Friday, March 7, 2014


A major city-state of Gor. It's wealth and opulence is well known and the city is often referred to as "the Ar of the south,"it is the largest of the southern Gorean cities, located south of the equator on the plains of Turia. Named for the single Tur tree found at the bank of the stream by which it was built. Turia counts its year from Summer Solstice to Summer Solstice, clebrating the New Year at the summer solstice. A walled city of the southern coastal plains, it was once conquered by the Nomadic Tribes of the Wagon Peoples, but has long since been rebuilt. A place where games are held and feasts held often. It is an opulant trade center similar in many ways to Constantinople on ancient Earth. Turian females are considered good slaves, very beautiful and obedient At the time of Tarl Cabot's first visit inside the walled, nine-gated stronghold, she had never been conquered. For hundreds of years, she had maintained an uneasy trade relationship with the inhabitants of the plains, the nomadic Tribes of the Wagon Peoples. Sacked and conquered by Kamchak, the eventual Ubar San of the Wagon Peoples, she was ultimately spared, her Home Stone untouched out of sentiment. The mother of the Ubar San had been Turian.


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