Steel Worlds OOC Guidelines
1. There will be absolutely no whining, complaining, or griping if you role play your character into a situation that gets it either killed, captured, or maimed. Kurii and Humans were natural, instinctual, mortal enemies. Those who did not know the faction of Lycuss would attack and attempt to kill any kur they saw and ask questions later. If your character is attacked and you do not wish it killed, then I strongly suggest you roll to escape. Follow through with the role play. Keep all OOC out of it, unless it is to clarify a given situation or casual conversation.
2. There will be no bolting any Gorean role play character from any of the public chat rooms. Bolting a Gorean character from the chat room is grounds for immediate dismissal from our group, period, and will not be tolerated.
a. The only time a non-Gorean role play character is bolted from the room is if they disrupt the role play. We have, as a group, always invited those to lurk and watch the role play, no matter what screen name they are on at the time. Some people just enjoy watching us play.
b. If someone disrupts the role play, use the ignore feature found on the right hand side of the chat room. If someone, whether on a Gorean role play screen name or otherwise, becomes overly derogatory or makes comments that are of a nature that is against AOL TOS regulations, simply report that screen name to AOL TOS, and then place them upon ignore so that their posts can no longer be seen.
3. If, for any reason, your character is killed by another character in our group do not take it personally. Learn from the mistake(s) that caused your character to be killed, create another character, and come back to play with us. To prevent the following you only must follow the IC guidelines, as in the quotes, found on the web site.
a. Slave characters within our group have a good possibility of being killed and eaten by the kurii. This is in keeping with the books. If you play a slave character and do not wish it killed, it is strongly suggested that said character is played very obedient.
b. Kurii characters within our group have a good possibility of being killed either by a group of humans or by the other kurii of an opposing faction. We invite those who play Gor to interact with our Kurii characters, whether it is as friend or foe. It is all part of the game of Gor.
c. Kurii Agent characters within our group have a good possibility of being made into a slave or killed. Generally when female agents outlived their usefulness they would be collared and sold on the nearest auction block. Generally when male agents outlived their usefulness they would be killed and eaten or collared as a slave. (this will only be done in role play IF the agent character goes against the Kurii and is found out)
4. The dicing rules for this group are as follows:
To escape a non-capture role play: the roll of the dice must be greater than those rolls to block escape, if none are greater than the dice at the end of the round, the character has successfully escaped.
In an arranged Capture Scene: A total of 15 points must be reached for either capture or escape.
In a Spar between Kurii, (as in contests of Claw and Fang or training of the military dominants): A total of 15 points must be reached for victory.
In a battle to the death the total amount of blood points must be reached for death. A kur has 30 blood points. A human has 20 blood points.
Check the Rules Page of the website for dice stats. Human characters will use the dice stats of the caste they belong to.
5. Crossing IC with OOC and Crossing characters will not, at any time, be tolerated and is grounds for immediate dismissal from our group. There are no exceptions to this rule. If you play two characters within the group and those characters trade information between each other, you must have email in the form of IC scrolls or role play logs to back up the interaction of said two characters.
a. If one of your characters in our group is killed or collared and because of such you take your other character out of the Story Line, this will be considered as OOC crossing.
6. IC Guidelines. It is hopefully not necessary to write IC Guidelines. Quotes taken directly from the books have been categorized and listed upon the web site for the convenience of our group’s players. The information is there for all to read about how to play a character that is; a kur, a kur agent, or a human slave of the kur. Because all do not, for one reason or another, read the web site quotes or the books, a few need to know facts about Kurii have been listed below. I do not know how I can make this any easier for our role players.
a. A kur, generally, does not like to be touched by a human and no where in the books of Norman does it have a kur cuddling, coddling, or being overly lenient with humans. They considered humans to be of a lower order than Kurii. Keep this in mind when your kur character interacts with a human character.
b. A kur could speak the language of a human only after years of practice, for the anatomy of their jaws and voice boxes were not designed for such. A kur could learn to understand the language of a human with little difficulty.
c. A human could not speak the Kurii language, period, yet a human could learn to understand basic phrases and commands.
d. Kurii were excellent trackers and according to John Norman had tracking abilities likened to that of the larl and only exceeded by the sleen.
e. Kurii had excellent nocturnal vision and could see as well on a starlit night as they could in the bright light of day.
f. Kurii had excellent hearing and could hear a whispered word from across an arena that was filled with warriors readying for an attack.
g. Kurii had an excellent sense of smell and could detect the scent of a trail that was days old.
h. Kurii were carnivores, not omnivores. They lived on a diet strictly of meat, whether human, tabuk, tarsk, bosk, or others. If they attempted to eat grain it would cause them to immediately become sick.
i. Kurii were not immune to the poisons of Gor though it is said they could withstand poisons better than humans. Ost venom was just as deadly to a kur as it was to a human.
k. Kurii, the Dominants and Non-Dominants, were 7 to 9 feet in height and ranged from 700 to 900 pounds, (the egg-carriers were smaller). They had six digits that were multi jointed and tipped with claws, that were kept filed, upon their hands. They had six digits upon their feet which had retractable claws, somewhat like a cats. Their legs were shorter than their arms and they could run upon all fours at a surprising speed. Their teeth were likened to that of a great cats, a few times Norman describes them as having fangs like that of a sabre-toothed tiger. The four fangs in the position of upper and lower canines were long, sharp, and curved backwards. They had a long dark colored tongue and the inside of their mouths were red. The kurii’s fur ranged from white to brown to black. White mottling of the fur was indicative of disease. Their ears were large and pointed and able to swivel forward and back or lay flat against the head. Their eyes were large with a yellowish cornea and had pupils that could dilate the width of the eye or shrink to tiny pinpoints given the amount of light. They had binocular vision. Their nose consisted of a muzzle, sometimes described as flat, with two leathery nostrils that could flare or close to tiny slits. They had two stomachs; a storage stomach and a chemical stomach. They could control the rate at which their chemical stomach could digest food. Kurii had an eight chambered heart. Kurii were vertebrates and possessed a brain that consisted of a left and right hemisphere. Most Kurii were right handed. Kurii did not have tails.
l. Kurii were of different races which could be discerned by the shape of their ears and nose, the color of their fur, and their size.
m. Kurii did not like to swim or submerge themselves in water, with the exception of that race of Kurii known by the Red Hunters as Ice Beasts, which had white fur and lived upon ice flows of the Gorean Arctic and hunted various sea beasts.
n. Kurii consisted of two types in general, those that were from the ships of the Steel Worlds and those who were native to Gor. The difference between the two is often described as likened to the difference between a civilized human and a cave man.
o. Kurii were vain creatures and often wore ornamentation such as rings and hoops in their ears, arm bands, wrist rings, and necklaces. It was rare that they wore finger rings, with the exception of the rings of Prasdak, of which there is only one left in existence. The higher the rank of a military kur the less ornamentation he wore.
p. Kurii Agents showed the Kurii great respect, for they knew at any time they could become a meal, yet also knew that the Kurii were always generous with gold, political power and women.
q. Kurii slaves were always extremely obedient and well behaved, out of pure fear, because they knew that the human female was considered a delicacy among the Kurii and that they would become a meal at the slightest indiscretion.
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