City of Turia
To file a complaint, please fill out the top portion of this form and return it to a scribe. If you cannot write, you may dictate your complaint to any Scribe.
Accuser's Name:
Ubar Darius Kabasilas, of Turia
Second Day of the Second had of En'Kara
( March 27, 2014 )
Name and/or Description of Person or Persons whom the Complaint is Against:
Orion Silvermane, Merchant of Turia
Spitting upon an Initiate, or in the locale of.
Ignoring the commands of the Ubar to cease course of action
Eluding immediate punishment of the Ubar.
Attempting to bring physical harm upon the Ubar
Divertion of blame
When and Where it Happened:
Around 6.30 pm slt
Fifth Day of the First Hand of En'Kara
( March 25, 2014 )
Under the Tur tree
~ Speak to Ubar Darius Kabasilas, of Turia
Or the Holly one "Initate" Terek of Turia
~ Further listing of witnesses would be place upon the extra scroll written by Lady Lola, Scribe of Turia
Submitted to:
Kati Evans
On this day:
First Day of the Second Hand of En'Kara
( March 26, 2014 )
~A scroll was passed to Reggie Dexing, Head Scribe of Turia to read upon and has been passed through the hands of Magistrate office to look over and gather any information to be helpful to follow out with any actions to be taken upon Orion Silvermane, Merchant of Turia on his arrest.
Accused the Initiate
Preliminary investigative steps:
~The scroll has been attached and sealed by Lady Lola, Scribe of Turia which would show all that had taken place on the Fifth Day of the First Hand of En'Kara (March 25, 2014). Which within the scroll would have names of all witness partaken that day of to have been read and if any have been insufficient shall be sot out for further investigation. But the conclusion is clear on the actions of Orion Silvermane, Merchant of Turia.
Preliminary findings:
~Disrespect and/or assaulted on the Holly One "Initiate" by spitting upon his face
~Assault with a deadly weapon "bow/bolt" as it was shoot toward the Holly One "Initiate" leading just before his feet.
~Disobeying direct order form the high Ubar of Turia him self to cease all actions.
The Administrator of the City of Turia hereby authorizes the following order:
All Warriors, Guards, and Officials of the City of Turia are hereby ordered to arrest the person or persons listed below and keep them under guard until they can be brought before a Magistrate (Administrator or designated Official) of the City of Turia.
Persons of Interest (one name per line):
~Orion Silvermane, Merchant of Turia
Have been charged with (brief description):
~1st account : assault on a the Holly One "Initiate" of Turia by spitting in his face
~2nd account: assault on a deadly weapon by shooting a bolt toward the Holly One "Initiate" of Turia feet
~3rd account: directly disobeying the Ubar orders to cease all actions
This order should be filed with the Chief Scribe of the City of Turia and with the Administrator. Please remit any approved warrants to the High Commander of the Red Caste, for timely execution.
Certified by: Kati Evans, Scribe of Turia
Seal: Kati's Seal
Date: 03/27/2014
And the Administrator:
Date: (MM-DD-YYYY)
Fifth Day of the First hand of En'Kara
[19:00] Terek (kitten.serpente) walks slowly to the spot he has chosen and sets his staff of office as High Initiate in the ground, the symbol of the Eternal Circle before him. His face is set, his headcovering darken ed with penitential ashes.
[19:00] Erica Grace Dargent (angeul.falworth) nods to the lady who she notices is standing next to her and very quietly leans over to ask her, "do you know what this is about?"
[19:01] Terek (kitten.serpente) bows his head, his eyes on the ground, his cheeks ashen, and his mouth set in a straight line, grim and silent.
[19:01] Chet Silverfall observes quietly
[19:02] Orion Silvermane (orionbound) shouts: ODIN DAMNS US ALL YA SOUTHIES!!!!!!! For Believe the idiocy of the Initiates and thinking the priest kings themselves be Gods!!!!!!! * he would bellow through out the streets
[19:03] Lola Callaghan (vexinlola): hearing the voice she looks over whispers back to her " I am not sure as of yet , but i do know is to pray for our city "
[19:04] Terek (kitten.serpente) runs over the familiar words, words he has spoken before, but they are suddenly even more terrible, and fear for his City and one whom he has called friend for many years, fills him, turning his interior to ice.
[19:05] Erica Grace Dargent (angeul.falworth) listens to the reply and her eyes take on a serious note, thinking to herself that it can do no harm to pray to the priest kings for help. Straightening back up she focuses her attention on the initiate who has taken center stage in front of them. Then back to the lady nodding her head in appreciation for the her words before returning her attention to the man.
[19:05] Blaze (blazied) stands silently as he dosnt even flinch hearing Orions shouts, perhaps from a bit far like a little vulo but there has been whispers of unrest lately and a few concincedences are becoming a little too frequent muttering -- "How strange, that under teh guise of a city festival, the Initiates move gaurds in.... in the same hand the merchant disappears with the coin, and now, the other merchant is suddenly accursed? did josh find something out?? and what is with tis new building... -- he states trying to weight it all up staring hard at terek in doing so calling loudly --- "What have you done initiate??? WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO FORSAKE TURIA??"
[19:05] Orion Silvermane (orionbound): Yall be fools... Its The Priests fault... For angering Odin! ... I been only blessed in the trials... and that be because I praise to odin
[19:06] Terek (kitten.serpente) looks up, seeing a few of the citizens listening. He almost hopes no one will understand his words, the fear that grips him, and which he so hopes is false. Quietly, he takes a breath and begins
[19:07] Orion Silvermane (orionbound) shouts: Hail Odin! And Freya and Thor! The Gods of the North! .... That Overshadow the lowly Priest kings!
[19:07] Terek (kitten.serpente): Good people of Turia, our city is in want and distress, famine near upon us. The Gate to the Temple grounds is closed, so I come here, to the Tur tree, to speak on your behalf to Priest-Kings before you all. I would offer sacrifice, but there is neither bosk nor verr within the walls in this time of hunger, not even a vulo. Therefore, the only sacrifice we can offer the Holy Ones is our own contrite hearts and the discovery of the cause of the Holy Ones' displeasure.
[19:08] Lola Callaghan (vexinlola): listens to all that is around her taken note as she would want be observant
[19:08] Terek (kitten.serpente) sets his staff of office in the ground before the Tur tree .He makes the gesture of the Eternal Circle, then raises his arms toward the symbol of Priest-Kings above the altar. and says:
[19:08] Erica Grace Dargent (angeul.falworth) notes the dozens of arrows sticking from Orions shield like a porcupine and thinks 'indeed someone does hold that man in favor for them to all have found his shield...'
[19:08] Blaze (blazied) yells loudly --- "Why are they closed? and why do your gaurds still linger Initiate, tell us, what are you hiding???"
[19:08] Orion Silvermane (orionbound) spits on the ground at his words. " Bah! I think they be hiding some ancient Prayer grounds of the North Gods!
[19:09] Terek (kitten.serpente): "Priest-Kings, holy and mighty, I stand before you today in humble supplication on behalf of your people of Turia of the Nine Gates. It is beneath the shield of your infinite power alone that we stand secure against all perils. Hear me! Have mercy on us, turn away your wrath and show us your Will."
[19:09] Joshao Rogerian (karaden.finesmith) stands nervously next to his kaiila, holding the reins and watching, his face concealed
[19:09] Erica Grace Dargent (angeul.falworth) eyes widen at the word sacrifice..
[19:09] Terek (kitten.serpente): "Holy Ones, I have washed myself in pure water to make myself clean before you. I have put on new robes of new cloth. I have scattered the ashes of sorrow and repentance on my head. I have fasted and prayed, kneeling in obeisance before your altar, crying aloud to you to reveal to your anointed one how this City has offended against you."
[19:09] Orion Silvermane (orionbound): I agree a Sacrifice is needed.. I say we sacrifice that White one... to Odin! ... Who has given me the means of buying us food!
[19:10] Terek (kitten.serpente): "Why have you removed your protection from us? Why have you left us without food and the necessities to sustain our lives? Why have you sent hunger upon us, unrest and riot among our citizens, destruction on our shops and storehouses? Show us our faults, I have prayed you,"
[19:10] Lola Callaghan (vexinlola): she cant help to over hear Orion and Blaze to make questions as she would too wonder why as then her voice speaks louder then the would have thought " YES WHY " in agreeing with the two free men
[19:10] Joshao Rogerian (karaden.finesmith): Touch that holy man and I'll take you WITH me, scoundrel!!
[19:10] Blaze (blazied): "Yes Initiate, why....why did they, what did you do.... what have you taken that has upset them so??? again WHAT ARE YOU HIDING?"
[19:10] Terek (kitten.serpente): "Have mercy on us, Holy Ones; in your compassion, have mercy on this City and her people! If any one has displeased you by filthiness, impiety, or disobedience of your commandments, reveal their wickedness to us that the stain may be washed away. Spare us, Oh Priest-Kings! Spare us, I entreat you! Do not send your dreadful Flame Death to destroy this pious City!
[19:11] Terek (kitten.serpente) "Have mercy on us, Holy Ones; in your compassion, have mercy on this City and her people! If any one has displeased you by filthiness, impiety, or disobedience of your commandments, reveal their wickedness to us that the stain may be washed away. Spare us, Oh Priest-Kings! Spare us, I entreat you! Do not send your dreadful Flame Death to destroy this pious City!
[19:11] Joshao Rogerian (karaden.finesmith) looks pleadingly at the Initiate
[19:11] Blaze (blazied) looks to orion -- "Hear that, hes calling for harm to the citizens, what sort of intiiate would do such a thing, he truly has lost his mind, he is corrupt!"
[19:11] Terek (kitten.serpente) pauses and a sound which is almost a sob is torn from him, for he knows what will happen if what he fears is proved to be true.
[19:12] Chet Silverfall looks at his kajira then back to the guards and the initiate, wondering if this could get as ugly as it seems to be headed
[19:12] Joshao Rogerian (karaden.finesmith) mopuths the words 'no no no'
[19:12] Terek (kitten.serpente): He continues, his voice tight with fear and unshed tears: " Let that not be which I believe I have seen. Oh, in your great mercy, grant that what I fear is not present in this City -- that there none who is as I fear among us, touched by the Holy Ones!" He pauses, swallows and continues: "Yet, if it be true, strengthen my heart and make my will firm that what must be done, according to your laws, may be done. Give your people of Turia also the piety to receive the truth, that the one so marked by your displeasure, the one who has brought this evil upon us, -- if it be so --, may be brought before your justice, and punished as you have ordained."
[19:12] Erica Grace Dargent (angeul.falworth) eyes are wide with shock and wonder, such grisly ghastly talk from the initiate and the warriors of the city.. Her young naive mind not able to grasp why threats are being made to the holy man..why would anyone wish to scarifice another human..
[19:13] Orion Silvermane (orionbound) shouts: STORM THE TEMPLE!!! FIND WHAT HE BE HIDING BROTHERS AND SISTERS... he must have truly pissed off Odin for all yall to be hungry as such
[19:13] Joshao Rogerian (karaden.finesmith) gasps at the words and panics
[19:13] Lola Callaghan (vexinlola): shakes her head hearing such words of why she too would doubt why.
[19:13] Terek (kitten.serpente): "Holy Ones, mighty Priest-Kings, by whose Will alone we are preserved from destruction, turn aside your wrath against us, blot out our faults, cleanse us through and through from our failings in our duty toward you, Send your cleansing justice upon any who may be at fault, -- if such there be in the City -- and drive them from among us. Save us from your displeasure!"
[19:13] Blaze (blazied) shouts: "I agree, why did those gates so swiftly go up, its time to tear them down and find out what he is hiding"
[19:13] Joshao Rogerian (karaden.finesmith) leaps to his kaiila's back "I CANNOT let you do this!!" he cries and rides for the gates at a gallop, fleeing for his life
[19:13] Terek (kitten.serpente): "Hear me, Priest-Kings! So may it be, according to your will!"
[19:14] Chet Silverfall: open the gates then, let us settle this once and for all!
[19:15] Blaze (blazied) points as josh flees -- "Citizens of turia, did you not jsut see, the initiates clsoest friend and greatest defender in the city has just fled fled for his life, that is proof that he knows something, proof our intiiate has gone corrupt!"
[19:15] Wyndy Paine looks up at her Master and at the Free around her, worry in her eyes, timidly inching closer to her Master
[19:15] Terek (kitten.serpente) watches his friend, ride away, hoping that he will escape, though he knows he should wish that Joshao be captured and held to see if what he fears is true
[19:16] Erica Grace Dargent (angeul.falworth) watches the man ride away and wonders if he fears that his beast will be the one whom the initiate scarifices..
[19:16] Lola Callaghan (vexinlola): her wonder of which to become hearing one merchant take off in a hurry that all she may of heard was true could it be that he is trying to hide something but what still hearing Blaze and Orion yell out
[19:17] Terek (kitten.serpente): "Oh, Holy Ones, if it be your will, grant I may do your will, do it as you declare it, whatever the cost. Let Turia and her people not suffer, and if the one who has brought your displeasure upon us be not brought to your justice, grant I may bear your punishment, rather than Turia or any of her citizens Hear me, Priest-Kings!
[19:17] Blaze (blazied) states evenly to terek --- "open those gates, or well open them for you Initiate, we are done fearing your shadow for you have brought this to the city with your own doing"
[19:17] Terek (kitten.serpente) allows a small sob to escape him
[19:18] Orion Silvermane (orionbound) would attempt to scare the Robed one. " Open that gate now!" he would snarl as he aimed it at the mans gullet.
[19:19] Terek (kitten.serpente): "It was not I who closed them. My vfriend Joshao found them barred to the low castes when he tried to go to the Temple, which I why I am here, instead of there. Open them, if you wish. I had nothing to do with them being closed."
[19:19] Erica Grace Dargent (angeul.falworth) watches the guard threaten the initiate and fears onlythe worst for the city now that they are threatening the holy man, the voice chosen by the priest kings. Having been raised a proper southern lady and wholly believing in the priest kings.
[19:19] Blaze (blazied): "Liar! You are trying to shift the blame onto a defenceless merchant, when ti is you who controls the guardsmen of that temple"
[19:20] Lola Callaghan (vexinlola): watching closely as she could not seem to think of why he would hold such back to tell the people of Turia the truth what it is he is not telling and why lock the gate
[19:20] Terek (kitten.serpente): "The Temple, yes -- but not the guards at the gate itself. It is there Merchant Rogerian was turned back."
[19:20] Orion Silvermane (orionbound) would fire a bolt right at Tereks foot... Just infront of it but enough that the man would likely fill the air being displaced by it. " Next time I aim higher!
[19:21] Terek (kitten.serpente): "Kill me if you wish. If the Holy Ones accept my sacrifice for Turia, I will give my life willingly."
[19:21] Erica Grace Dargent (angeul.falworth) startles a bit as the bolt is fired and catches her breath as she see;s where it lands, breathing a sigh that it did no damage
[19:21] Lola Callaghan (vexinlola): she notice that this would have to be something taken down as she pulls out from her satchel a blank scroll and a quill to start writing all that is happing down
[19:21] Blaze (blazied) stars at the initiate breifly before heading to answer the gates --- "I will discover what you are hiding white one and kings will not be able to save you when I do"
[19:22] arax (araxxaxx.bayn): If swords must be drawn... let them go through me first!!
[19:22] Terek (kitten.serpente): "I am hiding nothing. You may search as long as you do not bring weapons into the Temple itself. "
[19:23] Orion Silvermane (orionbound) would snarl as the boy stepped between him... " Out of the way boy... Before I shoot ya in that pretty hand of yours...
[19:23] arax (araxxaxx.bayn) stands, terrified but defiant, his small body shielding his Blessed One
[19:23] Erica Grace Dargent (angeul.falworth) watches, scarcely breathing. What has the city come to when the men of the city threaten the most holy of men?
[19:23] arax (araxxaxx.bayn): Master.... NO!
[19:23] arax (araxxaxx.bayn) stands shaking like a lean tears streaming down his face
[19:23] Terek (kitten.serpente): "arax, do not set yourself against the free. Stand aside."
[19:23] arax (araxxaxx.bayn): No.
[19:24] Terek (kitten.serpente): "I command you!"
[19:24] arax (araxxaxx.bayn): No.
[19:24] Orion Silvermane (orionbound): Ya cockless whelp! Ya mistake for a male... Out of me way * he would say as he struck the lad in the side of the head with the end of his cross bow trying to knock him out wiht out causing permament damage*
[19:24] Terek (kitten.serpente): "Will I have to have your flesh stripped from your bones, and you thrown to the sleen? Stand aside NOW!"
[19:24] arax (araxxaxx.bayn) staggers heavily, blinded and dizzy
[19:25] arax (araxxaxx.bayn) trips over a Tur tree root and falls heavily, unable to rise
[19:25] Orion Silvermane (orionbound) spits on the boys tunic covered back.
[19:25] Orion Silvermane (orionbound): (( hang on
[19:25] Terek (kitten.serpente): "What do you accuse me of, Orion?"
[19:26] arax (araxxaxx.bayn) reaches out dizzily and tries to grab the strap of the man's sandal to stop him. A futile move at best
[19:26] Orion Silvermane (orionbound): That should teach ya whelp.. * he would then stand and eye the man face to face... His teeth clenched as he snarled at the man
[19:26] Wyndy Paine cries silently, watching with growing horror the scene unfolding
[19:26] Erica Grace Dargent (angeul.falworth) looks to the beast who has stumbled and fallen. Not ready to scurry into the fight between the man and the holy man, but ready to aid when it is clear the danger is gone.
[19:26] Lola Callaghan (vexinlola): watches closely wonders so many questions being raised this day her hand constantly moving taken note of all going on
[19:26] Orion Silvermane (orionbound) would kick aside the boys hand.. but otherwise ignored him. Placing his bow back on his back knowin even he was not dumb enough to harm a Initiate...
[19:26] arax (araxxaxx.bayn) whimpers "Nooooooooo...."
[19:27] Erica Grace Dargent (angeul.falworth) hears the slave girls cry and looks over to her, wondering if there is something else that has happened to yet another person here under the majestic tree of the city
[19:27] Chet Silverfall taps Wyndy on her head and gestures for her to retreat back to kneel with the Kenel Masters girls at a safer distance
[19:27] Terek (kitten.serpente): "arax...one more word or action, or I will sell you North to the heathen of Torvaldsland to kill as they please."
[19:27] Dalina Mason (dathlinea) is online.
[19:28] arax (araxxaxx.bayn) weeps in misery trying to drawl to his Blessed One's sandals, but loses consciousness and is still.
[19:28] arax (araxxaxx.bayn): *Crawl (Y'all)
[19:28] Orion Silvermane (orionbound) shouts: II say brothers and sisters. Under the eyes of Odin! the true God of Gor... we see what this man be hiding that corrupts his soul
[19:29] Renee Von Phoenix (rainboww.velde) looking for the green, finding her lowers to er knees , seeing arax laying like he was dead, green eyes widen , small hand cover her mouth as she looks on forgetting she was needing the Green
[19:29] LeLe (leannburt) nods at Wyndy and then turns back to watch events unfold
[19:29] ღ Ł ĩ zє ღ (lizettie): Sits quietly and listens
[19:29] Erica Grace Dargent (angeul.falworth) frowns at the delcaration of the true god of gor and briefly the thought that the priest kings might not be the true gods flit through her mind to be quickly dismissed and focusing back again on the beast laying prone and injured.
[19:30] Terek (kitten.serpente): "I will not resist you, Guardsman. But if you do not wish even more displeasure of the Holy Ones for mistreating Their spokesman in Turia, you stand aside as well. If you have any accusation against me, as a man, bring it forward. If you do not fear the wrath of Priest-Kings, at least do not bring more anger upon Turia."
[19:31] Orion Silvermane (orionbound) would spit in the mans face and Walk away. " I will have ya charged when We find out what ya be hiding " Holy one" * he would exaggerate saying the holy one. clearly mocking the man* I pray Odin Does not send Thor to strike ye down with Blue Lightning
[19:31] Lola Callaghan (vexinlola): she would at least hope she packed enough scrolls to keep on noting down everything she reach back into her satchel grabbing for another scroll to continue to take notes one the actions or all and words her mind still wonders so much but her hand staidly writing
[19:32] Terek (kitten.serpente): "If I have offended against the Law of the Magistrates, speak! But I am all that stands between you and the punishment of the Holy Ones."
[19:32] Orion Silvermane (orionbound): We will find it out... And Odin has given us a bountifulbounty... it resides in the Greens.. under lock and key. Ya eat when the time is right and when ya name be called.
[19:32] Orion Silvermane (orionbound) shouts: ODIN BE PRAISED
[19:33] Boots (ayasha.catteneo) stays back kneeling in the tall flowers, listening with the fire in the depths of her eyes shining.
[19:33] arax (araxxaxx.bayn) flickers in and out of consciousness, muttering "...no...no" as he fades in and out
[19:34] Erica Grace Dargent (angeul.falworth) finally takes a deep breath of relief as the man stalks off and caustiously she moves forward, "Sir this is your beast laying here?"
[19:34] Terek (kitten.serpente) mutters, "Fool of a heathen! Perhaps his blasphemy, and not the horror he feared, that had brought him here tonight, was the reason for the famine, for the displeasure of the Holy Ones. He prayed it was so.
[19:35] arax (araxxaxx.bayn) begins to wake, and struggles to his knees
[19:35] Chet Silverfall relaxes somewhat, the tension eased for now, but wonders where the truth in the matter lays.
[19:35] arax (araxxaxx.bayn) wavers as he kneels "bles....sed....One...?
[19:35] Orion Silvermane (orionbound): Takes a big long seat upon a large branch of the Tur tree. " Odin Save them all"
[19:36] Renee Von Phoenix (rainboww.velde) watches the scene unfold before her eyes, keeping quiet
[19:36] arax (araxxaxx.bayn): Blood seeps from a bruise on the side of his head from Orion's bow
[19:37] arax (araxxaxx.bayn) looks up at his Owner, still crying, his head aflame with pain, still dizzy from the blow
[19:37] Terek (kitten.serpente): "Good people, this afternoon I thought I saw...something so dreadful, I could only shrink in fear. A sure sign of Priest-Kings anger." His eyes follow the way the heathen northerner had gone. "But perhaps I was wrong. Perhaps we have seen here why the Holy Ones have striken Turia with famine. Priest-Kings hate the false worship of Odin. It may be they require one who openly calls on him o suffer exile, or even death."
[19:38] arax (araxxaxx.bayn): /mr holds very still feeling sick and nauseated.
[19:38] Wyndy Paine gasps and looks around nervously
[19:38] Terek (kitten.serpente): "I will have to bring the matter to the attention of the Ubar and the Magistrate."
[19:39] Renee Von Phoenix (rainboww.velde) seeing the blood coming from the boys head and looks to the Mistress
[19:39] Erica Grace Dargent (angeul.falworth) watches the beast wobble to his knees, the holy initiate seemingly oblivious to her or the beasts condition, knowing that it is th emans choice to let the beast die, suffer or receive medical attention. She turns on her heel and walks to the infirmary, not about to stand there and watch the beast suffer or worse die
[19:40] Terek (kitten.serpente): "arax, you may go to the infirmary. If no one wishes to detain me, or has any complaint against me, I will go with you."
[19:40] arax (araxxaxx.bayn): Y-es Bl-Blessed ...One....
[19:41] arax (araxxaxx.bayn) rises shakily and begins to stagger toward the Infirmary, weaving as he goes.
[19:41] Renee Von Phoenix (rainboww.velde) seeing the mistress, going motions the girls to follow they need to be seen by her, hearing the Blesses One she motrions the girls to wait
[19:41] Terek (kitten.serpente): "Does any dare to speak a complaint against me, against the High Initiate of Turia, the one who mediates between this city and the Priest-Kings? Speak, if you will!"
[19:42] Chet Silverfall Ponders the initiates question, unsure now of what to think
[19:42] Lola Callaghan (vexinlola): seeing the Lady walk by keeping her eyes and ears open to which all being said not knowing what all be done nor said
[19:42] Terek (kitten.serpente) waits, silent.
[19:42] Boots (ayasha.catteneo) bites a little at her lower lip as the Initiate speaks, then stares down knowing it is not her place to speak out.
[19:43] Chet Silverfall looks at the faces of the other witnesses, and chooses to remain silent
[19:43] Terek (kitten.serpente): "See, even the heathen one dares not say I have done anything which might harm this City."
[19:43] Renee Von Phoenix (rainboww.velde) looks to the girls with her so the know to remain quiet then looks back
[19:44] Lola Callaghan (vexinlola): as all remain quiet still getting facts on the issues at had but she would stay quiet as well the others as she still needs to know why but dont know where it may start
[19:44] LeLe (leannburt) thinks back on the prayers she heard the white one speak and can't think that they would have done any harm....
[19:45] Chet Silverfall glances towards the temple gates questioningly
[19:45] ღ Ł ĩ zє ღ (lizettie): Looking around hearing birds singing in the trees nearby , this girl stays quiet
[19:46] Terek (kitten.serpente) strides firmly toward the Infirmary to see how arax is doing. "I wish all those not under displeasure of Priest-Kings well, and ask that they may turn aside their wrath, and Turia return to peace and prosperity. We will discover what is truly the cause." He glares at the Guardsman by the tree
[19:47] Terek (kitten.serpente) stops only long enough to say one word in a deep voice, quite unlike his usual gentle tones. "BEWARE!"
[19:47] LeLe (leannburt) glances up as she hears a step and smiles..."Tal, Master"
[19:47] Lola Callaghan (vexinlola): she would continue writing to finish the last of her entry as she would she him pass by to check on his boy she would stil have some doubt on what may be going on
[19:47] Renee Von Phoenix (rainboww.velde) stands " i wish you well Masters, and Mistress, come girls i am to take you to the infirmary"
[19:48] ღ Ł ĩ zє ღ (lizettie): Yes Sister
[19:48] Renee Von Phoenix (rainboww.velde) smiles to the handsome Warrior
[19:48] LeLe (leannburt): yes, my sister
[19:48] Wyndy Paine beams as she sees her Master approach, unsettled by everything she witnessed and happy to see someone constant
[19:49] Chet Silverfall touches his girl on her head and smiles
[19:49] Lola Callaghan (vexinlola): hears the girls giving a nod as they move off to as she roll her finishes of the scroll placing into her satchel turning to step away
Lola's Seal
This is my collection of information I have gathered during my time as a Magistrate/High Magistrate in Fina, Rarn, Village of Abydos, Telnus, Whitewater, Thentis, Rorus, and others. This is my collection of information, nothing more. --- For now I find myself in the Island of Svago. --- I am Kael's companion again and we begin a new stage in our lives.
Searching for something ... look at these:
Thursday, March 27, 2014
Thursday, March 20, 2014
Newsletter Format
Business Name
Volume 1, Issue 1
Newsletter Date
Newsletter Title
Special Points of Interest 1
Special Points of Interest 2
Special Points of Interest 3
Special Points of Interest 4
Story Title 1
Story 1: 175 - 225 Words
Picture or Graphic 1
Caption 1
Story Title 2
Story 2: 75-125 Words
Story Title 1
Story 3: 150-200 Words
Picture or Graphic 2
Caption 2
Story Title 4
Story 4: 100 - 150 Words
Quote 1
Story Title 5
Story 5: 75-125 words
Picture or Graphic 3
Caption 3
Story Title 6
Story 6: 150 - 200 Words
Picture or Graphic 4
Caption 4
Story Title 7
Story 7: 100 - 150 Words
Quote 2
Story Title 8
Story 8: 75-125 Words
Picture or Graphic 5
Caption 5
Short Important Note: 75-100 Words
Story Title 9
Story 9: 175 - 225 Words
Picture or Graphic 6
Caption 6
Contact Information
Tagline or Motto
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
Turia City Meeting
The owners of the sim have decided things have not been going very well as of late. We have decided to call a city meeting next saturday afternoon, the 22nd at 12 slt, to discuss the future of Turia and the viability of the sim.
For this meeting, if you are not present or are unable to be present and do not give notice of this, you will be removed from the group. If you are inactive more then two months you will be removed from the groups. Please be at the meeting, this is mandatory.
For this meeting, if you are not present or are unable to be present and do not give notice of this, you will be removed from the group. If you are inactive more then two months you will be removed from the groups. Please be at the meeting, this is mandatory.
00001 Incident Report - Orion Silvermane
Turian Warrior Incident Report
Date: 15th March 2014
Orion Silvermane-(orionbound resident) - Warrior of Turia
Lady Livianna (Sallies Warcliffe) - Baker of Turia
Accused (or involved) but not present:
Present but not directly involved:
Complete RP:
[07:52] Orion Silvermane (orionbound): Well lets see... I just got done working a night shift... then had to do half a morning shift till someone woke up... I saw something unusual go into the bakery... I thought after the Baker had entered I thought someone had followed.. Mind ye i was tired and grumpy.. So I go in and looked aorund and musta mistook the baker as a intruder gave a warning and fired secondly
Blaze Shiras
(Blazied Resident)
Acting Commander of Turia
(BLaze's Seal)
Recorded too- (list here anyone that has been given a copy of this report, so people know who its gone too)
Darius Kabasilas (darius.vayandar)
Reggie Dexing
Kati Evans (not yet a magistrate of Turia)
Complete RP:
[07:21] Blaze (blazied) pulls out the scroll he was given earlier and a blank one, writing a few things upon it before looking to Orion --- "Alright, so your being charged with shooting a free woman in the ass, Do you understand that?"
[07:22] Orion Silvermane (orionbound): Ya... but she goaded me * he would grumble* Said i didnt have the balls ta do it
[07:22] Blaze (blazied) tuts and shakes his head --- "As a result she is claiming mental distress, fear of caste, and wants your ass put on the chopping block, so you need to be as through as you can in your recount of events"
[07:23] Orion Silvermane (orionbound): Well I do remember her trying to black mail me into paying her twelve gold... said we could haggle.. to keep this all from coming to pass.
[07:24] Blaze (blazied) motions with his hand -- "One thing at a time, lets start at the begining, do you remeber any witness's to the incident?"
[07:25] Blaze (blazied) writes a few names down and so forth on the report before looking up and sternly too -- tell me everything that happened, from the moment you met her that day to the moment you seperated company
[07:28] Orion Silvermane (orionbound): Lets see... I well.. I remember as much as her coming to the gate.. Making fun of me as usual when then we bantered back and forth
[07:29] Blaze (blazied) glances to orion -- "Anything else?"
[07:41] Blaze (blazied) clears his throat and looks across to orion -- "What time of day this all occur? was it full daylight? "
[07:42] Orion Silvermane (orionbound): Aye that I remember... well because it enticed her hair * he would snort not being one to leave anything out*
[07:42] Blaze (blazied): "I see, and was it considered to be early in the morning, Like you had just awoken?"
[07:43] Blaze (blazied) adds easily -- "Or perhaps hadnt slept yet?"
[07:43] Orion Silvermane (orionbound): Perhaps... I hadnt * he would say calmy* Ya know with our short staff and all
[07:44] Blaze (blazied) nods breifly -- "And were you not experincing personal problems with the recent travelling of your intended, the stress of your caste, and also being tested by the scarlet caste so you were constantly studying at this point?"
[07:45] Orion Silvermane (orionbound): Aye sound about right... so I was possibly... easily goaded.. as is obvious
[07:46] Blaze (blazied) cocks his head and gives orion a slow smile --- "No you werent goaded, you were mistaken is all... "
[07:47] Orion Silvermane (orionbound): Mistaken? Whatcha mean
[07:50] Blaze (blazied): "I want to you think very carefully and in every detail explain what you had been doing leading up to the event of that morning, what brought you to the bakery, and what caused you to draw your bow within the citys walls"
[07:52] Orion Silvermane (orionbound): Well lets see... I just got done working a night shift... then had to do half a morning shift till someone woke up... I saw something unusual go into the bakery... I thought after the Baker had entered I thought someone had followed.. Mind ye i was tired and grumpy.. So I go in and looked aorund and musta mistook the baker as a intruder gave a warning and fired secondly
[07:53] Blaze (blazied): "i see and had anything signifcant happened too ou around that time? such as personal or caste based?"
[07:53] Orion Silvermane (orionbound): Haven seen my intended for a few days... And just recieved a letter of having a possible daughter * he would grumble* find out I did after the fact and some blood work
[07:54] Blaze (blazied) chuckles --- Had you and the baker had any altercation prior to this?
[07:55] Orion Silvermane (orionbound): Nope just the common hitting on a free woman youd expect
[07:56] Blaze (blazied): "Well I wouldnt expect that at all, but as long as its friendly, so you cannot think of any reason other then misguided self information that she would believe you are out to get her?"
[07:56] Orion Silvermane (orionbound): Who knows... women believe what they wish * hearing the bell and glad Blaze was there.* Mind getting that one... The kanda hasnt kicked in yet.
[07:57] Blaze (blazied): "Ai"
Orion's Assault:
[10:36] OrionBound: Ive come to shoot you in the butt Baker!
[10:37] Salies Warcliffe: hands sticky as she is jarring fresh jam she looks to Orion. "I am in no moods for games, Warrior. I had enough of you with our earlier talks, so if you will excuse me." She dismisses you as she turns back to the counter.
[10:38] OrionBoundOrionBound takes steady aim with the blunt Bolt bow of his. And Fires!. Aiming right at her bum!
[10:38] GM 4.42GM 4.42 ~ OrionBound Resident hit you with Primus Long Arrow 3.5 (20%) - strike type: arrow~direct ~
[10:40] Salies Warcliffe: cries out as she feels the force of the blunt bow tip hit her ear. Her hands cover her rear, and she whirls around. "What!!!" She looks at you in disbelief. "Have you lost your MIND! You can not go around assaulting a Free Woman!" Her tones angry and hard.
[10:41] OrionBound: What ya mean! I saw a man come running in here and heard ya scream and then I see no one!? Who shot you!
[10:43] Salies Warcliffe: reaches down to pick up the blunt bow. "You dare insult me as a fool Orion. Then as a Warrior Lie about your little prank. You know full well no Man came in here and I did not scream until YOU shot me in the rear."
[10:45] OrionBoundOrionBound would walk up and take the blunt bolt from her. Examining it closely.. glad he stole one of Blaze's bolts. " Look here it has A B in the length here... this aint one of mine!
[10:47] Salies Warcliffe: gasp as you rip the bow from her hand. "I would like that back." She said as she looked noting the two letter markings. "A B?" She then look to you, but I know for a Fact no man came running in here I woudl have seen and heard them, and I scream as you shot me, and if there was a man her there is no way you have missed him as an arrow shot is to quick for anyone to make and exit."
[10:49] OrionBoundOrionBound would take one of his own bolts from his cross bow chuckling. " See here mine are marked with a OD for Orion Dexing Why would I shoot a Lady I may change and wish to court?
[10:51] Salies Warcliffe: narrows her eyes. "Orion... you walked in here.. said you were coming to shot me in the... rear, and I told you to stop playing then I turned away then BOOM.. a arrow to the rear.. you did it, and now lie.. further you insult me. I will have to speak to the Magistrate about this." She rubs her rear feeling it is tender. "And have someone look at my rear." Not turning fully away she grabs a rep cloth to clean her hands.
[10:52] OrionBound: I think you may need someone to check it out... Why Would I want to shoot the woman I have grown fond of! That is silly.. maybe you heard someone pretending to be me!
[10:55] Salies Warcliffe: huffs at you. "Ohh.. now your fond of me. I need to check the time because it must be at certain times you feel certain ways. Earlier you questioned if I had My Papers for my Freedom then warned I best be on your good side then all the sudden im shot in the rear." She tosses the rep cloth. "I will see a Green outside Turia.. with all these strange happens. Me hearing you arrows to my rear.. I do not feel safe." She turns making sure the stove and oven is off. She wraps up her items and stores then then turns as if to head past you.
[10:56] OrionBound: O come on dont go! I was only having fun... * he would say as he ran after her!
[10:56] OrionBound: You try being me stuck at a gate all day by yourself and see if you dont pick on someone!
[10:57] Salies Warcliffe: grumbles walking a bit funny. "Fun for who?" she tosses back as she continues toward her home.
[10:57] OrionBound: O im sorry fine Il lonly protect ye from now on... I got some ice in my cool room if you wish you can go get it for your bum.
[11:01] Salies Warcliffe: damn near growls, but she swallows it. She stops only to say. "You can keep your Ice cream, Orion. If you want to play find your slaves, or visit your Soon to be Companion. As a Lady I should be treated with a bit more respect, but as a Man you can chose to ignore that. You can act as you like as is your right, now.. I will go and see what rights I have that I can act on concerning this situation. Now.. if you will excuse me Scarlet.." She then heads out to leave.
[11:02] OrionBound: Grumpy butt * he would snarl at her* Go ahead try your a llowly baker who will beleive you * he stuck his tongue out at her.
[11:03] Salies Warcliffe: winces as he moves past his snarling words echoe in her mind. Fear at his words freeze her on the inside, and she decides to send a Tarn with a message to the only person she can trust to get her and escort out of Turia. She didn't know what to do, but she feared now for her safety and freedom.
Date: 15th March 2014
Orion Silvermane-(orionbound resident) - Warrior of Turia
Lady Livianna (Sallies Warcliffe) - Baker of Turia
Accused (or involved) but not present:
Present but not directly involved:
Complete RP:
[07:52] Orion Silvermane (orionbound): Well lets see... I just got done working a night shift... then had to do half a morning shift till someone woke up... I saw something unusual go into the bakery... I thought after the Baker had entered I thought someone had followed.. Mind ye i was tired and grumpy.. So I go in and looked aorund and musta mistook the baker as a intruder gave a warning and fired secondly
Blaze Shiras
(Blazied Resident)
Acting Commander of Turia
(BLaze's Seal)
Recorded too- (list here anyone that has been given a copy of this report, so people know who its gone too)
Darius Kabasilas (darius.vayandar)
Reggie Dexing
Kati Evans (not yet a magistrate of Turia)
Complete RP:
[07:21] Blaze (blazied) pulls out the scroll he was given earlier and a blank one, writing a few things upon it before looking to Orion --- "Alright, so your being charged with shooting a free woman in the ass, Do you understand that?"
[07:22] Orion Silvermane (orionbound): Ya... but she goaded me * he would grumble* Said i didnt have the balls ta do it
[07:22] Blaze (blazied) tuts and shakes his head --- "As a result she is claiming mental distress, fear of caste, and wants your ass put on the chopping block, so you need to be as through as you can in your recount of events"
[07:23] Orion Silvermane (orionbound): Well I do remember her trying to black mail me into paying her twelve gold... said we could haggle.. to keep this all from coming to pass.
[07:24] Blaze (blazied) motions with his hand -- "One thing at a time, lets start at the begining, do you remeber any witness's to the incident?"
[07:25] Blaze (blazied) writes a few names down and so forth on the report before looking up and sternly too -- tell me everything that happened, from the moment you met her that day to the moment you seperated company
[07:28] Orion Silvermane (orionbound): Lets see... I well.. I remember as much as her coming to the gate.. Making fun of me as usual when then we bantered back and forth
[07:29] Blaze (blazied) glances to orion -- "Anything else?"
[07:41] Blaze (blazied) clears his throat and looks across to orion -- "What time of day this all occur? was it full daylight? "
[07:42] Orion Silvermane (orionbound): Aye that I remember... well because it enticed her hair * he would snort not being one to leave anything out*
[07:42] Blaze (blazied): "I see, and was it considered to be early in the morning, Like you had just awoken?"
[07:43] Blaze (blazied) adds easily -- "Or perhaps hadnt slept yet?"
[07:43] Orion Silvermane (orionbound): Perhaps... I hadnt * he would say calmy* Ya know with our short staff and all
[07:44] Blaze (blazied) nods breifly -- "And were you not experincing personal problems with the recent travelling of your intended, the stress of your caste, and also being tested by the scarlet caste so you were constantly studying at this point?"
[07:45] Orion Silvermane (orionbound): Aye sound about right... so I was possibly... easily goaded.. as is obvious
[07:46] Blaze (blazied) cocks his head and gives orion a slow smile --- "No you werent goaded, you were mistaken is all... "
[07:47] Orion Silvermane (orionbound): Mistaken? Whatcha mean
[07:50] Blaze (blazied): "I want to you think very carefully and in every detail explain what you had been doing leading up to the event of that morning, what brought you to the bakery, and what caused you to draw your bow within the citys walls"
[07:52] Orion Silvermane (orionbound): Well lets see... I just got done working a night shift... then had to do half a morning shift till someone woke up... I saw something unusual go into the bakery... I thought after the Baker had entered I thought someone had followed.. Mind ye i was tired and grumpy.. So I go in and looked aorund and musta mistook the baker as a intruder gave a warning and fired secondly
[07:53] Blaze (blazied): "i see and had anything signifcant happened too ou around that time? such as personal or caste based?"
[07:53] Orion Silvermane (orionbound): Haven seen my intended for a few days... And just recieved a letter of having a possible daughter * he would grumble* find out I did after the fact and some blood work
[07:54] Blaze (blazied) chuckles --- Had you and the baker had any altercation prior to this?
[07:55] Orion Silvermane (orionbound): Nope just the common hitting on a free woman youd expect
[07:56] Blaze (blazied): "Well I wouldnt expect that at all, but as long as its friendly, so you cannot think of any reason other then misguided self information that she would believe you are out to get her?"
[07:56] Orion Silvermane (orionbound): Who knows... women believe what they wish * hearing the bell and glad Blaze was there.* Mind getting that one... The kanda hasnt kicked in yet.
[07:57] Blaze (blazied): "Ai"
Orion's Assault:
[10:36] OrionBound: Ive come to shoot you in the butt Baker!
[10:37] Salies Warcliffe: hands sticky as she is jarring fresh jam she looks to Orion. "I am in no moods for games, Warrior. I had enough of you with our earlier talks, so if you will excuse me." She dismisses you as she turns back to the counter.
[10:38] OrionBoundOrionBound takes steady aim with the blunt Bolt bow of his. And Fires!. Aiming right at her bum!
[10:38] GM 4.42GM 4.42 ~ OrionBound Resident hit you with Primus Long Arrow 3.5 (20%) - strike type: arrow~direct ~
[10:40] Salies Warcliffe: cries out as she feels the force of the blunt bow tip hit her ear. Her hands cover her rear, and she whirls around. "What!!!" She looks at you in disbelief. "Have you lost your MIND! You can not go around assaulting a Free Woman!" Her tones angry and hard.
[10:41] OrionBound: What ya mean! I saw a man come running in here and heard ya scream and then I see no one!? Who shot you!
[10:43] Salies Warcliffe: reaches down to pick up the blunt bow. "You dare insult me as a fool Orion. Then as a Warrior Lie about your little prank. You know full well no Man came in here and I did not scream until YOU shot me in the rear."
[10:45] OrionBoundOrionBound would walk up and take the blunt bolt from her. Examining it closely.. glad he stole one of Blaze's bolts. " Look here it has A B in the length here... this aint one of mine!
[10:47] Salies Warcliffe: gasp as you rip the bow from her hand. "I would like that back." She said as she looked noting the two letter markings. "A B?" She then look to you, but I know for a Fact no man came running in here I woudl have seen and heard them, and I scream as you shot me, and if there was a man her there is no way you have missed him as an arrow shot is to quick for anyone to make and exit."
[10:49] OrionBoundOrionBound would take one of his own bolts from his cross bow chuckling. " See here mine are marked with a OD for Orion Dexing Why would I shoot a Lady I may change and wish to court?
[10:51] Salies Warcliffe: narrows her eyes. "Orion... you walked in here.. said you were coming to shot me in the... rear, and I told you to stop playing then I turned away then BOOM.. a arrow to the rear.. you did it, and now lie.. further you insult me. I will have to speak to the Magistrate about this." She rubs her rear feeling it is tender. "And have someone look at my rear." Not turning fully away she grabs a rep cloth to clean her hands.
[10:52] OrionBound: I think you may need someone to check it out... Why Would I want to shoot the woman I have grown fond of! That is silly.. maybe you heard someone pretending to be me!
[10:55] Salies Warcliffe: huffs at you. "Ohh.. now your fond of me. I need to check the time because it must be at certain times you feel certain ways. Earlier you questioned if I had My Papers for my Freedom then warned I best be on your good side then all the sudden im shot in the rear." She tosses the rep cloth. "I will see a Green outside Turia.. with all these strange happens. Me hearing you arrows to my rear.. I do not feel safe." She turns making sure the stove and oven is off. She wraps up her items and stores then then turns as if to head past you.
[10:56] OrionBound: O come on dont go! I was only having fun... * he would say as he ran after her!
[10:56] OrionBound: You try being me stuck at a gate all day by yourself and see if you dont pick on someone!
[10:57] Salies Warcliffe: grumbles walking a bit funny. "Fun for who?" she tosses back as she continues toward her home.
[10:57] OrionBound: O im sorry fine Il lonly protect ye from now on... I got some ice in my cool room if you wish you can go get it for your bum.
[11:01] Salies Warcliffe: damn near growls, but she swallows it. She stops only to say. "You can keep your Ice cream, Orion. If you want to play find your slaves, or visit your Soon to be Companion. As a Lady I should be treated with a bit more respect, but as a Man you can chose to ignore that. You can act as you like as is your right, now.. I will go and see what rights I have that I can act on concerning this situation. Now.. if you will excuse me Scarlet.." She then heads out to leave.
[11:02] OrionBound: Grumpy butt * he would snarl at her* Go ahead try your a llowly baker who will beleive you * he stuck his tongue out at her.
[11:03] Salies Warcliffe: winces as he moves past his snarling words echoe in her mind. Fear at his words freeze her on the inside, and she decides to send a Tarn with a message to the only person she can trust to get her and escort out of Turia. She didn't know what to do, but she feared now for her safety and freedom.
Full Magistrate - I passed the exam.
City of Turia - Scribe Caste - Blue Caste
Exam for the position of Magistrate in the City of Turia
I. What qualifications are needed for a Magistrate?
- an understanding of Gorean society
- a knowledge of the various Gorean laws and codes.
- an ability to listen to people with an open mind
- be able to see the situation from both view points or how many their may be
- be able to decide what is reasonable and what is not
- be firm enough to not be pushed into a decision
2. What are the basic functions and responsibilities?
- preparing important companionship contracts
- certifying legal transfer of property
- certifying official documents as legal
- investigating crimes and asking questions
- checking slaves for brands on rounds through city
- taking complaints from citizens
- sentencing
- interrogations
- investigating and arresting for fraud
- judge and make sure execution are preformed
- settles disputes that are between different cases members.
- passing sentences of punishment
- holding people prisoner in cells
- sentencing male criminals to work chains
- monitoring collecting payment for each prisoner sentenced and/or those turned over to the chain
-goes to council meeting to be aware of changes they may discuss
- checking free women for tattoos when there is a suspicion that one is a slave in disguise
- decide if someone is a thief and notch their ear
3.Give five (5) quotes on where in the books a Magistrate was used to decided a case.
"That her ear had been notched indicated that by a magistrate, she had been found thief."
Hunters of Gor
The drink she gave me," said Arn, smiling, "was well drugged. I awakened at dawn, with a great headache. My purse was gone."
"Times are hard," said Rim.
"I complained to a magistrate," said Arn, laughing, "but, unfortunately, there was one present who well recalled me, one with whom I had had prior dealings." He slapped his knee. "Soldiers were set upon me, and, over the roofs and into the forests, I barely escaped."
Hunters of Gor
Most ports and islands on Thassa, of course, are not managed by the Merchants, but, commonly, by magistrates appointed by the city councils. In Port Kar, my city, the utilization of the facilities of the port is regulated by a board of four magistrates, the Port Consortium, which reports directly to the Council of Captains, which, since the downfall of the warring Ubars, is sovereign in the city. I suppose the magistrate, who, with his papers, met us at the dock, did not believe my story.
Hunters of Gor
Similarly, slave girls, attempting to escape, can be separated out from free women, even when all are veiled and wear the robes of concealment. Again, the tests may be simple. Once, in Ko-ro-ba, I saw a slaver, before a magistrate, distinguish such a girl, not even one of his own, from eleven free women. Each, in turn, was asked to pour him a cup of wine, and then withdraw, nothing more. At the end, the slaver rose to his feet and pointed to one of the women. "No!" she had cried. "I am free!" Officers of the court, by order of the magistrate, removed her garments. If she were free, the slaver would be impaled. When her last garment had been torn away, there was applause in the court. The girl stood there. On her thigh was the brand.
Hunters of Gor
Kill the spy," said a man.
"No," said Aurelion. "We will take him to the magistrates."
The double gate was unlocked by Strabo, who had recovered his keys. Four men made ready to conduct Clitus Vitellius from the tavern.
"It is the heavy galleys for spies," said one man.
"Better to kill him now," said a man.
"No," said Aurelion, "conduct him to the magistrates. They will have much sport with him before he is chained to a bench."
Slave Girl of Gor
Shall I have you taken before the magistrates of Ar," he inquired, "to substantiate your claim of citizenship?"
Slave Girl of Gor
4. Give 5 Laws concerning Free Men of the Red Caste.
The only honorable reply to a challenge is to accept it promptly. (Warriors do not back down from challenges. They face such matters with bravery.)
One who has shed your blood, or whose blood you have shed, becomes your sword brother, unless you formally repudiate the blood on your weapons. This is part of a bond shared by Warriors that overcomes city barriers. It is a matter of Caste that supersedes allegiances. It is a showing of respect for those who this Caste. Code: Warriors do not break their sworn word.
The only death fit for a warrior is in battle.
If you want another's slave, you must challenge for her and meet your opponent with the weapon of his choice. This is also known as the claim of sword-right.
He who cannot think is not a man and neither is he who can only think.
Warriors do not kill themselves or aid others in doing so. (Suicide is not an option for a warrior.)
I had been so much a fool as to be sad. That is not the mood in which to enter battle, even the battle which one knows one cannot win, even the ultimate battle in which one knows is doomed to defeat. Do not be sad. Better to take the field with laughter, with a joke, with a light thought, with a buoyant thought, or to go forward with sternness, or in fury, or with hatred, or defiance, or calculation, but never with self pity, never with sadness. Never such things, never them!" (Vagabonds of Gor, p. 446)
5. Give 5 ways a Free woman would be eligible for the collar or collaring
- captured
- behaves like a slave
- dresses like a slave
- kneels before a man in submission with arms crossed
- calls a man Master
6. Give 2 Laws that need to be upheld in the City of Turia.
- free women need to wear veils
- a slave is may not hit a free person, the slave will be tourtured and then impaled
7. Give 5 examples of how Citizens can break the laws in Turia.
- speak against the Home Stone or steal it
- make a map of Turia
- copy a key
- theft
- claim membership is a caste that is not theirs
8. Explain what rights of each of the following have in a City - Give TWO (2) rights to each: free man, and a merchant.
I am so use to being asked what someone can't do that this is hard, not totally sure.
- Right to be speak at the high council meetings
- right to have their complaint heard by a magistrate
They are governed by the merchant law outside the city.
- safe passage to enter the city
- may conduct their business within the walls of the city
Exam for the position of Magistrate in the City of Turia
I. What qualifications are needed for a Magistrate?
- an understanding of Gorean society
- a knowledge of the various Gorean laws and codes.
- an ability to listen to people with an open mind
- be able to see the situation from both view points or how many their may be
- be able to decide what is reasonable and what is not
- be firm enough to not be pushed into a decision
2. What are the basic functions and responsibilities?
- preparing important companionship contracts
- certifying legal transfer of property
- certifying official documents as legal
- investigating crimes and asking questions
- checking slaves for brands on rounds through city
- taking complaints from citizens
- sentencing
- interrogations
- investigating and arresting for fraud
- judge and make sure execution are preformed
- settles disputes that are between different cases members.
- passing sentences of punishment
- holding people prisoner in cells
- sentencing male criminals to work chains
- monitoring collecting payment for each prisoner sentenced and/or those turned over to the chain
-goes to council meeting to be aware of changes they may discuss
- checking free women for tattoos when there is a suspicion that one is a slave in disguise
- decide if someone is a thief and notch their ear
3.Give five (5) quotes on where in the books a Magistrate was used to decided a case.
"That her ear had been notched indicated that by a magistrate, she had been found thief."
Hunters of Gor
The drink she gave me," said Arn, smiling, "was well drugged. I awakened at dawn, with a great headache. My purse was gone."
"Times are hard," said Rim.
"I complained to a magistrate," said Arn, laughing, "but, unfortunately, there was one present who well recalled me, one with whom I had had prior dealings." He slapped his knee. "Soldiers were set upon me, and, over the roofs and into the forests, I barely escaped."
Hunters of Gor
Most ports and islands on Thassa, of course, are not managed by the Merchants, but, commonly, by magistrates appointed by the city councils. In Port Kar, my city, the utilization of the facilities of the port is regulated by a board of four magistrates, the Port Consortium, which reports directly to the Council of Captains, which, since the downfall of the warring Ubars, is sovereign in the city. I suppose the magistrate, who, with his papers, met us at the dock, did not believe my story.
Hunters of Gor
Similarly, slave girls, attempting to escape, can be separated out from free women, even when all are veiled and wear the robes of concealment. Again, the tests may be simple. Once, in Ko-ro-ba, I saw a slaver, before a magistrate, distinguish such a girl, not even one of his own, from eleven free women. Each, in turn, was asked to pour him a cup of wine, and then withdraw, nothing more. At the end, the slaver rose to his feet and pointed to one of the women. "No!" she had cried. "I am free!" Officers of the court, by order of the magistrate, removed her garments. If she were free, the slaver would be impaled. When her last garment had been torn away, there was applause in the court. The girl stood there. On her thigh was the brand.
Hunters of Gor
Kill the spy," said a man.
"No," said Aurelion. "We will take him to the magistrates."
The double gate was unlocked by Strabo, who had recovered his keys. Four men made ready to conduct Clitus Vitellius from the tavern.
"It is the heavy galleys for spies," said one man.
"Better to kill him now," said a man.
"No," said Aurelion, "conduct him to the magistrates. They will have much sport with him before he is chained to a bench."
Slave Girl of Gor
Shall I have you taken before the magistrates of Ar," he inquired, "to substantiate your claim of citizenship?"
Slave Girl of Gor
4. Give 5 Laws concerning Free Men of the Red Caste.
The only honorable reply to a challenge is to accept it promptly. (Warriors do not back down from challenges. They face such matters with bravery.)
One who has shed your blood, or whose blood you have shed, becomes your sword brother, unless you formally repudiate the blood on your weapons. This is part of a bond shared by Warriors that overcomes city barriers. It is a matter of Caste that supersedes allegiances. It is a showing of respect for those who this Caste. Code: Warriors do not break their sworn word.
The only death fit for a warrior is in battle.
If you want another's slave, you must challenge for her and meet your opponent with the weapon of his choice. This is also known as the claim of sword-right.
He who cannot think is not a man and neither is he who can only think.
Warriors do not kill themselves or aid others in doing so. (Suicide is not an option for a warrior.)
I had been so much a fool as to be sad. That is not the mood in which to enter battle, even the battle which one knows one cannot win, even the ultimate battle in which one knows is doomed to defeat. Do not be sad. Better to take the field with laughter, with a joke, with a light thought, with a buoyant thought, or to go forward with sternness, or in fury, or with hatred, or defiance, or calculation, but never with self pity, never with sadness. Never such things, never them!" (Vagabonds of Gor, p. 446)
5. Give 5 ways a Free woman would be eligible for the collar or collaring
- captured
- behaves like a slave
- dresses like a slave
- kneels before a man in submission with arms crossed
- calls a man Master
6. Give 2 Laws that need to be upheld in the City of Turia.
- free women need to wear veils
- a slave is may not hit a free person, the slave will be tourtured and then impaled
7. Give 5 examples of how Citizens can break the laws in Turia.
- speak against the Home Stone or steal it
- make a map of Turia
- copy a key
- theft
- claim membership is a caste that is not theirs
8. Explain what rights of each of the following have in a City - Give TWO (2) rights to each: free man, and a merchant.
I am so use to being asked what someone can't do that this is hard, not totally sure.
- Right to be speak at the high council meetings
- right to have their complaint heard by a magistrate
They are governed by the merchant law outside the city.
- safe passage to enter the city
- may conduct their business within the walls of the city
Saturday, March 15, 2014
Move to Turia
Today I am catching up with my parents and moving south to Turia. An application will be put in and I had purchased house 17B across from my parents. It is still a very big city and a few people, but it should be all right.
Friday, March 7, 2014
Various Courses
As I sit here going over things, it looks to me like there is a number of things that need to be talked about in various classes.
Then laid out in this pattern
***Gorean 101 - Low Caste*** (2 classes)
Stay In-Character/ OOC
Citizenship Application & Home Stone Ceremony
Levels of authority …Who should hear the complaint?
Gorean Governance & Social Structure
- Caste system - Five High Castes of Gor (in order)
Basic Laws
First Knowledge
Gorean Chronology
***Gorean 101 - High Caste*** (3 classes)
Stay In-Character/ OOC
Gorean Governance & Social Structure
Citizenship Application & Home Stone Ceremony
Levels of authority …Who should hear the complaint?
Caste system - Five High Castes of Gor (in order)
** Initiates - White
** Scribes – Blue
- Administrator
- Lawyers
(Magistrates & Praetors)
- Scholars
- Record Keepers
- Teachers
- Clerks
- Historians
- Accountants
- Geographers
- Cartographers
- Diplomat or Ambassador Role
** Builders - Yellow
- Architects
- Draftsman
- Stonemasons
** Physicians - Green
- Obstetrics
- Immunology
- Pediatrics
- Researcher
- Battle Field Medicine
- Traveling Physician
Note: These would make valid sub castes (Dentistry, Psychiatry and Geriatrics would not be).
** Warriors – Red
- Ubar
- Tarnsmen
- Tharlarion Cavalrymen
***Scribes*** (9 classes)
Gorean Governance & Social Structure
Citizenship Application & Home Stone Ceremony
Levels of authority …Who should hear the complaint?
Tools of the scribe
***Citizen Care Class***
***Magistrates*** (9 classes & 4 assignments)
Stay In-Character/ OOC
What logs to save
Gorean Governance & Social Structure
Citizenship Application & Home Stone Ceremony
Levels of authority …Who should hear the complaint?
Advocates (Lawyers)
- Code of Physicians
- Warrior Codes
Assignment 4: The values and tendencies of scribes
Assignment 5: Sub Castes of the High Castes
Assignment 6: Lower Castes and their roles in Gorean Society
Assignment 7: Gorean Languages other than Kassar
Assignment 8: Tools of the scribe- what they are and how used
Assignment 9: The specialty areas of a scribe
Assignment 10: Research- discerning what you need to know versus what you can find when needed.
You should have a standard blank treaty form. A war agreement - rules of engagement of both parties to be attached to. It also will allow for big things like how many tarns and what you need to bring a tarn to that city
As the population of the city is increasing in number, it has become necessary to institute a tool of apprenticeship for the Scribe subcaste of Magistrates. I have taken the liberty to compile what I believe to be a viable apprenticeship tool for a Magistrate. The instructions are as follows:
Then laid out in this pattern
Introduction – How class will be held
Class 1 – What is a xxx?
Assignment 1
Class 2
Class 3
Assignment 2
Class 4
Class 5
Class 6
Assignment 3
Class 7
Class 8
Assignment 4
Class 9
Closing Remarks
Brief History
***Gorean 101 - Low Caste*** (2 classes)
Stay In-Character/ OOC
Citizenship Application & Home Stone Ceremony
Levels of authority …Who should hear the complaint?
- Caste system - Five High Castes of Gor (in order)
- Lower Castes of Gor and their role
in Society
Basic Laws
First Knowledge
Gorean Chronology
***Gorean 101 - High Caste*** (3 classes)
Stay In-Character/ OOC
Citizenship Application & Home Stone Ceremony
Caste system - Five High Castes of Gor (in order)
** Initiates - White
** Scribes – Blue
- Administrator
- Lawyers
(Magistrates & Praetors)
- Scholars
- Record Keepers
- Teachers
- Clerks
- Historians
- Accountants
- Geographers
- Cartographers
- Diplomat or Ambassador Role
** Builders - Yellow
- Architects
- Draftsman
- Stonemasons
** Physicians - Green
- Obstetrics
- Immunology
- Pediatrics
- Researcher
- Battle Field Medicine
- Traveling Physician
Note: These would make valid sub castes (Dentistry, Psychiatry and Geriatrics would not be).
** Warriors – Red
- Ubar
- Tarnsmen
- Tharlarion Cavalrymen
Note: City Guardsman would be a different position since it has no certain skills that others may not have, rather than a sub caste.
Basic Laws
Second Knowledge
Gorean Chronology
Stay In-Character/ OOC
Citizenship Application & Home Stone Ceremony
Scribes – Blue
- Administrator
- Lawyers
(Magistrates & Praetors)
- Scholars
- Record Keepers
- Teachers
- Clerks
- Historians
- Accountants
- Geographers
- Cartographers
- Diplomat or Ambassador Role
Basic Laws
Values and Tendencies of Scribes
***Magistrates*** (9 classes & 4 assignments)
Stay In-Character/ OOC
What logs to save
Citizenship Application & Home Stone Ceremony
Advocates (Lawyers)
Levels of authority …Who should hear
the complaint?
The Various Laws & Codes
- Merchant Law- Code of Physicians
- Warrior Codes
Class 1 - Social Structure &
Gorean Governance
Class 2 - Free Companionship and
Other Ceremonies
Class 3 - Library - Creating &
Maintaining a Library
Class 4 - Record Keeping
Class 5 - The Fighting Scribes of
Gor: Map Makers and Geographers
Class 6 - Moderating Role-play
Class 7 - Diplomat/Ambassador role
Class 8 - Magistrate, Training and
Class 9 - Citizenship
Applications/Home Stone Ceremony
Assignment 1: The Gorean Alphabet
and Writing in Gorean Style and Method
Assignment 2: The Castes, Colors and
Caste Laws of Gor
Assignment 3: First and Second
KnowledgeAssignment 4: The values and tendencies of scribes
Assignment 5: Sub Castes of the High Castes
Assignment 6: Lower Castes and their roles in Gorean Society
Assignment 7: Gorean Languages other than Kassar
Assignment 8: Tools of the scribe- what they are and how used
Assignment 9: The specialty areas of a scribe
Assignment 10: Research- discerning what you need to know versus what you can find when needed.
Remember from the class on Governance,
"Because magistrates are appointed in a particular city you may find
someone who is a magistrate who is not a scribe. This goes for Ambassadors as
well. There is one instance in the writing of Gor where an Ambassador was a
warrior, which make sense because some warriors are highly literate and
extremely well read. So in general Ambassadors and Magistrates are scribes but
that is a matter of convenience and not an absolute rule."
Ambassadors are responsible for
communication between cities, villages, or groups of people (usually include
cross sim roleplay). These duties include forming allianes, declaring war and
general communication with others not of their own city.
On an OOC note, ambassadors represent
the sim owners and administration to other sims. We do a lot of the OOC work so
that it increases the roleplay for everyone. We ensure that the rules and laws
of the other sims are honored and that they know our rules for when they visit
or raid.
Language and ettiquete. Gorean law
protects ambassadors under the flag of diplomacy even when entering a city we
are at war with. When we are in a state meeting it is better to be polite and
formal. Particularly if you go to the southern cities. It is also encouraged to
dress conservatively. For men that means wearing a shirt for women that mean
wearing full robes of concealment (since you will be respected in every city if
you are totally concealed). You will be able to study the ubars and
administrators watching their body language and eye movements and they will not
be able to read yours at all. It really does make a big difference in
negotiations. In the writings there are several female ambassadors. The
diplomatic negotiations are some of the highest level of roleplay because sometimes
this is the only time the sim owners get to roleplay. With the right language
and formality you can get away with insulting an ubar and they will thank you.
It is the honor and the duty of all reds to guard the ambassadors. All
ambassadors should have a guard with them when they travel. Having a scribal
slave with is important as they can notecard the talks for you and fill out
standard treaties for you if you have more than one city at the time. Leaving
you free to rolyplay and to talk with the other cities and negotiate. Guard
kajirus are common in the writings of Gor but many sims do not recognize a
slave carrying weapons. Having one does add a lot more depth to the roles of
kajirus. When you get several other contacts you will need to have an assistant
ambassador to help and bring in their contacts so you are aware of the status
of each city you are working with.
First send a slave to get the laws and
some general scouting to out if the city is compatable to roleplay with. Cities
can be found at the Gorean Hub.
Types of Cities
1. btb or back-to-book city - no female
mercenaries and try hard for be gorean by the books, city and warriors follow a
code of honor.
2. mercenary outposts - have female
mercenaries at a as huge armies of mercenaries
3. lifestyle sim - these are sims that
are closed to roleplay negotiations, the want to be within themselves.
4. gay gor sims
If the city has an ambassador it should
have an embassy near the entry point of the sim for visiting dignataries, be
luxurious and decorated very sumptuously and have a kajira or two to serve and
the ability to ensure privacy. Banned lists should be talked about privately
and not in some tavern.
yes the gray caste does exist and the
spies are usually directed by the ambassador and they are able to infiltrate
the reds and the command centers of the reds. It helps if spies are green as
well. Female spies can play many roles; free woman, kajira or panther. Cities
usually trust a woman more readily than a man so they end up at higher level
meetings quickly if only as a serve, disadvantage of course they are half the
size and can not fight.
Spies gather information, spread rumors
and of course acts of terrorism and undermining the government.
Divide cities into categories.
are cities that you have signed a treaty with, that encourages trade ane travel
and mutual protection. You can point to that city and say ladies you may visit
that city freely without fear (other than of course the stand gorean fear).
Friendly, you have started talks but nothing has been
formalized. Usually there is travel of merchants and warriors and you start to
come to each others aid but nothing is put in writing yet.
Neutral cities, all of the cities you do not know about
yet... or the cities you have just made contact with... or the ones you know
about and have not yet approached. They can go either way.
Hostile, a city that has raided you or you have raided...
restricted travel, and the talks will either lead to peace or war.
At War
cities, in which you have formally declared war on these include the rules of
the war and what you will allow and not allow restricted travel.
Remember ambassadors can travel to any
city even ones you are at war with without fear of being arrested.
You should have a standard blank treaty form. A war agreement - rules of engagement of both parties to be attached to. It also will allow for big things like how many tarns and what you need to bring a tarn to that city
This is things that I think of in no
particular order.
already mentioned in the material.)
of Message Book
for those to fill out who are interested in taking classes
few practice sessions that deals with "If you are given a note that says
.... How would you follow up on it?" I would like to see how the student
sees it and what their opinions are. Would help to determine if they are a good
candidate as a magistrate
mention how to keep track of people you meet and brief notes on them. This has
also saved me in the past from making a mistake as a magistrate
form for my records of who they are, their experience so far, and a few things
about themselves to both get to know then and for my attendance record.
a way to record attendance
Find a way to give the lesson without having to type or copy
everything each time
See if the bulletin board is a working one and if so how to use it.
Read through the forms and see how they are laid out
Rename forms to my preference... maybe?
Go through the note cards listed above and be familiar with the
Go through the Condensed info on Gor - Luther Scrolls
This may be the place to mention The Gorean Cave
These assignments coming in as they complete them rather than all
at once, that was I know that they are continuing to work on them and I can
talk with them about where they may need to rethink... or I do.
Have the students start reading each book and then giving me a paper
on what stood out in that book to them and what they learned about scribes in
While I like this so far, I don't like "essay" and
"succinct" in this part. This is not school this is learning and I
for one hate essays, but enjoy learning. It does not have to be perfect if they
can explain themselves so I understand. This is an opportunity to learn and
enjoy studying... not school.
More here about them and their thoughts would be good here. Need
to think about it.
Remove BIG words and make it so all understand. My goal would be
that the students communicate in a way that all can understand.
I have also been told that the Luther Scrolls are not accurate.
Since I have not read them I would not know, but want to review them.
Look into taxonomy and make that clear.
May be a place to put in how I feel about slaves and submission.
Will think on this matter.
Chart words in the different dialects and definitions of them.
I would be interested in seeing their first list. Then how that
list changed and why when they used other resources besides their own thoughts.
I sit here think about you, the new class I am to teach and what kind of things
I want you to learn… for there is much I could teach as the subject is a broad
one, how our world works and what part we who are Blue Caste or those becoming
Scribes play in our world of Gor.
start out first learning about scribes. Then some of you may go on and learn
about Magistrates.
should know the following:
to fill out the forms.
- How to file the
- What different
forms mean and when they are used.
- Have read three
of the books.
should know the following:
- The laws of Gor
and which apply to whom.
- Which punishment
for which crime.
- Where to find
information they may need.
- Have read 6 of
the books with plans to read all 33 books.
al, Scribes
As the population of the city is increasing in number, it has become necessary to institute a tool of apprenticeship for the Scribe subcaste of Magistrates. I have taken the liberty to compile what I believe to be a viable apprenticeship tool for a Magistrate. The instructions are as follows:
a) The apprentice will seek out the High
Magistrate for conversation and debate for two hours every week, for ten weeks.
This is the longest it should take. Subjects for debate for each week are
itemized below.
b) The apprentice will also seek out the
Chief Scribe (or delegates, if on holiday) to discuss the Code of the Scribes
for one hour each week for ten weeks.
c) Once the ten weeks of debate and
enlightenment are complete, we appoint the new magistrate with honor and pride.
Suggestions for improvements are always
welcome, for I do enjoy a sound debate!
course, as the City laws are updated and revised from time to time, this tool
will have to be kept up to date, naturally, which I will do.
1) Common Laws - 06.03.09 Discuss the spirit of each article, as
well as the word of each article.
2) Rules for FW Discuss the spirit of each article, as
well as the word of each article.
3) Rules for slaves Discuss the spirit of each article, as
well as the word of each article.
4) Continent Wide Laws 7/10/09 Discuss the spirit of each article, as
well as the word of each article.
5) Discuss Merchant law: where it
derives from, how it is observed, and the difference between City Civil law and
Gorean Merchant Law.
6) Compare your knowledge, then, of City
Civil law with two lawbooks from other cities -- cities of your choice. (Must
be cities, civilized cities with law.)
7) Discuss punishments of Gor. What
punishments are suitable for what crimes? What are legitimate Gorean
punishments? When is leniency ever permitted? How can you roleplay effecting a
8) Discuss the jurisdiction of the
Warrior Caste in upholding peace and the jurisdiction of the Scribe Caste in
upholding justice. Where do Mercenaries fit in? Where does the law suggest a
line be drawn?
9) Discuss the limitations of the City
lawbook as it stands now. What improvements would you recommend? Use all your
knowledge from the past 8 weeks in making these determinations and
10) Cite seven different Gor books by
John Norman that illustrate justice being performed by a Magistrate. The
citation must include quotation and chapter number. Here are 12 books to choose
from, if you haven't already got your own sources.
01, 02, 03, 05, 11, 12, 14, 15, 18, 21, 22, & 25
Your first assignment as an Apprentice
Scribe will be to role play within the city as a Scribe. If a person comes to
Library for a Scribe, you will be expected to attend to it to the best of your
abilities. If someone comes into the Library needing help with forms, I
normally sit down with them at a table and work with them there - it is more
friendly I think and it is very important that the Blue Caste of Telnus be
viewed by people of our city as being helpful and friendly. It is important to
remember that you are a member of the Blue Caste - this is a High Caste, and as
such you are expected to comport yourself with dignity. Inappropriate behavior
will be dealt with by the Head of Caste.
As I said before, a large part of being a Scribe is being able to think on your feet. Keep in mind that you will no doubt run into things that will require you to "work around" the normal procedures.
A typical example would be if a new citizen came in for slave papers on a slave and had no documentation. If it was a submission, they could put a notecard of the submission on the Certificate of Ownership. Often times, they will not have it and you will have to interview the slave, confirm her submission, and notecard it with your signature and seal and date. Label the notecard "Verification of Submission ((Slaves Name))" and put it in the Certificate of Ownership. From there you would finish the form as usual.
The same would be true if he said he bought her from some city and was given no paperwork on her. Other cities are not as diligent about paperwork, and in the North there is no paperwork at all, so we do have to work around situations like that. Take the owner's statement, then ask the girl if that is the truth of it, notecard it, signing and putting your seal on it with the date and naming it "Verification of purchase ((Slaves Name)) and put it in the slave papers and proceed as usual with the rest of the form.
These are just examples, and you will most likely run into other situations that steer off the normal course and will require you to work around it to get the job done. If you are ever confused or unsure, do not hesitate to contact another member of the Blue Caste for help if I am not available. And you can always take the information and tell them you will get back to them later in the day.
Sometimes you may be called to the Gate because an Ambassador or Magistrate is not available. You can take a message and assure them that the person will contact them as soon as possible. You would then give the message to the person ICly or notecard it and put it in their mailbox (I usually do the latter in case they are not on when I am - I don't want to take a chance of forgetting lol)
While you are completing the Course of Study to become a full fledged Scribe, you will most likely not have assigned duties other than assisting in the library (which tends to be feast or famine). The priority, however, will be to get you certified as a full scribe as quickly as possible.
In your role of apprentice, you will fill out forms, sign and seal them, but you will then turn them in to ________ either ICly or by putting them in the "For Review" mailbox near her desk for her to review before it is filed away.
As I said before, a large part of being a Scribe is being able to think on your feet. Keep in mind that you will no doubt run into things that will require you to "work around" the normal procedures.
A typical example would be if a new citizen came in for slave papers on a slave and had no documentation. If it was a submission, they could put a notecard of the submission on the Certificate of Ownership. Often times, they will not have it and you will have to interview the slave, confirm her submission, and notecard it with your signature and seal and date. Label the notecard "Verification of Submission ((Slaves Name))" and put it in the Certificate of Ownership. From there you would finish the form as usual.
The same would be true if he said he bought her from some city and was given no paperwork on her. Other cities are not as diligent about paperwork, and in the North there is no paperwork at all, so we do have to work around situations like that. Take the owner's statement, then ask the girl if that is the truth of it, notecard it, signing and putting your seal on it with the date and naming it "Verification of purchase ((Slaves Name)) and put it in the slave papers and proceed as usual with the rest of the form.
These are just examples, and you will most likely run into other situations that steer off the normal course and will require you to work around it to get the job done. If you are ever confused or unsure, do not hesitate to contact another member of the Blue Caste for help if I am not available. And you can always take the information and tell them you will get back to them later in the day.
Sometimes you may be called to the Gate because an Ambassador or Magistrate is not available. You can take a message and assure them that the person will contact them as soon as possible. You would then give the message to the person ICly or notecard it and put it in their mailbox (I usually do the latter in case they are not on when I am - I don't want to take a chance of forgetting lol)
While you are completing the Course of Study to become a full fledged Scribe, you will most likely not have assigned duties other than assisting in the library (which tends to be feast or famine). The priority, however, will be to get you certified as a full scribe as quickly as possible.
In your role of apprentice, you will fill out forms, sign and seal them, but you will then turn them in to ________ either ICly or by putting them in the "For Review" mailbox near her desk for her to review before it is filed away.
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