that is known and coughs clearing her throat.
[16:49] Chrysoprase Ibn Yusef (mineralmaster): thinks there is validity to the ladies words she can for her child but if another not physician has child out of Phisicians eyes from need then they will be out of luck it seams thinking all this silently shakes head
[16:50] Terek the Younger (kitten.serpente): wonders if the lady was companioned, and if so, why her companion had not raised the question in council and if not...his mind went deliberately blank at that point, since he knew nothing of the circumstances.
[16:50] Dσмiησ Bernard (domino.morales) leans forward she could see the woman who spoke up .. she narrows her eyes .. thinking of Marcel and Sorcha .. years back .. " if i may add this .. Lady .. why dont you let your Companion handle this .. i am sure he has an outmost interest as well that the child is official registered .. "
[16:50] Marekai loks at his caste brother and smiles softly
[16:50] Aisha Thorne Na'Bandit (samira.korpov) was glad she was a scribe apprentice, she cant imagine one so poorly trained in such a noble caste she would remain quiet, her thoughts would wonder and would watch as green feathers might become ruffled this night
[16:51] Ashellia Thorne Ana'Bandit (ashellia) gazed around at all the daggers in the looks that came to the woman seated next to me. First, I did a double take for I was used to having the look down the nose gaze at myself, but this time it wasn't me! Felt a small victory in that and smiled to the woman in black. She obviously was passionate about the topic on which she spoke and well I, for one, knew how it was when I acted on my own emotions from time to time. I got it. I understood it and felt compassion for her.
[16:54] William Carver: " We all have our Caste Codes that we must adhere. Clearly any child born upon this Isle is born upon this Isle and can be given proper documentation when the proper process is followed. The Lady simply needed to get the matter made clear for her, she thus has. Physicians will only sign a birth certificate when they are the attending Physician. In the case of a home birth with no attending Physician or upon a Ship of Svago, those matters come to the Scribes for proper documentation. I hope this makes the matter clear. "
[16:54] Chrysoprase Ibn Yusef (mineralmaster): continues considering unloess a lady was known as some sort of falsehood teller and shows up with a newly born infent saying is here born from need at home why would not a Physician not believe her word as citizen of Svago
[16:55] Pчяиιя Alα'Bαиdιт (lextonian.snowpaw) finally noted that it was his woman sitting next to the woman, the woman could pass off as his daughter or his companion's younger sister. Looking about the room he made sure Aisha was present and would relax. Good wasn't his blood, tho knowing Ash's father there was a chance... shook his head not wanting that bad juju on him. When the question came up about why the woman's Companion didn't speak this before the council he looked about to the men in the room, particularly those of his caste who had enjoyment in conquering wordy women to realize not all victories were worth having. As William spoke his attention was turned back to the Administrator. 'Well Said Brother...' he thought to himself and would sit back, hoping the matter was addressed.
[16:56] William Carver: " Seeing no other has lifted their hand to address the Council, this session of the High Council stands in Adjournment. Hail Svago "
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