This is my collection of information I have gathered during my time as a Magistrate/High Magistrate in Fina, Rarn, Village of Abydos, Telnus, Whitewater, Thentis, Rorus, and others. This is my collection of information, nothing more. --- For now I find myself in the Island of Svago. --- I am Kael's companion again and we begin a new stage in our lives.
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Friday, July 17, 2015
Measurments, Time, and Money Unites
All directions on Gor are calculated from the Sardar Mountains. There are two main directions, Ta-Sardar-Var and Ta-Sardar-Ki-Var. They are also simply called Var and Ki-Var. Var means a turning toward the Sardar, almost like facing north. Ki-Var means not turning to the Sardar. But, Ki-Var is never used as a designation or direction on a map. The Gorean compass is divided into eight quadrants, as opposed to the four used on Earth. Starting with Var, in clockwise order, then comes Ror, Rim, Tun, Vask (also known as Versus Var), Cart, Klim and Kail. There is also a system of longitude and latitude figured on the basis of the Gorean day with Ahns, Ehns and Ihns.
A Gorean compass commonly has a luminescent dial and needle. The needle always points to the Sardar Mountains. It may also have a chronometer on the back. You press a tab to open the back panel and reveal the time piece.
A pasang is about seven-tenths of a mile. Most travel distances are expressed in pasangs. Speeds are also expressed in these units.
A hort equals 1 1/4 inches. Ten horts equal a Gorean foot, which is about 12 1/2 inches long. Height is normally expressed in horts. There are tape measures that are marked in horts.
An ah-il is the distance from the elbow to tip of the middle finger, about eighteen inches. This is similar to an Earth cubit. Ten ah-il equal one ah-ral. Cloth is commonly measured in these units. Ah-ils are not used to express height.
A huda equals five tefa. Six tefs equal one tefa, a tiny basket. A tef consists of a handful, with the fingers closed, of produce.
A stone equals about four pounds. A weight equals ten stone. Weight is normally expressed in stones.
A talu is equal to about two gallons.
There is an official Merchant's Stone, Weight and Foot. The Stone and Weight are solid metal cylinders while the Foot is a metal rod. They have been standardized by Merchant Law and are kept near the Sardar. Each city also keeps their own standard and can compare it to the official ones at any of the Sardar Fairs. Each Merchant will also keep their own standard that they can check against their city standard. Less scrupulous Merchants may use deceptive standards to cheat their customers.
The passage of years is measured differently in each city, usually according to that city's list of Administrators or Ubars. For example, it might be the tenth year in the Administration of someone or the fifteenth year of this Ubar. Some cities rely upon the calendar of Ar which is considered a standard in certain areas. In the Arian calendar, the years are marked in Contasta Ar (C.A.), since the founding of Ar. Ar is allegedly over 10,000 years old. Some of the barbarian cultures, such as the Wagon Peoples and Red Savages, have their own calendars. The Wagon People actually have two different calendars.
Gorean years are generally calculated from one vernal equinox to the next. Turia though uses the summer solstice as their New Year. There is no known Gorean term for a year. A year consists of twelve months and thirteen hands. Each month equals five weeks, each week consisting of five days. This means a Gorean year has 365 days. There is no known Gorean term for a month. In between each month is a Passage Hand, a five-day period. In many cities the Twelfth Passage Hand is a time of carnival, a festival of merriment. Players of Gor provides an excellent example of a carnival in Port Kar.
The Twelfth Passage Hand is followed by the Waiting Hand, a five-day period prior to the vernal equinox, which marks the New Year. The Waiting Hand is a solemn time when little business is done and many Goreans stay home. It is a time of fasting, meditation and mourning. The doors of many homes are painted white, sealed with pitch and branches of the brak bush are fastened to them. The brak bush is meant to keep bad luck away. On the dawn of the vernal equinox, a ceremonial greeting of the sun takes place within the city. The end of this greeting is signified by the ringing of great bars suspended above the city. The people then exit their houses, washing the pitch away and burning the brak bush. The festivities will last for the first ten days of the month. The Initiates do not make much of the Waiting Hand in their ceremonies and preachments so it is unlikely of much religious significance.
En'Kara-Lar-Torvis, commonly called En'Kara, is the first Gorean month, which would correspond roughly to the middle of the Earth month of March. It is the month of the vernal equinox. The term translates as the "First Turning of the Central Fire." The Central Fire is a Gorean term for the sun. According to Ar and some other cities, Hesius is the second month and Camerius is the third month. In Ko-ro-ba, the month of Camerius is known as Selnar. Se'Kara-Lar-Torvis, or Se'Kara, is the month of the autumnal equinox. The term translates as the "Second Turning of the Central Fire." En'Var-Lar-Torvis, or En'Var, is the month of the summer solstice. The term translates as the "First Resting of the Central Fire."
Se'Var-Lar-Torvis, or Se-Var, is the month of the winter solstice. The term translates as the "Second Resting of the Central Fire." The four "Lar-Torvis" months are common to most Gorean cities. The names of the rest of the months vary widely.
A Gorean day is divided into twenty Ahn, numbered consecutively. The tenth Ahn is noon and the twentieth Ahn is midnight. A Gorean day is the same length as an Earth day. An Ahn is similar to an Earth hour but the length of each is different. Each Ahn consists of forty Ehn, or minutes, and each Ehn of eighty Ihn or seconds. An Ihn is only a little longer than an earth second. In Earth terms, an Ahn is equal to 1.2 hours, or 72 minutes. An Ehn is equal to 1.8 minutes, or 108 seconds. An Ihn equals 1.35 seconds.
The duration of an Ahn may vary in other cities. Some cities divide their days by assigning ten Ahn to their daylight hours and ten to their night hours. Thus, in the summer, the day Ahns last longer than the night Ahns. Despite these differences, their days are still the same length as all other cities. It is only the length of some Ahns that varies.
Time bars are commonly rung in the city to signal each hour. Chronometers, watches, are rare and valuable. Their hands move counterclockwise and have a sweeping Ihn hand. Official clocks are adjusted, according to certain astronomical measurements, by the Scribe Caste. The average Gorean also has a variety of other simple devices to mark the passage of time. These include marked or calibrated candles, sun dials, sand glasses, clepsydras (water clocks) and oil clocks.
Click Here to see a Gorean Calendar
1st Ahn 12:01 AM- 1:12 AM
2nd Ahn 1:13 AM- 2:24 AM
3rd Ahn 2:25 AM- 3:36 AM
4th Ahn 3:37 AM- 4:48 AM
5th Ahn 4:49 AM- 6:00 AM
6th Ahn 6:01 AM- 7:12 AM
7th Ahn 7:13 AM- 8:24 AM
8th Ahn 8:25 AM- 9:36 AM
9th Ahn 9:37 AM- 10:48 AM
10th Ahn (Gorean Noon) 10:49 AM- 12:00 PM
11th Ahn 12:01 PM- 1:12 PM
12th Ahn 1:13 PM- 2:24 PM
13th Ahn 2:25 PM- 3:36 PM
14th Ahn 3:37 PM- 4:48 PM
15th Ahn 4:49 PM- 6:00 PM
16th Ahn 6:01 PM- 7:12 PM
17th Ahn 7:13 PM- 8:24 PM
18th Ahn 8:25 PM- 9:36 PM
19th Ahn 9:37 PM- 10:48 PM
20th Ahn (Gorean Midnight) 10:49 PM-12:00 AM
There is little standardization in currency exchange rates throughout Gor. These ratios vary from city to city. The bankers, or literally the coin merchants, try to standardize coinage at each Sardar Fair but their motion never passes. Certain coins though are respected and accepted throughout the civilized cities. These include such coins as the gold tarns of Ar, Ko-ro-ba and Port Kar, golden staters from Brundisium, and the silver tarsk of Tharna.
On Gor, the basic unit of currency is the tarsk coin, made of copper or silver. Each city then decides on the ratio between such coins. A tarsk bit is the smallest unit of currency. From four to twenty tarsk bits equals one copper tarsk. From forty to one hundred copper tarsks equals one silver tarsk. Ten silver tarsks equal one gold tarn disk. Gold tarn disks are also made in double weight. Some coins may be split into pieces to make change. A coin is about 1.5" in diameter and 3/8" thick. There is a tarn or tarsk on one side and usually a letter to identify the city of origin on the other side. There is no paper currency on Gor.
The early novels mentioned the existence of copper and silver tarn disks but the later books, especially when discussing exchange rates, omit these coins. If you monitor the appearance of these tarn disks, they begin to disappear from the books as they progress. And the initial books neglect to mention tarsk disks. This seems to be another area where Norman chose to change matters in the latter books. The latter books should be taken as more authoritative in this matter as they are the ones where the issue of coinage is more thoroughly described. Tribesman of Gor, #10, may be the last book to mention a copper or silver tarn disk.
To most Goreans, a silver tarsk is a coin of considerable value. A gold tarn disk is more than many common laborers earn in a year. A gold tarn may buy a tarn or five slave girls. Five pieces of gold is a fortune and one can live in many cities for years on such resources. For the most part, many items on Gor will sell for copper tarsks. Business is often conducted by notes and letters of credit. Most cities have their own mints. Coins are struck, one at a time, by a hammer pounding on the flat cap of a die. Coins are not made to be easily stacked. In some cities, such as Tharna, coins are drilled so that they might be stringed.
A coin is a way in which a government certifies that a given amount of precious metal is involved in a transaction. It saves the need of weighing and testing each coin, thus making commerce much easier. But, some less scrupulous people may shave coins, slicing slivers of metal off of them. This is akin to theft and fraud. The coin is worth less than it should be.
All directions on Gor are calculated from the Sardar Mountains. There are two main directions, Ta-Sardar-Var and Ta-Sardar-Ki-Var. They are also simply called Var and Ki-Var. Var means a turning toward the Sardar, almost like facing north. Ki-Var means not turning to the Sardar. But, Ki-Var is never used as a designation or direction on a map. The Gorean compass is divided into eight quadrants, as opposed to the four used on Earth. Starting with Var, in clockwise order, then comes Ror, Rim, Tun, Vask (also known as Versus Var), Cart, Klim and Kail. There is also a system of longitude and latitude figured on the basis of the Gorean day with Ahns, Ehns and Ihns.
A Gorean compass commonly has a luminescent dial and needle. The needle always points to the Sardar Mountains. It may also have a chronometer on the back. You press a tab to open the back panel and reveal the time piece.
A pasang is about seven-tenths of a mile. Most travel distances are expressed in pasangs. Speeds are also expressed in these units.
A hort equals 1 1/4 inches. Ten horts equal a Gorean foot, which is about 12 1/2 inches long. Height is normally expressed in horts. There are tape measures that are marked in horts.
An ah-il is the distance from the elbow to tip of the middle finger, about eighteen inches. This is similar to an Earth cubit. Ten ah-il equal one ah-ral. Cloth is commonly measured in these units. Ah-ils are not used to express height.
A huda equals five tefa. Six tefs equal one tefa, a tiny basket. A tef consists of a handful, with the fingers closed, of produce.
A stone equals about four pounds. A weight equals ten stone. Weight is normally expressed in stones.
A talu is equal to about two gallons.
There is an official Merchant's Stone, Weight and Foot. The Stone and Weight are solid metal cylinders while the Foot is a metal rod. They have been standardized by Merchant Law and are kept near the Sardar. Each city also keeps their own standard and can compare it to the official ones at any of the Sardar Fairs. Each Merchant will also keep their own standard that they can check against their city standard. Less scrupulous Merchants may use deceptive standards to cheat their customers.
The passage of years is measured differently in each city, usually according to that city's list of Administrators or Ubars. For example, it might be the tenth year in the Administration of someone or the fifteenth year of this Ubar. Some cities rely upon the calendar of Ar which is considered a standard in certain areas. In the Arian calendar, the years are marked in Contasta Ar (C.A.), since the founding of Ar. Ar is allegedly over 10,000 years old. Some of the barbarian cultures, such as the Wagon Peoples and Red Savages, have their own calendars. The Wagon People actually have two different calendars.
Gorean years are generally calculated from one vernal equinox to the next. Turia though uses the summer solstice as their New Year. There is no known Gorean term for a year. A year consists of twelve months and thirteen hands. Each month equals five weeks, each week consisting of five days. This means a Gorean year has 365 days. There is no known Gorean term for a month. In between each month is a Passage Hand, a five-day period. In many cities the Twelfth Passage Hand is a time of carnival, a festival of merriment. Players of Gor provides an excellent example of a carnival in Port Kar.
The Twelfth Passage Hand is followed by the Waiting Hand, a five-day period prior to the vernal equinox, which marks the New Year. The Waiting Hand is a solemn time when little business is done and many Goreans stay home. It is a time of fasting, meditation and mourning. The doors of many homes are painted white, sealed with pitch and branches of the brak bush are fastened to them. The brak bush is meant to keep bad luck away. On the dawn of the vernal equinox, a ceremonial greeting of the sun takes place within the city. The end of this greeting is signified by the ringing of great bars suspended above the city. The people then exit their houses, washing the pitch away and burning the brak bush. The festivities will last for the first ten days of the month. The Initiates do not make much of the Waiting Hand in their ceremonies and preachments so it is unlikely of much religious significance.
En'Kara-Lar-Torvis, commonly called En'Kara, is the first Gorean month, which would correspond roughly to the middle of the Earth month of March. It is the month of the vernal equinox. The term translates as the "First Turning of the Central Fire." The Central Fire is a Gorean term for the sun. According to Ar and some other cities, Hesius is the second month and Camerius is the third month. In Ko-ro-ba, the month of Camerius is known as Selnar. Se'Kara-Lar-Torvis, or Se'Kara, is the month of the autumnal equinox. The term translates as the "Second Turning of the Central Fire." En'Var-Lar-Torvis, or En'Var, is the month of the summer solstice. The term translates as the "First Resting of the Central Fire."
Se'Var-Lar-Torvis, or Se-Var, is the month of the winter solstice. The term translates as the "Second Resting of the Central Fire." The four "Lar-Torvis" months are common to most Gorean cities. The names of the rest of the months vary widely.
A Gorean day is divided into twenty Ahn, numbered consecutively. The tenth Ahn is noon and the twentieth Ahn is midnight. A Gorean day is the same length as an Earth day. An Ahn is similar to an Earth hour but the length of each is different. Each Ahn consists of forty Ehn, or minutes, and each Ehn of eighty Ihn or seconds. An Ihn is only a little longer than an earth second. In Earth terms, an Ahn is equal to 1.2 hours, or 72 minutes. An Ehn is equal to 1.8 minutes, or 108 seconds. An Ihn equals 1.35 seconds.
The duration of an Ahn may vary in other cities. Some cities divide their days by assigning ten Ahn to their daylight hours and ten to their night hours. Thus, in the summer, the day Ahns last longer than the night Ahns. Despite these differences, their days are still the same length as all other cities. It is only the length of some Ahns that varies.
Time bars are commonly rung in the city to signal each hour. Chronometers, watches, are rare and valuable. Their hands move counterclockwise and have a sweeping Ihn hand. Official clocks are adjusted, according to certain astronomical measurements, by the Scribe Caste. The average Gorean also has a variety of other simple devices to mark the passage of time. These include marked or calibrated candles, sun dials, sand glasses, clepsydras (water clocks) and oil clocks.
Click Here to see a Gorean Calendar
1st Ahn 12:01 AM- 1:12 AM
2nd Ahn 1:13 AM- 2:24 AM
3rd Ahn 2:25 AM- 3:36 AM
4th Ahn 3:37 AM- 4:48 AM
5th Ahn 4:49 AM- 6:00 AM
6th Ahn 6:01 AM- 7:12 AM
7th Ahn 7:13 AM- 8:24 AM
8th Ahn 8:25 AM- 9:36 AM
9th Ahn 9:37 AM- 10:48 AM
10th Ahn (Gorean Noon) 10:49 AM- 12:00 PM
11th Ahn 12:01 PM- 1:12 PM
12th Ahn 1:13 PM- 2:24 PM
13th Ahn 2:25 PM- 3:36 PM
14th Ahn 3:37 PM- 4:48 PM
15th Ahn 4:49 PM- 6:00 PM
16th Ahn 6:01 PM- 7:12 PM
17th Ahn 7:13 PM- 8:24 PM
18th Ahn 8:25 PM- 9:36 PM
19th Ahn 9:37 PM- 10:48 PM
20th Ahn (Gorean Midnight) 10:49 PM-12:00 AM
There is little standardization in currency exchange rates throughout Gor. These ratios vary from city to city. The bankers, or literally the coin merchants, try to standardize coinage at each Sardar Fair but their motion never passes. Certain coins though are respected and accepted throughout the civilized cities. These include such coins as the gold tarns of Ar, Ko-ro-ba and Port Kar, golden staters from Brundisium, and the silver tarsk of Tharna.
On Gor, the basic unit of currency is the tarsk coin, made of copper or silver. Each city then decides on the ratio between such coins. A tarsk bit is the smallest unit of currency. From four to twenty tarsk bits equals one copper tarsk. From forty to one hundred copper tarsks equals one silver tarsk. Ten silver tarsks equal one gold tarn disk. Gold tarn disks are also made in double weight. Some coins may be split into pieces to make change. A coin is about 1.5" in diameter and 3/8" thick. There is a tarn or tarsk on one side and usually a letter to identify the city of origin on the other side. There is no paper currency on Gor.
The early novels mentioned the existence of copper and silver tarn disks but the later books, especially when discussing exchange rates, omit these coins. If you monitor the appearance of these tarn disks, they begin to disappear from the books as they progress. And the initial books neglect to mention tarsk disks. This seems to be another area where Norman chose to change matters in the latter books. The latter books should be taken as more authoritative in this matter as they are the ones where the issue of coinage is more thoroughly described. Tribesman of Gor, #10, may be the last book to mention a copper or silver tarn disk.
To most Goreans, a silver tarsk is a coin of considerable value. A gold tarn disk is more than many common laborers earn in a year. A gold tarn may buy a tarn or five slave girls. Five pieces of gold is a fortune and one can live in many cities for years on such resources. For the most part, many items on Gor will sell for copper tarsks. Business is often conducted by notes and letters of credit. Most cities have their own mints. Coins are struck, one at a time, by a hammer pounding on the flat cap of a die. Coins are not made to be easily stacked. In some cities, such as Tharna, coins are drilled so that they might be stringed.
A coin is a way in which a government certifies that a given amount of precious metal is involved in a transaction. It saves the need of weighing and testing each coin, thus making commerce much easier. But, some less scrupulous people may shave coins, slicing slivers of metal off of them. This is akin to theft and fraud. The coin is worth less than it should be.
Etiquette on Gor
The following is a collection of points of etiquette which are common to Gor. Everyone, free and slave will benefit from this paper.
Tal: Tal is a common Gorean greeting. It is often accompanied with the right hand raised to shoulder level, palm inward, facing the body. This signifies that the person being greeted is not considered an enemy. The gesture shows that the hand is devoid of any weapon. As slaves are not permitted weapons, then this salute would be ludicrous. As slaves must also respect all free persons, they cannot consider any to be their enemy. Thus the salute might even be considered an insult to a free person. Slaves may use the word "Tal" as a greeting but they would not accompany it with the hand gesture. There are examples in the books of slaves using the word "Tal" as a form of greeting.
Hail: This is a form of greeting reserved for experts and champions at some matter. An expert swordsman or kaissa player would be greeted in this manner. No slave would ever be greeted in this manner. Slaves may also use this term when referring to a qualified free person. A Ubar qualifies for this form of greeting.
I Wish You Well: This is the common Gorean phrase of farewell. It may be used by free persons or slaves.
I Ask Your Favor: This is the common Gorean phrase for "please." It may also be used by free persons or slaves.
Thank You: There is no special Gorean term or phrase to thank another person. Slaves may be thanked or not, depending on the will of the free person. Many slaves are especially fearful of any master who shows them such kindness.
Slaves Addressing Free People: All slaves must address free persons as Master or Mistress. They will only address their own Master as "my" Master or Mistress. Slaves are not permitted to address any free person by their name. The privilege of using a master's name is reserved for the free woman, in particular the Free Companion. It is said that a slave girl grows bold if her lips are allowed to touch the name of her master. But, some masters prefer to hear their name said by a slave. This is commonly permitted only in private, out of the presence of free women. A slave may tell others the name of her master for explanation purposes only, such as to identify her owner.
Ubar: Ubar is an official title. Slaves addressing a Ubar should refer to him as "Ubar" or "Master" but should not combine the two. "Master Ubar" is not a valid address. A free person's title is always considered respectful for a slave. An "Administrator" or "Regent" would be addressed as such by a slave. Most free persons should also address an Ubar by his title, and not by his name. If you have been given specific permission from the Ubar, you may then call him by his name.
Ubara: Ubara is an official title. Slaves addressing the Ubara should refer to her as "Ubara" or "Mistress" but she should not combine the two. "Mistress Ubara" is not a valid address. Most free persons should also address an Ubara by her title, and not by her name. If you have been given specific permission from the Ubara, you may then call her by her name.
Paga Tavern: When a slave enters a paga tavern, she does not have to ask permission or perform any form of obeisance at the door. A slave should enter quietly and go to kneel in the serving area. A slave should not greet any free person when she enters unless her owner is present. A slave should always greet their owner, once they have gone to the serving area. A slave does need to ask permission to leave the tavern. They should first ask their owner. If the owner is not present, any free person may be asked.
Slaves who are waiting in the serving area should pay attention to see if any free person needs food or drink. If a free person requests a server, they should not have to wait if a slave is just kneeling in the serving area doing nothing. Free persons must also be patient and wait for a slave to be available if they wish refreshment if all the slaves present are currently serving others. Free women will not serve in a paga tavern under almost any circumstances.
Order of Precedence: In group settings, certain free persons should be given precedence by slaves, especially when serving. A Ubar/Administrator should be given priority in all matters, as he is the chief of state and the highest ranking free person in the city. After them, then comes the Ubara/Free Companion of the Administrator. After that, would be any other high ranking persons present. Then, your owner should be given precedence. Finally, all other free persons would then have equal precedence.
Haggling: The rule in the marketplace and in stores is that there are no fixed prices. Haggling is the order of business. If you wish to purchase an item from someone, haggle over the price. In haggling, you start your offer low and the seller starts his price high. You try to come to a reasonable price, that makes both parties pleased. Many merchants enjoy haggling as much as getting their money.
Begging: Goreans do not favor begging and some even view it as an insult. When charity is in order, it is usually arranged by the caste or clan.
Free Women: Free women should be treated with respect and honor. Considerable deference is due to a free woman. Free women may speak freely and without permission. They may be bold and do much of what they wish. But, free women must also beware that they possess their freedom only by the will of free men. A Ubara/Tatrix should be treated with the utmost of respect as she does wield great power in the city.
Lady: This is a term of respect used for free women, especially those of high station or Caste. It is to be used only by free persons though. A slave would not use this term.
Station: Gor is a hierarchial world where your status, station and caste are vitally important. In general, you show respect to those of superior status, station or caste. That includes free women. A free woman of High Caste deserves respect from Low Caste men. A very wealthy woman would be considered of high status and would also be due respect. Though men may consider themselves dominant over women, they still respect the ideas of status, station and caste. Men also respect men of higher standing than themselves. A City Leader would have the highest status of any and would be due respect from all.
Compliments: Gorean compliments are generally meaningful for they are usually given only when deserved.
Children: Goreans are generally fond of children and do not inflict suffering or abuse on them. Even slave children are seldom abused and are given much freedom at least until they reach adulthood.
Sitting: Free men sit cross-legged. They rarely use chairs as chairs are usually reserved for special people like Administrators, Ubars and judges. Most Goreans find chairs to be uncomfortable anyways. Free women kneel to sit. Their knees are kept close together and their hands lie on their thighs, palms face down. All slaves kneel to sit, and the position of their hands and knees depend on the type of slave they are. Slaves never sit in chairs and might be whipped or even slain for sitting in them.
Streets: When walking or riding down a street or road, Goreans commonly stay to the left of the road when passing others. This is done so that your sword arm, commonly the right arm, faces the person you are passing
Information gathered at this site...
Tal: Tal is a common Gorean greeting. It is often accompanied with the right hand raised to shoulder level, palm inward, facing the body. This signifies that the person being greeted is not considered an enemy. The gesture shows that the hand is devoid of any weapon. As slaves are not permitted weapons, then this salute would be ludicrous. As slaves must also respect all free persons, they cannot consider any to be their enemy. Thus the salute might even be considered an insult to a free person. Slaves may use the word "Tal" as a greeting but they would not accompany it with the hand gesture. There are examples in the books of slaves using the word "Tal" as a form of greeting.
Hail: This is a form of greeting reserved for experts and champions at some matter. An expert swordsman or kaissa player would be greeted in this manner. No slave would ever be greeted in this manner. Slaves may also use this term when referring to a qualified free person. A Ubar qualifies for this form of greeting.
I Wish You Well: This is the common Gorean phrase of farewell. It may be used by free persons or slaves.
I Ask Your Favor: This is the common Gorean phrase for "please." It may also be used by free persons or slaves.
Thank You: There is no special Gorean term or phrase to thank another person. Slaves may be thanked or not, depending on the will of the free person. Many slaves are especially fearful of any master who shows them such kindness.
Slaves Addressing Free People: All slaves must address free persons as Master or Mistress. They will only address their own Master as "my" Master or Mistress. Slaves are not permitted to address any free person by their name. The privilege of using a master's name is reserved for the free woman, in particular the Free Companion. It is said that a slave girl grows bold if her lips are allowed to touch the name of her master. But, some masters prefer to hear their name said by a slave. This is commonly permitted only in private, out of the presence of free women. A slave may tell others the name of her master for explanation purposes only, such as to identify her owner.
Ubar: Ubar is an official title. Slaves addressing a Ubar should refer to him as "Ubar" or "Master" but should not combine the two. "Master Ubar" is not a valid address. A free person's title is always considered respectful for a slave. An "Administrator" or "Regent" would be addressed as such by a slave. Most free persons should also address an Ubar by his title, and not by his name. If you have been given specific permission from the Ubar, you may then call him by his name.
Ubara: Ubara is an official title. Slaves addressing the Ubara should refer to her as "Ubara" or "Mistress" but she should not combine the two. "Mistress Ubara" is not a valid address. Most free persons should also address an Ubara by her title, and not by her name. If you have been given specific permission from the Ubara, you may then call her by her name.
Paga Tavern: When a slave enters a paga tavern, she does not have to ask permission or perform any form of obeisance at the door. A slave should enter quietly and go to kneel in the serving area. A slave should not greet any free person when she enters unless her owner is present. A slave should always greet their owner, once they have gone to the serving area. A slave does need to ask permission to leave the tavern. They should first ask their owner. If the owner is not present, any free person may be asked.
Slaves who are waiting in the serving area should pay attention to see if any free person needs food or drink. If a free person requests a server, they should not have to wait if a slave is just kneeling in the serving area doing nothing. Free persons must also be patient and wait for a slave to be available if they wish refreshment if all the slaves present are currently serving others. Free women will not serve in a paga tavern under almost any circumstances.
Order of Precedence: In group settings, certain free persons should be given precedence by slaves, especially when serving. A Ubar/Administrator should be given priority in all matters, as he is the chief of state and the highest ranking free person in the city. After them, then comes the Ubara/Free Companion of the Administrator. After that, would be any other high ranking persons present. Then, your owner should be given precedence. Finally, all other free persons would then have equal precedence.
Haggling: The rule in the marketplace and in stores is that there are no fixed prices. Haggling is the order of business. If you wish to purchase an item from someone, haggle over the price. In haggling, you start your offer low and the seller starts his price high. You try to come to a reasonable price, that makes both parties pleased. Many merchants enjoy haggling as much as getting their money.
Begging: Goreans do not favor begging and some even view it as an insult. When charity is in order, it is usually arranged by the caste or clan.
Free Women: Free women should be treated with respect and honor. Considerable deference is due to a free woman. Free women may speak freely and without permission. They may be bold and do much of what they wish. But, free women must also beware that they possess their freedom only by the will of free men. A Ubara/Tatrix should be treated with the utmost of respect as she does wield great power in the city.
Lady: This is a term of respect used for free women, especially those of high station or Caste. It is to be used only by free persons though. A slave would not use this term.
Station: Gor is a hierarchial world where your status, station and caste are vitally important. In general, you show respect to those of superior status, station or caste. That includes free women. A free woman of High Caste deserves respect from Low Caste men. A very wealthy woman would be considered of high status and would also be due respect. Though men may consider themselves dominant over women, they still respect the ideas of status, station and caste. Men also respect men of higher standing than themselves. A City Leader would have the highest status of any and would be due respect from all.
Compliments: Gorean compliments are generally meaningful for they are usually given only when deserved.
Children: Goreans are generally fond of children and do not inflict suffering or abuse on them. Even slave children are seldom abused and are given much freedom at least until they reach adulthood.
Sitting: Free men sit cross-legged. They rarely use chairs as chairs are usually reserved for special people like Administrators, Ubars and judges. Most Goreans find chairs to be uncomfortable anyways. Free women kneel to sit. Their knees are kept close together and their hands lie on their thighs, palms face down. All slaves kneel to sit, and the position of their hands and knees depend on the type of slave they are. Slaves never sit in chairs and might be whipped or even slain for sitting in them.
Streets: When walking or riding down a street or road, Goreans commonly stay to the left of the road when passing others. This is done so that your sword arm, commonly the right arm, faces the person you are passing
Information gathered at this site...
Traffic Overview of Gorean Player-Towns as of 1/30/06
A "Find" search on "Places" was run using "Gorean" as a search term during the 1/30/06 window. The following resulted (venues that when visited proved to be shopping malls but not Gorean role playing sites are excluded):
Port Cos......................... 35,958
City of Lydius...................12,462
Turia................................ 9,602
Glorius Ar..........................8,140
Eden's Gate.......................5,827
Oblivion Outpost.................4,628
Anango Gorean Jungle........4,132
House of Neruda................3,431
City of Treve.....................2,865
Shivar Nadru.....................2,716
Isle of Tyros - Kasra..........2,538
Port Kar............................2,418
Feral Tarn Outpost.............2,290
Taluna Country (Anango)...1,973
Estate of Master B. Dulce...1,082
House of Guarded Serv........675
City of Tabor.......................668
Other private islands with Gorean names or which are adjacent properties of cities were identified by examination of the large map. Traffic figures were obtained by direct observation:
Western Ar............................75
Southern Ar (4 sections)..~2,400
The Sardar Fair....................291
If I've missed an active role-playing Gorean venue, please let me know and I'll edit the list appropriately.
Port Cos......................... 35,958
City of Lydius...................12,462
Turia................................ 9,602
Glorius Ar..........................8,140
Eden's Gate.......................5,827
Oblivion Outpost.................4,628
Anango Gorean Jungle........4,132
House of Neruda................3,431
City of Treve.....................2,865
Shivar Nadru.....................2,716
Isle of Tyros - Kasra..........2,538
Port Kar............................2,418
Feral Tarn Outpost.............2,290
Taluna Country (Anango)...1,973
Estate of Master B. Dulce...1,082
House of Guarded Serv........675
City of Tabor.......................668
Other private islands with Gorean names or which are adjacent properties of cities were identified by examination of the large map. Traffic figures were obtained by direct observation:
Western Ar............................75
Southern Ar (4 sections)..~2,400
The Sardar Fair....................291
If I've missed an active role-playing Gorean venue, please let me know and I'll edit the list appropriately.
It would be interesting to compare this list to the current number, if available, to see how things changed over time.
Setting Up House
Last night I set up the house in Rorus for the family. I had 79 prims and Sis' 15, so we are way under the 200 we may use. It surprised me that I managed to get sleeping for all of us and a fairly nice set up. Hopefully the family will like it.
I also placed a message book (or diary) at the house at the farm, the house and the merchant building in Rorus. All three have messages saying that I will not be around over the weekend.
I also placed a message book (or diary) at the house at the farm, the house and the merchant building in Rorus. All three have messages saying that I will not be around over the weekend.
Thursday, July 16, 2015
More Gorean Books?
Series: Gor ISFDB Series Record # 2570
Webpages: Wikipedia-EN
Bibliographic Comments: View/edit existing Series comment
Series Tags: science fantasy (1)
John Norman - Counter Earth 01 - Tarnsman Of Gor.epub
John Norman - Counter Earth 02 - Outlaw Of Gor.epub
John Norman - Counter Earth 03 - Priest-Kings Of Gor.epub
John Norman - Counter Earth 04 - Nomads Of Gor.epub
John Norman - Counter Earth 05 - Assassin Of Gor.epub
John Norman - Counter Earth 06 - Raiders Of Gor.epub
John Norman - Counter Earth 07 - Captive Of Gor.epub
John Norman - Counter Earth 08 - Hunters Of Gor.epub
John Norman - Counter Earth 09 - Marauders Of Gor.epub
John Norman - Counter Earth 10 - Tribesmen Of Gor.epub
John Norman - Counter Earth 11 - Slave Girl Of Gor.epub
John Norman - Counter Earth 12 - Beasts Of Gor.epub
John Norman - Counter Earth 13 - Explorers Of Gor.epub
John Norman - Counter Earth 14 - Fighting Slave Of Gor.epub
John Norman - Counter Earth 15 - Rogue Of Gor.epub
John Norman - Counter Earth 16 - Guardsman Of Gor.epub
John Norman - Counter Earth 17 - Savages Of Gor.epub
John Norman - Counter Earth 18 - Blood Brothers.epub
John Norman - Counter Earth 19 - Kajira Of Gor.epub
John Norman - Counter Earth 20 - Players Of Gor.epub
John Norman - Counter Earth 21 - Mercenaries Of Gor.epub
John Norman - Counter Earth 22 - Dancer Of Gor.epub
John Norman - Counter Earth 23 - Renegades Of Gor.epub
John Norman - Counter Earth 24 - Vagabonds Of Gor.epub
John Norman - Counter Earth 25 - Magicians Of Gor.epub
John Norman - Counter Earth 26 - Witness Of Gor.epub
John Norman - Counter Earth 27 - Prize of Gor.epub
John Norman - Counter Earth 28 - Kur of Gor.epub
John Norman - Counter Earth 29 - Swordsmen of Gor.epub
John Norman - Counter Earth 30 - Mariners of Gor.epub
John Norman - Counter Earth 31 - Conspirators of Gor.epub
John Norman - Counter Earth 32 - Smugglers of Gor.epub
John Norman - Counter Earth 33 - Rebels of Gor.epub
John Norman - Ghost Dance.epub
John Norman - Telnarian Histories 01 - The Chieftain.epub
John Norman - Telnarian histories 02 - The Captain.epub
John Norman - Telnarian histories 03 - The King.epub
John Norman - The Totems of Abydos.epub
John Norman - Time Slave.epub
Webpages: Wikipedia-EN
Bibliographic Comments: View/edit existing Series comment
Series Tags: science fantasy (1)
- 1 Tarnsman of Gor (1966) by John Norman
- 2 Outlaw of Gor (1967) by John Norman
- 3 Priest-Kings of Gor (1968) by John Norman
- 4 Nomads of Gor (1969) by John Norman
- 5 Assassin of Gor (1970) by John Norman
- 6 Raiders of Gor (1971) by John Norman
- 7 Captive of Gor (1972) by John Norman
- 8 Hunters of Gor (1974) by John Norman
- 9 Marauders of Gor (1975) by John Norman
- 10 Tribesmen of Gor (1976) by John Norman
- 11 Slave Girl of Gor (1977) by John Norman
- 12 Beasts of Gor (1978) by John Norman
- 13 Explorers of Gor (1979) by John Norman
- 14 Fighting Slave of Gor (1980) by John Norman
- 15 Rogue of Gor (1981) by John Norman
- 16 Guardsman of Gor (1981) by John Norman
- 17 Savages of Gor (1982) by John Norman
- 18 Blood Brothers of Gor (1982) by John Norman
- 19 Kajira of Gor (1983) by John Norman
- 20 Players of Gor (1984) by John Norman
- 21 Mercenaries of Gor (1985) by John Norman
- 22 Dancer of Gor (1985) by John Norman
- 23 Renegades of Gor (1986) by John Norman
- 24 Vagabonds of Gor (1987) by John Norman
- 25 Magicians of Gor (1988) by John Norman
- 26 Witness of Gor (2001) by John Norman
- 27 Prize of Gor (2008) by John Norman
- 28 Kur of Gor (2009) by John Norman
- 29 Swordsmen of Gor (2010) by John Norman
- 30 Mariners of Gor (2011) by John Norman
- 31 Conspirators of Gor (2012) by John Norman
- 32 Smugglers of Gor (2012) by John Norman
- 33 Rebels of Gor (2013) by John Norman
- Gor Omnibus (1972) [O/1,2,3] by John Norman
- Tarnsman of Gor / Outlaw of Gor (1975) [O/1,2] by John Norman
- Priest-Kings of Gor / Nomads of Gor (1979) [O/3,4] by John Norman
- A Gorean Encounter (2009) [SF] by John Norman
- A Gorean Interlude (2009) [SF] by John Norman
- Letters from Gor (2009) [SF] by John Norman
- Gor: The Gateway Collection (2012) [O/1-6] by John Norman
John Norman - Counter Earth 01 - Tarnsman Of Gor.epub
John Norman - Counter Earth 02 - Outlaw Of Gor.epub
John Norman - Counter Earth 03 - Priest-Kings Of Gor.epub
John Norman - Counter Earth 04 - Nomads Of Gor.epub
John Norman - Counter Earth 05 - Assassin Of Gor.epub
John Norman - Counter Earth 06 - Raiders Of Gor.epub
John Norman - Counter Earth 07 - Captive Of Gor.epub
John Norman - Counter Earth 08 - Hunters Of Gor.epub
John Norman - Counter Earth 09 - Marauders Of Gor.epub
John Norman - Counter Earth 10 - Tribesmen Of Gor.epub
John Norman - Counter Earth 11 - Slave Girl Of Gor.epub
John Norman - Counter Earth 12 - Beasts Of Gor.epub
John Norman - Counter Earth 13 - Explorers Of Gor.epub
John Norman - Counter Earth 14 - Fighting Slave Of Gor.epub
John Norman - Counter Earth 15 - Rogue Of Gor.epub
John Norman - Counter Earth 16 - Guardsman Of Gor.epub
John Norman - Counter Earth 17 - Savages Of Gor.epub
John Norman - Counter Earth 18 - Blood Brothers.epub
John Norman - Counter Earth 19 - Kajira Of Gor.epub
John Norman - Counter Earth 20 - Players Of Gor.epub
John Norman - Counter Earth 21 - Mercenaries Of Gor.epub
John Norman - Counter Earth 22 - Dancer Of Gor.epub
John Norman - Counter Earth 23 - Renegades Of Gor.epub
John Norman - Counter Earth 24 - Vagabonds Of Gor.epub
John Norman - Counter Earth 25 - Magicians Of Gor.epub
John Norman - Counter Earth 26 - Witness Of Gor.epub
John Norman - Counter Earth 27 - Prize of Gor.epub
John Norman - Counter Earth 28 - Kur of Gor.epub
John Norman - Counter Earth 29 - Swordsmen of Gor.epub
John Norman - Counter Earth 30 - Mariners of Gor.epub
John Norman - Counter Earth 31 - Conspirators of Gor.epub
John Norman - Counter Earth 32 - Smugglers of Gor.epub
John Norman - Counter Earth 33 - Rebels of Gor.epub
John Norman - Ghost Dance.epub
John Norman - Telnarian Histories 01 - The Chieftain.epub
John Norman - Telnarian histories 02 - The Captain.epub
John Norman - Telnarian histories 03 - The King.epub
John Norman - The Totems of Abydos.epub
John Norman - Time Slave.epub
Case Study of Gorean Culture in Second Life and RFC - 2006
As Second Life continues to grow its population, it affords increasing opportunities for sub-cultures that find obstacles to realization in First Life. Some of those subcultures include communities with Elven themes, "furry" themes and Gorean themes. This is an introductory note on the study of Gorean culture in Second Life, and a request for comment and expansion (or correction) by those more familiar with it.
Gorean culture is controversial in part because it includes legally institutionalized subordination of females and human slavery, both (currently) anathema in Western culture. Both were legally recognized even in the United States as recently as 150 years ago. Despite controversy, a significant number of females and males participate in SL's Gorean culture. Several of the Gorean "player towns" have traffic figures competitive with the most popular camp chair and money ball venues.
In Second Life, participation in such virtual cultures is voluntary, and no resident can be held in a state of subjugation or "slavery" except by his or her own consent. In this regard, there is an intriguing opportunity to study what motivates women (or men who choose to portray themselves as women) to enter a virtual status of subjugation from which they can remove themselves at a keystroke.
The Gorean culture has long been simulated in text-based multi-player worlds. In other virtual worlds, game managers have understandably not focused on the game tools that would facilitate human slavery or the "not appropriate for minors" clothing and behavior customs of Gorean culture. Second Life, with its encouragement of resident-created content and activity and resident-owned virtual land, makes possible a simulation of Gorean culture.
Some background
Gorean culture derives from a series of novels written by John Norman, depicting the adventures of a man from Earth who is transported to a "counter-Earth" called Gor that is undetectable to Earth science. On Gor, a warrior culture exists with strange and dangerous wild beasts partially turned to human purposes by residents of Gor. Warring city-states operate independently, yet merchants travel between the various cities with various trade goods.
Among the trade good are slaves, almost exclusively females, which the novels invariably describe as young, attractive, scantily clad, eager to serve men and hungry for sex. Although they are bought and sold like cattle, their owners seem to quickly fall in love with them and value them; until for whatever reason they sell them and buy another.
The novels introduce other classes of females that were the majority of females in the culture, despite the books' focus on the "slave girls". "Free Women" may own slaves and other property and occupy governmental and administrative positions. Their status as "Free" is anomalous, because their "freedom" can be sacrificed by a number of behaviors that in modern western culture would be regarded as part of the natural rights of women. They must remain modestly clothed and observe cultural norms that would be familiar to middle eastern traditional cultures. Behavior regarded as sufficiently beyond the cultural limits may result in a "Free Woman" being involuntarily enslaved and sold as chattel in the public market.
In many respects, "slave girls" have more freedom in Gorean culture than do "Free Women," a subject of several short but unpublished essays I've read in my ongoing exploration of Gorean culture. While their misbehavior may earn them punishment, short of a capital offense, they are already at the "bottom" of the social ladder. They are often able to move and behave more freely than "Free Women."
Some have observed that the only truly free women in Gorean culture are the outlaw and "wild" women, the Taluna and the Panther girls. These are females who dress in animal skins, are heavily armed hunter/warriors who live in forest camps and may conduct raids to capture males or females and either keep them as slaves for their own purposes or sell or ransom them back to their own kind. There do not seem to be any Panther boys in the Gorean fantasy, except the Panthers' male slaves.
One interesting aspect of Gorean culture in Second Life is the high ratio of females to males among its participants. I have yet to do an objective measure, but casual observation suggests that the Gorean realms in Second Life have a roughly equal number presenting as females, and many of those presenting as "slave girls." This phenomenon in itself could be the subject of study in the area of sociology, psychology or gender studies. What motivates a female to enter, even temporarily, a status of "slave girl," "Free Woman," Taluna or Panther girl?
As a study in comparative law and community dynamics, Gorean city-states offer interesting opportunities. Not only is there a divergence in interpretation of the original novels, but also a natural competition between city-states to adapt the novel's virtual world view to the Second Life experience. I will try to add responses to this "seed" message with reflections on various Gorean cities as I come to know them better, and ask that other Observers do likewise.
Gorean Venues in SL
At my last count, over a dozen separately owned and managed Gorean venues existed. Some are multi-sim complexes like Glorious Ar and its surrounds; some are single sim properties such as the Isle of Tyros. Still others are parcels within sims that present as "outposts" of Gor. Visitors frequently travel between Gorean sims, which differ in their architecture, governance and social opportunities. Most have active markets dealing in arms, furniture, clothing and implements appropriate to the Gorean experience. Several have stadiums set up for combat competitions using "scripted" weapons that simulate combat impacts and damage. I have yet to find one with camping chairs, dance halls, casinos or promotional give-aways, yet several show traffic data in the top percentile of SL venues.
Most Gorean cities in Second Life have a separate Scribery building, which can be visited freely by Free Men and Free Women and slaves alike. Several have extensive collections of written works about Gorean culture, local laws, even records of trials and virtual executions for offenses. These are proving a useful resource about the theory of Gorean culture in Second Life. Objective reports of actual experiences within the worlds would be valuable to better understand why and how this "politically incorrect" culture has come to be one of the most popular in Second Life among both men and women.
Follow Up
I will be following up with replies containing observations about the various player towns and outposts that follow Gorean culture in SL, including their ownership structure and relative traffic data. Observers and friends of the Law Society are asked to add their own objective observations and considered thoughts on the Gorean culture in Second Life.
Gorean culture is controversial in part because it includes legally institutionalized subordination of females and human slavery, both (currently) anathema in Western culture. Both were legally recognized even in the United States as recently as 150 years ago. Despite controversy, a significant number of females and males participate in SL's Gorean culture. Several of the Gorean "player towns" have traffic figures competitive with the most popular camp chair and money ball venues.
In Second Life, participation in such virtual cultures is voluntary, and no resident can be held in a state of subjugation or "slavery" except by his or her own consent. In this regard, there is an intriguing opportunity to study what motivates women (or men who choose to portray themselves as women) to enter a virtual status of subjugation from which they can remove themselves at a keystroke.
The Gorean culture has long been simulated in text-based multi-player worlds. In other virtual worlds, game managers have understandably not focused on the game tools that would facilitate human slavery or the "not appropriate for minors" clothing and behavior customs of Gorean culture. Second Life, with its encouragement of resident-created content and activity and resident-owned virtual land, makes possible a simulation of Gorean culture.
Some background
Gorean culture derives from a series of novels written by John Norman, depicting the adventures of a man from Earth who is transported to a "counter-Earth" called Gor that is undetectable to Earth science. On Gor, a warrior culture exists with strange and dangerous wild beasts partially turned to human purposes by residents of Gor. Warring city-states operate independently, yet merchants travel between the various cities with various trade goods.
Among the trade good are slaves, almost exclusively females, which the novels invariably describe as young, attractive, scantily clad, eager to serve men and hungry for sex. Although they are bought and sold like cattle, their owners seem to quickly fall in love with them and value them; until for whatever reason they sell them and buy another.
The novels introduce other classes of females that were the majority of females in the culture, despite the books' focus on the "slave girls". "Free Women" may own slaves and other property and occupy governmental and administrative positions. Their status as "Free" is anomalous, because their "freedom" can be sacrificed by a number of behaviors that in modern western culture would be regarded as part of the natural rights of women. They must remain modestly clothed and observe cultural norms that would be familiar to middle eastern traditional cultures. Behavior regarded as sufficiently beyond the cultural limits may result in a "Free Woman" being involuntarily enslaved and sold as chattel in the public market.
In many respects, "slave girls" have more freedom in Gorean culture than do "Free Women," a subject of several short but unpublished essays I've read in my ongoing exploration of Gorean culture. While their misbehavior may earn them punishment, short of a capital offense, they are already at the "bottom" of the social ladder. They are often able to move and behave more freely than "Free Women."
Some have observed that the only truly free women in Gorean culture are the outlaw and "wild" women, the Taluna and the Panther girls. These are females who dress in animal skins, are heavily armed hunter/warriors who live in forest camps and may conduct raids to capture males or females and either keep them as slaves for their own purposes or sell or ransom them back to their own kind. There do not seem to be any Panther boys in the Gorean fantasy, except the Panthers' male slaves.
One interesting aspect of Gorean culture in Second Life is the high ratio of females to males among its participants. I have yet to do an objective measure, but casual observation suggests that the Gorean realms in Second Life have a roughly equal number presenting as females, and many of those presenting as "slave girls." This phenomenon in itself could be the subject of study in the area of sociology, psychology or gender studies. What motivates a female to enter, even temporarily, a status of "slave girl," "Free Woman," Taluna or Panther girl?
As a study in comparative law and community dynamics, Gorean city-states offer interesting opportunities. Not only is there a divergence in interpretation of the original novels, but also a natural competition between city-states to adapt the novel's virtual world view to the Second Life experience. I will try to add responses to this "seed" message with reflections on various Gorean cities as I come to know them better, and ask that other Observers do likewise.
Gorean Venues in SL
At my last count, over a dozen separately owned and managed Gorean venues existed. Some are multi-sim complexes like Glorious Ar and its surrounds; some are single sim properties such as the Isle of Tyros. Still others are parcels within sims that present as "outposts" of Gor. Visitors frequently travel between Gorean sims, which differ in their architecture, governance and social opportunities. Most have active markets dealing in arms, furniture, clothing and implements appropriate to the Gorean experience. Several have stadiums set up for combat competitions using "scripted" weapons that simulate combat impacts and damage. I have yet to find one with camping chairs, dance halls, casinos or promotional give-aways, yet several show traffic data in the top percentile of SL venues.
Most Gorean cities in Second Life have a separate Scribery building, which can be visited freely by Free Men and Free Women and slaves alike. Several have extensive collections of written works about Gorean culture, local laws, even records of trials and virtual executions for offenses. These are proving a useful resource about the theory of Gorean culture in Second Life. Objective reports of actual experiences within the worlds would be valuable to better understand why and how this "politically incorrect" culture has come to be one of the most popular in Second Life among both men and women.
Follow Up
I will be following up with replies containing observations about the various player towns and outposts that follow Gorean culture in SL, including their ownership structure and relative traffic data. Observers and friends of the Law Society are asked to add their own objective observations and considered thoughts on the Gorean culture in Second Life.
Free Women - Quotes
Cruelty Hatred Veils Raiment Kneeling
Couching Price/Worth Differences - Slaves Curiosity - Sex Jealousy
Contempt Pressures Feared - Slaves Interesting Etiquette
Rejection Subjection Unclothed If Enslaved Coin Value
Utterance Seldom Raped Treatment A Riddle Unkempt
Envious Set - Masters Compete Ignorance Slavery
More Desirable More Interesting Teaching Back To Main Page
Cruelty: women, it is no secret, in many respects, envy their enslaved sisters, their beauty, their joy, their attractiveness to men; this may explain why free women are often quite cruel to slave girls. ~ Slave Girl, pg. 97
Free women are often cruel to beautiful female slaves. They put us under terrigying discipline. Perhaps they sense in us something of greater interest to men than themselves, something which constitutes to them a threat, something which is subtly competitive, and successfuly so, to them. ~ Slave Girl, pgs. 291-291
"There are few things a female slave fears more than a free female. Female slaves, so helpless in their collars, so much at the mercy of any free person whatsoever, live in terror of such females, for they know that they despise and hate them." ~ Mercenaries, pg. 328
It is sometimes hard to understand the hatred of the free female for her imbonded sister. It has to do…with the venomous jealousy of a woman who has taken an unhappy, path, a road commended to her by many but one which she discovered leads only to her ultimate frustration, misery and lack of fulfillment. No woman is truly happy until she occupies her place in the order or nature. ~ Mercenaries, pg. 219
Some veils are held not with pins but with hooks or cords, passing about the back of the head. Others are a part of the hook itself. With the hooked cords, which can fasten the hood more or less closely about the neck, like a cloak, I fastened the veil in place. She then looked at me, well silenced. ~ Renegades, pg. 90
Veils are worn in various numbers and combinations by Gorean free women, this tending to vary by preference and caste. Many low-class Gorean women own only a single veil which must do for all purposes...The veil, it might be noted, is not legally imperative for a free woman; it is rather a matter of modesty and custom. Some low-class, uncompanioned, free girls do not wear veils. Similarly certain bold free women neglect the veil. Neglect of the veil is not a crime in Gorean cities, though in some it is deemed a brazen and scandalous omission. ~ Slave Girl, pg. 107
Free women, drinking, commonly lift their veil, or veils, with the left hand. Low-caste free women, if veiled, usually do the same. Sometimes, however, particularly if they are in public, they will drink through their veil, or veils. Sometimes, of course, free women will drink unveiled, even with guests. Much depends upon how well the individuals are known, and who is present. In their homes, of course, with only the members of their families present, or servants and slaves, most free women do not veil themselves, even those of high caste. ~ Fighting Slave, pg. 276
Veils [Unveiled]:
"In some cities an unveiled free woman is susceptible to being taken into custody by guardsmen, veiled, by force if necessary, and publicly conducted back to her home... Repeated offences in such a city usually result in the enslavement of the female." ~ Players, pg. 125
"In some cities an unveiled free woman is susceptible to being taken into custody by guardsmen, veiled, by force if necessary, and publicly conducted back to her home... Repeated offenses in such a city usually result in the enslavement of the female." ~ Players, pg. 125
Veils [5 Described]:
Eta, from behind me, pinned the first of five beils, about my face. It was light, and shimmering, of white silk, almost transparent. Then, one after the other, she added the freedom veil, or veil of the citizeness, the pride veil, the house veil, and street veil. Each of these is heavier and more opaque then the one which lies within. ~ Slave Girl, pg. 107
Veils [Street]:
The street veil, worn publicly, is extremely bulky, quite heavy and completely opaque: not even the lineaments of the nose and cheeks are discernible when it is worn... ~ Slave Girl, pg. 107
Veils [House]:
...the house veil is worn indoors when there are those present who are not of the household, as in conversing with or entertaining associates of one's companion. ~ Slave Girl, pg. 107
Veils [Various Numbers And Combinations]:
Veils are worn in various numbers and combinations by Gorean free women, this tending to vary by preference and caste. Many low-class Gorean women own only a single veil which must do for all purposes. Not all high-caste women wear a large number of veils. A free woman, publicly, will commonly wear one or two veils; a frequent combination is the light veil, or last veil, and the house or street veil. Rich, vain women of high caste may wear ostentatiously as many as nine or ten veils. ~ Slave Girl, pg. 107
Veils [Not Legally Imperative]:
The veil, it might be noted, is not legally imperative for a free woman; it is rather a matter of modesty and custom. Some low-=class, uncompanioned, free girls do not wear veils. Similarly certain bold free women neglect the veil. Neglect of the veil is not a crime in Gorean cities, though in some it is deemed a brazen and scandalous omission. ~ Slave Girl, pg. 107
"Free women, in most of the high cities on Gor, particularly those of higher caste, go veiled in public. Also they commonly wear the robes of concealment, which cover them from head to toe. Even gloves are often worn. There are many reasons for this, having to do with modesty, security, and such." ~ Magicians, pg. 12
Many Gorean women, in their haughtiness and pride, do not choose to have their features exposed to the common view. They are too fine and noble to be looked upon by the casual rabble. Similarly the robes of concealment worn by many Gorean women are doubtless dictated by the same sentiments. On the other hand veiling is a not impractical modesty in a culture in where capture, and the chain and the whip are not unknown. One not regarded as inconsiderable, is that it is supposed to provide something of a protection against abduction and perdition. Who would wish to risk his life, it is said, to carry off a woman who might, when roped to a tree and stripped, turn out to be as ugly as a tharlarion? ~ Rogue, pg. ??
"Free women, incidentally, among the Wagon Peoples are not permitted to wear silk: it is claimed by those of the Wagons, delightfully I think, that any women who loves the feel of silk on her body is, in the secrecy of her heart and blood , a slave girl, whether or not some master has yet forced her to don the collar." ~ Nomads, pg. 58
`In Ar's Station,' he said, `as in Ar, robes of concealment, precisely, are not legally obligatory for free women, no more than the veil. Such things are a matter of custom. On the other hand, as you know, there are statutes prescribing certain standards of decorum for free women. For example, they may not appear naked in the streets, as may slaves. Indeed, a free woman who appears in public in violation of these standards of decorum, for example, with her arms or legs too much bared, may be made a slave.' ~ Renegades, pg. 367
" On Gor, men sit cross-legged, not women. The Gorean female, whether free or slave, whether of low caste or high caste, kneels. This posture on the part of women, aping that of men, is a provocation. I had seen panther girls in the north, in their desire to repudiate their own nature, and in their envy of men, adopt such a posture." ~ Magicians, pg. 118
"Aphris of Turia, pleased with herself, assumed her place between the merchant and Kamchak, kneeling back on her heels in the position of the Gorean Free Woman. Her back was very straight and her head high, in the Gorean fashion." ~ Nomads, pg. 94
"Any free woman who voluntarily couches with another’s slave, or readies herself to do so, becomes the slave of the slave’s master. By such an act, the couching with, or the readying herself to couch with, a slave, as though she might be a girl of the slave’s master, thrown to the slave, she shows herself as no more than a slave, and in this act, in law, becomes a slave." ~ Magicians, pg. 303
I had recalled that he had told me that although the use of an inn girl would cost me, in these times, three copper tarsks for only a quarter of an Ahn, I might have the free woman working in the paga room for an Ahn for only a tarsk bit. To be sure, that perhaps overrated her value considerably, as she was only a free woman. Whereas free women, technically, are priceless, that are also, usually, in bed worthless. They are not worthy of kneeling and humbly holding a candle within a thousand pasangs of a slave. To be sure, they commonly hold an inflated opinion of their expertise and desirability. ~ Renegades, pg. 63
Differences From Slaves:
The slave girl is in a totally different category from the free woman. It is the difference between being a person and being property, between being a respected, legally autonomous entity, entitled to dignity and pride, and being a domestic animal. The same fellow who will go to ubsurd lengths to please a free woman, and even make a fool of himself over her, will, even with the same woman, if she has been enslaved, simply gesture her with whip, and without a second thought, to the furs. ~ Renegades, pg. 65
Differences From Slaves:
"One of the major differences between the slave and free sister is that the slave is generally far more sexually fulfilled than her free sister. This is not to say that a slave may not occasionally be made to beg for sex, or that she may not, upon occasion, have to beg for it. These things help her to understand that she has sexual needs, and that whether or not these needs are to be satisfied, is at the option of the master. ~ Dancer, pg. 298
Differences From Slaves:
"How well, if haughtily, she now walked. I considered the walks of free women, and of slaves. How few free women really walk their beauty, perhaps they are ashamed of it, or fear it. Few free women walk in such a way as to display their beauty, as a slave must." "The long garments, usually worn by free women, such as that now worn be Boabissia, might cover certain defects of gait perhaps, but when one’s legs are bared, as a slave’s commonly are, one must walk with beauty and grace. Too, given the scantiness of many slave garments, it is sometimes necessary to walk with exquisite care." ~ Mercenaries, pg. 207
Differences From Slaves:
"As women, there is no comparison between a free women and her imbonded sister. Perhaps that is why free woman so hate slaves. To be sure, there is something to be said of free women. It is enjoyable to capture, enslave and train them. That is interesting. But then in a matter of time, one is not then dealing with a free woman, but another slave." ~ Mercenaries, pg. 319
Differences From Slaves:
"There is a difference" laughed Hassan, "between the pride of a free woman and the pride of the slave girl. The pride of a free woman is the pride of a woman who feels herself to be the equal of a man. The pride of the slave girl is the pride of the girl who knows that no other woman is the equal of herself." ~ Tribesmen, pgs. 332-333
Curiosity About Sex:
Naturally both free women and slaves, as both are women, are very much interested in one another's sexual activities. It is very natural. To be sure, unless the slave is a bred slave, most of this interest is on the part of the free women, for the slaves have usually, at one time or another, been free women, and have a very good idea of how narrow, dull, limited and mediocre is the sex life of the free woman. Indeed, the matter is paradoxical, for free women have a tendency both to inquire eagerly into the behaviours expected of slaves, and enjoined upon them, and, at the same time, commonly profess horror and scandal at what they hear. ~ Renegades, pgs. 403-404
I saw that she was terribly jealous of the attention which men might bestow upon the slave, but how could that be, for she was, by her account, infinitely superior of the slave, and she was free? ~ Renegades, pg. 84
" ‘Why are there so few slaves among the wagons?’ I asked. " ‘The free women kill them,’ said Hurtha." "She was exactly the sort of female which, in her helplessness and collar, in her vulnerability and brief tunic, tends to inspire jealous hatred, sometimes bordering almost on madness, in free women, particularly homely and sexually frustrated ones." ~ Dancer, pg. 50
" 'Slave girls, Mistress?' I asked. 'Yes,' she said. 'They are stinking, meaningless, lascivious little sluts who have been slaves in the arms of Gorean men. It has spoiled them for freedom. They are worthless, sensuous little beasts whose passions Gorean men have seen fit, as cruel masters, to ignite. Their sexuality, their shamelessness, their need, their helplessness, makes them an insult to free women.'" ~ Fighting Slave, pg. 63
Social Pressures:
She ties her master's sandals; she looks up at him; she loves; she serves; she is the female. The slave girl, it might be mentioned, in connection with the "releasing effects" of the collar, is relieved of many social pressures to which the free women, because of her freedom, must remain subject. The free woman, for example, may fear that men will learn of her sexual vitality. It would not do for them to know that she, that a lofty creature, on the couch, is a helpless, panting, licking she-sleen. The slave girl, on the other hand, does not have this problem. She knows that she belongs to a category of women toward which respect need not shown, and will not be shown. ~ Guardsman, pg. 210
Feared By Slaves:
"Most slave girls, incidentally, fear free women greatly." ~ Captive, pg. 197
Feared By Slaves:
"Slave girls fear free women muchly. It is almost as if there was some unspoken war between them, almost as if they might be mortal enemies. In such a war, or such an enmity, of course, the slave girl is completely at the mercy of the free person; she is only slave. One of the great fears of a slave girl is that she will be sold to a woman. Free women treat their female slaves with incredible hatred and cruelty. Why this is I do not know. Some say it is because they, the free women, envy the girls their collars and wish that they, too, were collared, and at the complete mercy of masters." ~ Marauders, pg. 154
Most Interesting Thing:
"The most interesting thing about them was that they could be seized and enslaved. After that they might become of real interest to a man. ~ Mercenaries, pg. 346
"Some porridge has been spoiled," I said, "It doubtless overflowed the sides of the bowl when you pressed your face into it. That can happen when one feeds too greedily, too enthusiastically. One expects a woman to feed more delicately, more daintily. To be sure you are a free woman, and may eat much as you wish. Still, such feeding habits would disgust a tarsk. If a slave fed anything like that, she would be under the whip within the Ehn." ~ Renegades, pg. 74
The principle he had alluded to pertains to conduct in a free woman which is take as sufficient to warrant her reduction to slavery. The most common application of the principle occurs in areas such as fraud and theft. Other applications may occur, for example, in cases of indecency and vagrancy. Prostitution, rare on Gor because of female slaves, is another case. The women are taken, enslaved, cleaned up and controlled. Indulgence in sensous dance is another case. Sensuous dance is almost always performed by slaves on Gor. A free woman who preforms such dancing publicly is almost begging for a collar. In some cities the sentence of bondage is mandatory for such a woman. ~ Renegades, pg. 372
"This thing is free!" cried the fellow, giving the Lady Temione another shake. "How dare you send it to my table! I do not want it! Send me a female! Send me a woman! ~ Renegades, pg. 78
Many free women regard themselves, without justification, as marvellous prizes. It can come a great shock to them to suddenly realize they are, for most practical purposes, worthtless. This rejection had shaken her profoundly, Like many free woman she probably regarded herself as inordinately attractive. ~ Renegades, pg. 79
Subjection of Slaves:
I wondered if the free woman really thought that the subjection of slaves to orders ended with such matters as cooking and cleaning, the polishing of leather, and such, and that they would not be similarly subject to orders, and also absolutely, where the intimae, marvellous, precious, private, delicious realms of the furs were concerned. ~ Renegades, pg. 81
It is one thing for a free woman, tearfully, while in the dignity of robes and veil, to attempt to impose on a fellow's gullibility or good nature, and quite another for her to do so when she is unclothed. When a woman is naked it is sometimes hard for a man not to see her as a female. ~ Renegades, pg. 98
If Enslaved:
"Should you become a slave," I said, "submit yourself to your sisters in bondage, not as one who was recently a free woman but as one who is now the lowest and most ignorant of slaves, the humblest of tyros and novices. Watch them. Learn from them. Serve them. Bring them small treats which you might earn. beg them to help you, to teach you their ways, their arts and secrets. Even such small things as the use of the tongue can make a great difference in whether you survive or not." ~ Renegades, pg. 165
Coin Value:
" ‘This coin,’ I said, ‘when you were put out in the morning if you were used tonight, was to be tied there. It signifies to all who see it that you have served a man. You are given a coin because you are a free woman. That is your payment. To be sure, it is the smallest-denomination coin in common circulation. It is, thus a comment on your value.’ " ~ Mercenaries, pg. 392
Utterance of Master:
"If and when a free woman should utter this, in the Gorean culture, of course, this sort of thing is very significant. Indeed, in some cities such things as kneeling before a man, or addressing him as "Master" effects legal imbondment on the female, being interpreted as a gesture of submission." ~ Players, pg. 139
Seldom Raped:
"There seem to be two major reasons why free women are seldom raped on Gor. first, it is thought that they, being free, are to be accorded the highest respect, and secondly, slave females are regarded as being much more desirable." ~ Guardsman, pg. 184
Harsh Treatment:
"This harsh treatment, incidentally, when she is thought to deserve it, may even be inflicted on a free companion, in spite of the fact that she is free and usually much loved. According to the Gorean way of looking at things a taste of the slave ring is thought to be occasionally beneficial to all women, even the exalted free woman. Thus when she has been irritable or otherwise troublesome even a Free Companion may find herself at the foot of the couch looking forward to a pleasant night on the stones, stripped, with neither mat nor blanket, chained to the slave ring precisely as though she were a lowly slave girl. It is the Gorean way of reminding her, should she need to be reminded, that she, too, is a woman, and thus to be dominated, to be subject to men. Should she be tempted to forget this basic fact of Gorean life the slave ring set in the bottom of each Gorean couch is there to refresh her memory. Gor is a mans world." ~ Priest Kings, pg. 67
A Riddle:
"The Free Woman is a riddle, the answer to which is the collar." ~ Magicians, pg. 50
Permitted To Become Unkempt:
The lovely figures of slave girls are not accidents, only Free Women are permitted to become unkempt or gross.~ Guardsman, pg. 264
Envious of Slaves:
Indeed it was known that some free women actually envied their lightly clad sisters in bondage, free, though wearing a collar, to come and go much as they pleased, to feel the wind on the high bridges, the arms of a Master who celebrated their beauty and claimed them as his own. ~ Outlaw, pg. 66
Natural Set of Masters:
"Goreans, in their simplistic fashion, often contend, categorically, that man is naturally free and woman is naturally slave. But even for them the issues are far more complex than these simple formulations would suggest. For example, there is no higher person, nor one more respected, than the Gorean free woman. Goreans do believe, however, that every woman has a natural master or set of masters, with respect to whom she could not help but be a complete and passionate slave girl. These men occur in her dreams and fantasies. She lives in terror that she might meet one in real life." ~ Hunters, pg. 311
Unable to Compete:
"…no free woman, because she is free, can truly compete for the attention of a man as can a slave girl." ~ Fighting Slave, pg. 217
"An ignorant free woman is a commonplace. An ignorant slave is an absurdity" ~ Savages, pg. 196
Beauty Enhanced In Slavery:
"Any beauty a free woman has, for example, is enhanced a thousandfold when she becomes a slave." ~ Players, pg. 92
Slaves More Desirable:
"In any contest of desirability the free woman must always lose out to the slave" ~ Mercenaries, pg. 346
Slaves More Interesting:
"The female slave, yours in her servitude, is ten thousand times more interesting than a free woman could ever dream of being" ~ Mercenaries, pg. 346
"It is pleasant to take a proud free woman and teach her her womanhood" ~ Vagabonds, pg. 58
Couching Price/Worth Differences - Slaves Curiosity - Sex Jealousy
Contempt Pressures Feared - Slaves Interesting Etiquette
Rejection Subjection Unclothed If Enslaved Coin Value
Utterance Seldom Raped Treatment A Riddle Unkempt
Envious Set - Masters Compete Ignorance Slavery
More Desirable More Interesting Teaching Back To Main Page
Cruelty: women, it is no secret, in many respects, envy their enslaved sisters, their beauty, their joy, their attractiveness to men; this may explain why free women are often quite cruel to slave girls. ~ Slave Girl, pg. 97
Free women are often cruel to beautiful female slaves. They put us under terrigying discipline. Perhaps they sense in us something of greater interest to men than themselves, something which constitutes to them a threat, something which is subtly competitive, and successfuly so, to them. ~ Slave Girl, pgs. 291-291
"There are few things a female slave fears more than a free female. Female slaves, so helpless in their collars, so much at the mercy of any free person whatsoever, live in terror of such females, for they know that they despise and hate them." ~ Mercenaries, pg. 328
It is sometimes hard to understand the hatred of the free female for her imbonded sister. It has to do…with the venomous jealousy of a woman who has taken an unhappy, path, a road commended to her by many but one which she discovered leads only to her ultimate frustration, misery and lack of fulfillment. No woman is truly happy until she occupies her place in the order or nature. ~ Mercenaries, pg. 219
Some veils are held not with pins but with hooks or cords, passing about the back of the head. Others are a part of the hook itself. With the hooked cords, which can fasten the hood more or less closely about the neck, like a cloak, I fastened the veil in place. She then looked at me, well silenced. ~ Renegades, pg. 90
Veils are worn in various numbers and combinations by Gorean free women, this tending to vary by preference and caste. Many low-class Gorean women own only a single veil which must do for all purposes...The veil, it might be noted, is not legally imperative for a free woman; it is rather a matter of modesty and custom. Some low-class, uncompanioned, free girls do not wear veils. Similarly certain bold free women neglect the veil. Neglect of the veil is not a crime in Gorean cities, though in some it is deemed a brazen and scandalous omission. ~ Slave Girl, pg. 107
Free women, drinking, commonly lift their veil, or veils, with the left hand. Low-caste free women, if veiled, usually do the same. Sometimes, however, particularly if they are in public, they will drink through their veil, or veils. Sometimes, of course, free women will drink unveiled, even with guests. Much depends upon how well the individuals are known, and who is present. In their homes, of course, with only the members of their families present, or servants and slaves, most free women do not veil themselves, even those of high caste. ~ Fighting Slave, pg. 276
Veils [Unveiled]:
"In some cities an unveiled free woman is susceptible to being taken into custody by guardsmen, veiled, by force if necessary, and publicly conducted back to her home... Repeated offences in such a city usually result in the enslavement of the female." ~ Players, pg. 125
"In some cities an unveiled free woman is susceptible to being taken into custody by guardsmen, veiled, by force if necessary, and publicly conducted back to her home... Repeated offenses in such a city usually result in the enslavement of the female." ~ Players, pg. 125
Veils [5 Described]:
Eta, from behind me, pinned the first of five beils, about my face. It was light, and shimmering, of white silk, almost transparent. Then, one after the other, she added the freedom veil, or veil of the citizeness, the pride veil, the house veil, and street veil. Each of these is heavier and more opaque then the one which lies within. ~ Slave Girl, pg. 107
Veils [Street]:
The street veil, worn publicly, is extremely bulky, quite heavy and completely opaque: not even the lineaments of the nose and cheeks are discernible when it is worn... ~ Slave Girl, pg. 107
Veils [House]:
...the house veil is worn indoors when there are those present who are not of the household, as in conversing with or entertaining associates of one's companion. ~ Slave Girl, pg. 107
Veils [Various Numbers And Combinations]:
Veils are worn in various numbers and combinations by Gorean free women, this tending to vary by preference and caste. Many low-class Gorean women own only a single veil which must do for all purposes. Not all high-caste women wear a large number of veils. A free woman, publicly, will commonly wear one or two veils; a frequent combination is the light veil, or last veil, and the house or street veil. Rich, vain women of high caste may wear ostentatiously as many as nine or ten veils. ~ Slave Girl, pg. 107
Veils [Not Legally Imperative]:
The veil, it might be noted, is not legally imperative for a free woman; it is rather a matter of modesty and custom. Some low-=class, uncompanioned, free girls do not wear veils. Similarly certain bold free women neglect the veil. Neglect of the veil is not a crime in Gorean cities, though in some it is deemed a brazen and scandalous omission. ~ Slave Girl, pg. 107
"Free women, in most of the high cities on Gor, particularly those of higher caste, go veiled in public. Also they commonly wear the robes of concealment, which cover them from head to toe. Even gloves are often worn. There are many reasons for this, having to do with modesty, security, and such." ~ Magicians, pg. 12
Many Gorean women, in their haughtiness and pride, do not choose to have their features exposed to the common view. They are too fine and noble to be looked upon by the casual rabble. Similarly the robes of concealment worn by many Gorean women are doubtless dictated by the same sentiments. On the other hand veiling is a not impractical modesty in a culture in where capture, and the chain and the whip are not unknown. One not regarded as inconsiderable, is that it is supposed to provide something of a protection against abduction and perdition. Who would wish to risk his life, it is said, to carry off a woman who might, when roped to a tree and stripped, turn out to be as ugly as a tharlarion? ~ Rogue, pg. ??
"Free women, incidentally, among the Wagon Peoples are not permitted to wear silk: it is claimed by those of the Wagons, delightfully I think, that any women who loves the feel of silk on her body is, in the secrecy of her heart and blood , a slave girl, whether or not some master has yet forced her to don the collar." ~ Nomads, pg. 58
`In Ar's Station,' he said, `as in Ar, robes of concealment, precisely, are not legally obligatory for free women, no more than the veil. Such things are a matter of custom. On the other hand, as you know, there are statutes prescribing certain standards of decorum for free women. For example, they may not appear naked in the streets, as may slaves. Indeed, a free woman who appears in public in violation of these standards of decorum, for example, with her arms or legs too much bared, may be made a slave.' ~ Renegades, pg. 367
" On Gor, men sit cross-legged, not women. The Gorean female, whether free or slave, whether of low caste or high caste, kneels. This posture on the part of women, aping that of men, is a provocation. I had seen panther girls in the north, in their desire to repudiate their own nature, and in their envy of men, adopt such a posture." ~ Magicians, pg. 118
"Aphris of Turia, pleased with herself, assumed her place between the merchant and Kamchak, kneeling back on her heels in the position of the Gorean Free Woman. Her back was very straight and her head high, in the Gorean fashion." ~ Nomads, pg. 94
"Any free woman who voluntarily couches with another’s slave, or readies herself to do so, becomes the slave of the slave’s master. By such an act, the couching with, or the readying herself to couch with, a slave, as though she might be a girl of the slave’s master, thrown to the slave, she shows herself as no more than a slave, and in this act, in law, becomes a slave." ~ Magicians, pg. 303
I had recalled that he had told me that although the use of an inn girl would cost me, in these times, three copper tarsks for only a quarter of an Ahn, I might have the free woman working in the paga room for an Ahn for only a tarsk bit. To be sure, that perhaps overrated her value considerably, as she was only a free woman. Whereas free women, technically, are priceless, that are also, usually, in bed worthless. They are not worthy of kneeling and humbly holding a candle within a thousand pasangs of a slave. To be sure, they commonly hold an inflated opinion of their expertise and desirability. ~ Renegades, pg. 63
Differences From Slaves:
The slave girl is in a totally different category from the free woman. It is the difference between being a person and being property, between being a respected, legally autonomous entity, entitled to dignity and pride, and being a domestic animal. The same fellow who will go to ubsurd lengths to please a free woman, and even make a fool of himself over her, will, even with the same woman, if she has been enslaved, simply gesture her with whip, and without a second thought, to the furs. ~ Renegades, pg. 65
Differences From Slaves:
"One of the major differences between the slave and free sister is that the slave is generally far more sexually fulfilled than her free sister. This is not to say that a slave may not occasionally be made to beg for sex, or that she may not, upon occasion, have to beg for it. These things help her to understand that she has sexual needs, and that whether or not these needs are to be satisfied, is at the option of the master. ~ Dancer, pg. 298
Differences From Slaves:
"How well, if haughtily, she now walked. I considered the walks of free women, and of slaves. How few free women really walk their beauty, perhaps they are ashamed of it, or fear it. Few free women walk in such a way as to display their beauty, as a slave must." "The long garments, usually worn by free women, such as that now worn be Boabissia, might cover certain defects of gait perhaps, but when one’s legs are bared, as a slave’s commonly are, one must walk with beauty and grace. Too, given the scantiness of many slave garments, it is sometimes necessary to walk with exquisite care." ~ Mercenaries, pg. 207
Differences From Slaves:
"As women, there is no comparison between a free women and her imbonded sister. Perhaps that is why free woman so hate slaves. To be sure, there is something to be said of free women. It is enjoyable to capture, enslave and train them. That is interesting. But then in a matter of time, one is not then dealing with a free woman, but another slave." ~ Mercenaries, pg. 319
Differences From Slaves:
"There is a difference" laughed Hassan, "between the pride of a free woman and the pride of the slave girl. The pride of a free woman is the pride of a woman who feels herself to be the equal of a man. The pride of the slave girl is the pride of the girl who knows that no other woman is the equal of herself." ~ Tribesmen, pgs. 332-333
Curiosity About Sex:
Naturally both free women and slaves, as both are women, are very much interested in one another's sexual activities. It is very natural. To be sure, unless the slave is a bred slave, most of this interest is on the part of the free women, for the slaves have usually, at one time or another, been free women, and have a very good idea of how narrow, dull, limited and mediocre is the sex life of the free woman. Indeed, the matter is paradoxical, for free women have a tendency both to inquire eagerly into the behaviours expected of slaves, and enjoined upon them, and, at the same time, commonly profess horror and scandal at what they hear. ~ Renegades, pgs. 403-404
I saw that she was terribly jealous of the attention which men might bestow upon the slave, but how could that be, for she was, by her account, infinitely superior of the slave, and she was free? ~ Renegades, pg. 84
" ‘Why are there so few slaves among the wagons?’ I asked. " ‘The free women kill them,’ said Hurtha." "She was exactly the sort of female which, in her helplessness and collar, in her vulnerability and brief tunic, tends to inspire jealous hatred, sometimes bordering almost on madness, in free women, particularly homely and sexually frustrated ones." ~ Dancer, pg. 50
" 'Slave girls, Mistress?' I asked. 'Yes,' she said. 'They are stinking, meaningless, lascivious little sluts who have been slaves in the arms of Gorean men. It has spoiled them for freedom. They are worthless, sensuous little beasts whose passions Gorean men have seen fit, as cruel masters, to ignite. Their sexuality, their shamelessness, their need, their helplessness, makes them an insult to free women.'" ~ Fighting Slave, pg. 63
Social Pressures:
She ties her master's sandals; she looks up at him; she loves; she serves; she is the female. The slave girl, it might be mentioned, in connection with the "releasing effects" of the collar, is relieved of many social pressures to which the free women, because of her freedom, must remain subject. The free woman, for example, may fear that men will learn of her sexual vitality. It would not do for them to know that she, that a lofty creature, on the couch, is a helpless, panting, licking she-sleen. The slave girl, on the other hand, does not have this problem. She knows that she belongs to a category of women toward which respect need not shown, and will not be shown. ~ Guardsman, pg. 210
Feared By Slaves:
"Most slave girls, incidentally, fear free women greatly." ~ Captive, pg. 197
Feared By Slaves:
"Slave girls fear free women muchly. It is almost as if there was some unspoken war between them, almost as if they might be mortal enemies. In such a war, or such an enmity, of course, the slave girl is completely at the mercy of the free person; she is only slave. One of the great fears of a slave girl is that she will be sold to a woman. Free women treat their female slaves with incredible hatred and cruelty. Why this is I do not know. Some say it is because they, the free women, envy the girls their collars and wish that they, too, were collared, and at the complete mercy of masters." ~ Marauders, pg. 154
Most Interesting Thing:
"The most interesting thing about them was that they could be seized and enslaved. After that they might become of real interest to a man. ~ Mercenaries, pg. 346
"Some porridge has been spoiled," I said, "It doubtless overflowed the sides of the bowl when you pressed your face into it. That can happen when one feeds too greedily, too enthusiastically. One expects a woman to feed more delicately, more daintily. To be sure you are a free woman, and may eat much as you wish. Still, such feeding habits would disgust a tarsk. If a slave fed anything like that, she would be under the whip within the Ehn." ~ Renegades, pg. 74
The principle he had alluded to pertains to conduct in a free woman which is take as sufficient to warrant her reduction to slavery. The most common application of the principle occurs in areas such as fraud and theft. Other applications may occur, for example, in cases of indecency and vagrancy. Prostitution, rare on Gor because of female slaves, is another case. The women are taken, enslaved, cleaned up and controlled. Indulgence in sensous dance is another case. Sensuous dance is almost always performed by slaves on Gor. A free woman who preforms such dancing publicly is almost begging for a collar. In some cities the sentence of bondage is mandatory for such a woman. ~ Renegades, pg. 372
"This thing is free!" cried the fellow, giving the Lady Temione another shake. "How dare you send it to my table! I do not want it! Send me a female! Send me a woman! ~ Renegades, pg. 78
Many free women regard themselves, without justification, as marvellous prizes. It can come a great shock to them to suddenly realize they are, for most practical purposes, worthtless. This rejection had shaken her profoundly, Like many free woman she probably regarded herself as inordinately attractive. ~ Renegades, pg. 79
Subjection of Slaves:
I wondered if the free woman really thought that the subjection of slaves to orders ended with such matters as cooking and cleaning, the polishing of leather, and such, and that they would not be similarly subject to orders, and also absolutely, where the intimae, marvellous, precious, private, delicious realms of the furs were concerned. ~ Renegades, pg. 81
It is one thing for a free woman, tearfully, while in the dignity of robes and veil, to attempt to impose on a fellow's gullibility or good nature, and quite another for her to do so when she is unclothed. When a woman is naked it is sometimes hard for a man not to see her as a female. ~ Renegades, pg. 98
If Enslaved:
"Should you become a slave," I said, "submit yourself to your sisters in bondage, not as one who was recently a free woman but as one who is now the lowest and most ignorant of slaves, the humblest of tyros and novices. Watch them. Learn from them. Serve them. Bring them small treats which you might earn. beg them to help you, to teach you their ways, their arts and secrets. Even such small things as the use of the tongue can make a great difference in whether you survive or not." ~ Renegades, pg. 165
Coin Value:
" ‘This coin,’ I said, ‘when you were put out in the morning if you were used tonight, was to be tied there. It signifies to all who see it that you have served a man. You are given a coin because you are a free woman. That is your payment. To be sure, it is the smallest-denomination coin in common circulation. It is, thus a comment on your value.’ " ~ Mercenaries, pg. 392
Utterance of Master:
"If and when a free woman should utter this, in the Gorean culture, of course, this sort of thing is very significant. Indeed, in some cities such things as kneeling before a man, or addressing him as "Master" effects legal imbondment on the female, being interpreted as a gesture of submission." ~ Players, pg. 139
Seldom Raped:
"There seem to be two major reasons why free women are seldom raped on Gor. first, it is thought that they, being free, are to be accorded the highest respect, and secondly, slave females are regarded as being much more desirable." ~ Guardsman, pg. 184
Harsh Treatment:
"This harsh treatment, incidentally, when she is thought to deserve it, may even be inflicted on a free companion, in spite of the fact that she is free and usually much loved. According to the Gorean way of looking at things a taste of the slave ring is thought to be occasionally beneficial to all women, even the exalted free woman. Thus when she has been irritable or otherwise troublesome even a Free Companion may find herself at the foot of the couch looking forward to a pleasant night on the stones, stripped, with neither mat nor blanket, chained to the slave ring precisely as though she were a lowly slave girl. It is the Gorean way of reminding her, should she need to be reminded, that she, too, is a woman, and thus to be dominated, to be subject to men. Should she be tempted to forget this basic fact of Gorean life the slave ring set in the bottom of each Gorean couch is there to refresh her memory. Gor is a mans world." ~ Priest Kings, pg. 67
A Riddle:
"The Free Woman is a riddle, the answer to which is the collar." ~ Magicians, pg. 50
Permitted To Become Unkempt:
The lovely figures of slave girls are not accidents, only Free Women are permitted to become unkempt or gross.~ Guardsman, pg. 264
Envious of Slaves:
Indeed it was known that some free women actually envied their lightly clad sisters in bondage, free, though wearing a collar, to come and go much as they pleased, to feel the wind on the high bridges, the arms of a Master who celebrated their beauty and claimed them as his own. ~ Outlaw, pg. 66
Natural Set of Masters:
"Goreans, in their simplistic fashion, often contend, categorically, that man is naturally free and woman is naturally slave. But even for them the issues are far more complex than these simple formulations would suggest. For example, there is no higher person, nor one more respected, than the Gorean free woman. Goreans do believe, however, that every woman has a natural master or set of masters, with respect to whom she could not help but be a complete and passionate slave girl. These men occur in her dreams and fantasies. She lives in terror that she might meet one in real life." ~ Hunters, pg. 311
Unable to Compete:
"…no free woman, because she is free, can truly compete for the attention of a man as can a slave girl." ~ Fighting Slave, pg. 217
"An ignorant free woman is a commonplace. An ignorant slave is an absurdity" ~ Savages, pg. 196
Beauty Enhanced In Slavery:
"Any beauty a free woman has, for example, is enhanced a thousandfold when she becomes a slave." ~ Players, pg. 92
Slaves More Desirable:
"In any contest of desirability the free woman must always lose out to the slave" ~ Mercenaries, pg. 346
Slaves More Interesting:
"The female slave, yours in her servitude, is ten thousand times more interesting than a free woman could ever dream of being" ~ Mercenaries, pg. 346
"It is pleasant to take a proud free woman and teach her her womanhood" ~ Vagabonds, pg. 58
Castes of Gor
The society of Gor is divided into groups referred to as "Castes". Each Cast is made up of its own profession or occupation. Castes are ranked according to their particular place in Gorean society and its interaction. Many castes contain sub-castes that are particular to a unique activity and need of the profession.
An example of such a sub-caste would be the Slavers caste which would be in the caste of Merchants. Slavers are in the business of buying and selling though their particular caste specializes in one item or product.
All Goreans (excluding Priest Kings, slaves, and Outlaws) belong to a particular caste. Castes are hereditary although it is possible for a person to change his or her caste if they possess an ability or aptitude that allows them to raise or lower their caste.
Each caste had a set of "codes" which helps them maintain a series of beliefs and rules for its members. Members hold to these "codes" as they practice their profession. Each caste's code is different and deals mainly with matters of specific interest to that caste.
Most major castes of Gor have their own colors called the "Caste Color". Colors are often worn by the members to display outwardly to others what caste they are associated with. Banners, flags, and sometimes colors of buildings will reflect the caste colors of the individual. Others can see at a glance by the clothing what caste another is affiliated with.
The Five High Castes include:
CASTE OF INITIATES: ~ White ~ Members of this caste are supposed to be representatives of the Priest Kings in Gorean society. Their responsibilities include guiding the spiritual life of Goreans by use of rituals and prayers to the Priest Kings. There are rumors that some may even be able to call down the wrath of the Priest Kings upon those who have offended the Priest Kings. They wear white robes, shave their heads as well as their faces. They do not eat meat and do not indulge in alcohol. They lead a celebrate life, are well learned and read. They are often feared and many times distrusted by members of the lower castes.
CASTE OF SCRIBES: ~ Blue ~ Members of this caste are the scholars of Gor. They are the writers and historians of Gorean society. They are responsible for accounting, record-keeping, and writing. They are usually serious and studious, have an eye for detail and a passion for knowledge. There are several sub-castes in this caste which include Mapmakers - explorers, Magistrates, and Litigators.
CASTE OF BUILDERS: ~ Yellow ~ Included in this caste are architects, draftsmen, stonemasons, engineers, and other professions which are concerned with the physical creations and engineering works of Gor. Inventors and technicians who develop these types of physical creations are also included in this caste.
CASTE OF PHYSICIANS: ~ Green ~ Those who are concerned with the healing arts belong to this caste. Members include, surgeons, apothecaries, medical researchers and health practicioners. They are recognized in all of Gor as non combatents during times of war.
CASTE OF WARRIORS: ~ Scarlet ~ Members of the military such as infantry, tharlarion calvary, and tarnsmen fill this caste. Their set of codes is known to be one of the strictest. This caste comprises the military branch of Gor government.
Low Castes Include:
CASTE OF MERCHANTS: ~ White and Gold ~ Containing literally hundreds of sub-castes this group is a very large caste. Members of this caste deal with selling and trading of merchandise for a profit. For as many products as there are that are to be sold there are about that many sub castes.
CASTE OF SLAVERS: ~ Blue and Yellow This caste deals with the buying and selling of human merchandise. It is a sub caste of the Merchants.
CASTE OF MONEYLENDERS: This caste is composed of the bankers of Gor. The members of this caste are those who trade and speculate with money for profit. The only product they handle is money.
CASTE OF BAKERS: ~Orange and Brown This caste consists of hundreds of sub castes. Generally they are members who prepare vegetarian food or sa-tarna in its many forms.
CASTE OF BUTCHERS ~ This caste and its many sub-castes concern themselves with the acquisition and preparation of sa-tassna, all forms of edible Gorean meat. In conjunction with the caste of Bakers, this caste and its many sub castes are responsible for maintaining the majority of the Gorean industries involved with food service.
CASTE OF WINEMAKERS: ~ The professional production of most fruit based Gorean alcohol is under the auspices of this caste.
CASTE OF BREWERS ~ takes care of the production of the grain based alcohols.
CASTE OF SAILORS: ~ There are several dozen sub-castes in this group. Each sub caste has its own specialty. An example would be the BARGEMEN who steer river barges on the freshwater waterways of Gor.
CASTE OF FISHERMEN: ~ This caste is a sub caste of the caste of Sailors. They harvest the differing varieties of Gorean fishes and sea life for human consumption. Some sub castes include the CASTES OF RIVER FISHERMEN, THASSA FISHERMEN, and NET MAKERS.
CASTE OF ARTISANS ~ This caste is extremely broad. It includes many hundreds of sub castes. Any production of hand-made goods for any use, is considered to be a work of art.
CASTE OF POT MAKERS: ~ Brown and Green ~ This caste is a sub caste of the Caste of Artisans. They produce vessels used to contain substances of all kinds.
CASTE OF METAL WORKERS: ~ Gray ~. A sub caste of Artisans they are concerned with the production of most metal items made on Gor. Some of the sub castes under this one would include: SWORDMAKERS,
ARMORERS, and those that work with blacksmithing or farrier work repairing wagon wheels and shoeing Gorean draft and riding animals.
CASTE OF CLOTH WORKERS: ~ Another large and expansive caste, this group contains many sub castes. They are concerned with the professional production of woven cloth for use by the people of Gor.
CASTE FOR RUG MAKERS: ~ This group is a sub caste of the Caste of Cloth Workers. They produce woven rugs for general use. Members of this caste see themselves as independent from the Caste of Cloth Workers.
CASTE OF WEAVERS: ~Concerned with the professional production of textiles for the textile industry, this caste is a sub caste of the Rug Makers Caste.
CASTE OF CARDERS: ~ Sub caste of the caste of Weavers. They produce woven cloth for the textile industry.
CASTE OF DRYERS: ~ This sub caste of Weavers deals with the staining and coloring of cloth for the textile industry.
CASTE OF CLOTHIERS: ~ Another sub caste of the Caste of Weavers, they produce articles of clothing for the Gorean people.
CASTE OF DRESS MAKERS: ~ Sub caste of Weavers which makes feminine clothing.
CASTE OF ROPEMAKERS: ~ Sub caste of Artisans that produces rope, binding fiber, thread and cordage of all types.
CASTE OF LEATHERWORKERS: ~ Sub caste of the Artisan Caste, deals with the fabrication of various leather goods from animal hides of all kinds.
CASTE OF TORTURERS: ~Black and Red ~ Found only among the Wagon People of the far south they are considered to be a sub caste of the caste of Artisans. An assumption may be made that those of the Wagon Peoples consider the application of Torture as an art form.
An example of such a sub-caste would be the Slavers caste which would be in the caste of Merchants. Slavers are in the business of buying and selling though their particular caste specializes in one item or product.
All Goreans (excluding Priest Kings, slaves, and Outlaws) belong to a particular caste. Castes are hereditary although it is possible for a person to change his or her caste if they possess an ability or aptitude that allows them to raise or lower their caste.
Each caste had a set of "codes" which helps them maintain a series of beliefs and rules for its members. Members hold to these "codes" as they practice their profession. Each caste's code is different and deals mainly with matters of specific interest to that caste.
Most major castes of Gor have their own colors called the "Caste Color". Colors are often worn by the members to display outwardly to others what caste they are associated with. Banners, flags, and sometimes colors of buildings will reflect the caste colors of the individual. Others can see at a glance by the clothing what caste another is affiliated with.
The Five High Castes include:
CASTE OF INITIATES: ~ White ~ Members of this caste are supposed to be representatives of the Priest Kings in Gorean society. Their responsibilities include guiding the spiritual life of Goreans by use of rituals and prayers to the Priest Kings. There are rumors that some may even be able to call down the wrath of the Priest Kings upon those who have offended the Priest Kings. They wear white robes, shave their heads as well as their faces. They do not eat meat and do not indulge in alcohol. They lead a celebrate life, are well learned and read. They are often feared and many times distrusted by members of the lower castes.
CASTE OF SCRIBES: ~ Blue ~ Members of this caste are the scholars of Gor. They are the writers and historians of Gorean society. They are responsible for accounting, record-keeping, and writing. They are usually serious and studious, have an eye for detail and a passion for knowledge. There are several sub-castes in this caste which include Mapmakers - explorers, Magistrates, and Litigators.
CASTE OF BUILDERS: ~ Yellow ~ Included in this caste are architects, draftsmen, stonemasons, engineers, and other professions which are concerned with the physical creations and engineering works of Gor. Inventors and technicians who develop these types of physical creations are also included in this caste.
CASTE OF PHYSICIANS: ~ Green ~ Those who are concerned with the healing arts belong to this caste. Members include, surgeons, apothecaries, medical researchers and health practicioners. They are recognized in all of Gor as non combatents during times of war.
CASTE OF WARRIORS: ~ Scarlet ~ Members of the military such as infantry, tharlarion calvary, and tarnsmen fill this caste. Their set of codes is known to be one of the strictest. This caste comprises the military branch of Gor government.
Low Castes Include:
CASTE OF MERCHANTS: ~ White and Gold ~ Containing literally hundreds of sub-castes this group is a very large caste. Members of this caste deal with selling and trading of merchandise for a profit. For as many products as there are that are to be sold there are about that many sub castes.
CASTE OF SLAVERS: ~ Blue and Yellow This caste deals with the buying and selling of human merchandise. It is a sub caste of the Merchants.
CASTE OF MONEYLENDERS: This caste is composed of the bankers of Gor. The members of this caste are those who trade and speculate with money for profit. The only product they handle is money.
CASTE OF BAKERS: ~Orange and Brown This caste consists of hundreds of sub castes. Generally they are members who prepare vegetarian food or sa-tarna in its many forms.
CASTE OF BUTCHERS ~ This caste and its many sub-castes concern themselves with the acquisition and preparation of sa-tassna, all forms of edible Gorean meat. In conjunction with the caste of Bakers, this caste and its many sub castes are responsible for maintaining the majority of the Gorean industries involved with food service.
CASTE OF WINEMAKERS: ~ The professional production of most fruit based Gorean alcohol is under the auspices of this caste.
CASTE OF BREWERS ~ takes care of the production of the grain based alcohols.
CASTE OF SAILORS: ~ There are several dozen sub-castes in this group. Each sub caste has its own specialty. An example would be the BARGEMEN who steer river barges on the freshwater waterways of Gor.
CASTE OF FISHERMEN: ~ This caste is a sub caste of the caste of Sailors. They harvest the differing varieties of Gorean fishes and sea life for human consumption. Some sub castes include the CASTES OF RIVER FISHERMEN, THASSA FISHERMEN, and NET MAKERS.
CASTE OF ARTISANS ~ This caste is extremely broad. It includes many hundreds of sub castes. Any production of hand-made goods for any use, is considered to be a work of art.
CASTE OF POT MAKERS: ~ Brown and Green ~ This caste is a sub caste of the Caste of Artisans. They produce vessels used to contain substances of all kinds.
CASTE OF METAL WORKERS: ~ Gray ~. A sub caste of Artisans they are concerned with the production of most metal items made on Gor. Some of the sub castes under this one would include: SWORDMAKERS,
ARMORERS, and those that work with blacksmithing or farrier work repairing wagon wheels and shoeing Gorean draft and riding animals.
CASTE OF CLOTH WORKERS: ~ Another large and expansive caste, this group contains many sub castes. They are concerned with the professional production of woven cloth for use by the people of Gor.
CASTE FOR RUG MAKERS: ~ This group is a sub caste of the Caste of Cloth Workers. They produce woven rugs for general use. Members of this caste see themselves as independent from the Caste of Cloth Workers.
CASTE OF WEAVERS: ~Concerned with the professional production of textiles for the textile industry, this caste is a sub caste of the Rug Makers Caste.
CASTE OF CARDERS: ~ Sub caste of the caste of Weavers. They produce woven cloth for the textile industry.
CASTE OF DRYERS: ~ This sub caste of Weavers deals with the staining and coloring of cloth for the textile industry.
CASTE OF CLOTHIERS: ~ Another sub caste of the Caste of Weavers, they produce articles of clothing for the Gorean people.
CASTE OF DRESS MAKERS: ~ Sub caste of Weavers which makes feminine clothing.
CASTE OF ROPEMAKERS: ~ Sub caste of Artisans that produces rope, binding fiber, thread and cordage of all types.
CASTE OF LEATHERWORKERS: ~ Sub caste of the Artisan Caste, deals with the fabrication of various leather goods from animal hides of all kinds.
CASTE OF TORTURERS: ~Black and Red ~ Found only among the Wagon People of the far south they are considered to be a sub caste of the caste of Artisans. An assumption may be made that those of the Wagon Peoples consider the application of Torture as an art form.
Gorean RP 101
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