City of Turia - Scribe Caste - Blue Caste
Exam for the position of Magistrate in the City of Turia
I. What qualifications are needed for a Magistrate?
- an understanding of Gorean society
- a knowledge of the various Gorean laws and codes.
- an ability to listen to people with an open mind
- be able to see the situation from both view points or how many their may be
- be able to decide what is reasonable and what is not
- be firm enough to not be pushed into a decision
2. What are the basic functions and responsibilities?
- preparing important companionship contracts
- certifying legal transfer of property
- certifying official documents as legal
- investigating crimes and asking questions
- checking slaves for brands on rounds through city
- taking complaints from citizens
- sentencing
- interrogations
- investigating and arresting for fraud
- judge and make sure execution are preformed
- settles disputes that are between different cases members.
- passing sentences of punishment
- holding people prisoner in cells
- sentencing male criminals to work chains
- monitoring collecting payment for each prisoner sentenced and/or those turned over to the chain
-goes to council meeting to be aware of changes they may discuss
- checking free women for tattoos when there is a suspicion that one is a slave in disguise
- decide if someone is a thief and notch their ear
3.Give five (5) quotes on where in the books a Magistrate was used to decided a case.
"That her ear had been notched indicated that by a magistrate, she had been found thief."
Hunters of Gor
The drink she gave me," said Arn, smiling, "was well drugged. I awakened at dawn, with a great headache. My purse was gone."
"Times are hard," said Rim.
"I complained to a magistrate," said Arn, laughing, "but, unfortunately, there was one present who well recalled me, one with whom I had had prior dealings." He slapped his knee. "Soldiers were set upon me, and, over the roofs and into the forests, I barely escaped."
Hunters of Gor
Most ports and islands on Thassa, of course, are not managed by the Merchants, but, commonly, by magistrates appointed by the city councils. In Port Kar, my city, the utilization of the facilities of the port is regulated by a board of four magistrates, the Port Consortium, which reports directly to the Council of Captains, which, since the downfall of the warring Ubars, is sovereign in the city. I suppose the magistrate, who, with his papers, met us at the dock, did not believe my story.
Hunters of Gor
Similarly, slave girls, attempting to escape, can be separated out from free women, even when all are veiled and wear the robes of concealment. Again, the tests may be simple. Once, in Ko-ro-ba, I saw a slaver, before a magistrate, distinguish such a girl, not even one of his own, from eleven free women. Each, in turn, was asked to pour him a cup of wine, and then withdraw, nothing more. At the end, the slaver rose to his feet and pointed to one of the women. "No!" she had cried. "I am free!" Officers of the court, by order of the magistrate, removed her garments. If she were free, the slaver would be impaled. When her last garment had been torn away, there was applause in the court. The girl stood there. On her thigh was the brand.
Hunters of Gor
Kill the spy," said a man.
"No," said Aurelion. "We will take him to the magistrates."
The double gate was unlocked by Strabo, who had recovered his keys. Four men made ready to conduct Clitus Vitellius from the tavern.
"It is the heavy galleys for spies," said one man.
"Better to kill him now," said a man.
"No," said Aurelion, "conduct him to the magistrates. They will have much sport with him before he is chained to a bench."
Slave Girl of Gor
Shall I have you taken before the magistrates of Ar," he inquired, "to substantiate your claim of citizenship?"
Slave Girl of Gor
4. Give 5 Laws concerning Free Men of the Red Caste.
The only honorable reply to a challenge is to accept it promptly. (Warriors do not back down from challenges. They face such matters with bravery.)
One who has shed your blood, or whose blood you have shed, becomes your sword brother, unless you formally repudiate the blood on your weapons. This is part of a bond shared by Warriors that overcomes city barriers. It is a matter of Caste that supersedes allegiances. It is a showing of respect for those who this Caste. Code: Warriors do not break their sworn word.
The only death fit for a warrior is in battle.
If you want another's slave, you must challenge for her and meet your opponent with the weapon of his choice. This is also known as the claim of sword-right.
He who cannot think is not a man and neither is he who can only think.
Warriors do not kill themselves or aid others in doing so. (Suicide is not an option for a warrior.)
I had been so much a fool as to be sad. That is not the mood in which to enter battle, even the battle which one knows one cannot win, even the ultimate battle in which one knows is doomed to defeat. Do not be sad. Better to take the field with laughter, with a joke, with a light thought, with a buoyant thought, or to go forward with sternness, or in fury, or with hatred, or defiance, or calculation, but never with self pity, never with sadness. Never such things, never them!" (Vagabonds of Gor, p. 446)
5. Give 5 ways a Free woman would be eligible for the collar or collaring
- captured
- behaves like a slave
- dresses like a slave
- kneels before a man in submission with arms crossed
- calls a man Master
6. Give 2 Laws that need to be upheld in the City of Turia.
- free women need to wear veils
- a slave is may not hit a free person, the slave will be tourtured and then impaled
7. Give 5 examples of how Citizens can break the laws in Turia.
- speak against the Home Stone or steal it
- make a map of Turia
- copy a key
- theft
- claim membership is a caste that is not theirs
8. Explain what rights of each of the following have in a City - Give TWO (2) rights to each: free man, and a merchant.
I am so use to being asked what someone can't do that this is hard, not totally sure.
- Right to be speak at the high council meetings
- right to have their complaint heard by a magistrate
They are governed by the merchant law outside the city.
- safe passage to enter the city
- may conduct their business within the walls of the city
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